Meeting Minutes for 8Oct. 2009
I.Call to Order
SUFACChair Lynsy Beckett called the meeting to order at 5:19pm.
- Roll Call
- Members Present: Lynsy Beckett, Matt Kehl, OFO, Jessica Olive, Jeff Watts, Sophie Nelson, Joe Tyrrell, Ryan Conohan, John Landrum
- Recognition of Guests –Molly Collard- SLO Food; Patricia Lawlor- AMA; Aaron Szalewski- At-large applicant; Danielle Recheck- SLO Food
- Reports
- OFO: Contingency is $39, 623.23. Small org start up is $1300.00
- Senate/ SGA Exec:A possible 7 senators will be approved Monday. Joe attended the Chancellors cabinet meeting. A big thing that he would like to improve is to cut down textbook prices.
- ViceChair:we froze the AIESEC account because we heard from a member that the money they had reallocated for a trip coming up that they may be going on the trip for personal reasons instead of reasons pertaining to the club.
- Chair: Chair Report for October 8, 2009
- College Crafters – Food $61
- College Crafters – New Org Start Up $100.00
- Art Agency Reallocation - $700.00
- Moving money from one event to another event which will bring in a ceramic artist
- SLO Fund Alliance – New org start up $100.00
- MENC Reallocation of $1410.32
- Regional to State Conference -> better calendar option for students
- AISEC Program/Events – New York
- Reallocation of $200
- Budget Training Session
- Tuesday, October 27 – 5:00pm – 7:00pm (1965 Room)
- Wednesday, October 28 – 5:00pm – 7:00pm (1965 Room)
- Budget Forms Released on October 23, 2009
- Due November 20, 2009 at 11:59pm
- Next week begins the Auxiliary Process SuAnn Detampel, Budget Officer, will be going over the Auxiliary budget Process with last year’s Office of Student Life Budget
- Approval of Agenda- Lynsy entertained a motion to approve agenda. Ryan motioned. Matt seconded. Matt motioned to amend agenda to add AMA to discussion item a. Jessica called the question .Jessica acclimated.
- Approval of Minutes- Lynsy entertained a motion to approve minutes. Jessica motioned. Matt seconded. Joe acclimated.
Discussion Items
- AMA Regional Conference- Colleges from the Midwest will be there. It is a huge opportunity. The deadline is the beginning of next month and we need to know earlier to reserve our spot. The main cost is travel to UW Whitewater. We plan on taking a minivan so 7 is about what could go. Ryan asked if it was first come first serve. Yes, that is what they had planned. Matt noticed that there was some money in their agency, was there a plan for that. Yes, for our national conference next semester in New Orleans.
b.Approval of the At-Large Applicants: Aaron is looking for a position that he can be decisive and use critical thinking. He is really looking for the experience to be in a position like this. Lynsy entertained a motion to approve. Jessica motioned. Ryan seconded. Jessica called the question. Roll call vote passed 4-0-1.
c. SLO Request- we submitted a travel request to a growing facility in Milwaukee. We could learn a few things that we could bring back to campus. We plan on taking 1 van. Our advisor would drive and we have about 6 active members who would attend. Matt asked when the trip would take place. Next Saturday Oct. 17. Jessica motioned to make it an immediate action item. Ryan seconded. Joe called the question. Voice vote passed to make it an immediate action. Sophie asked what the food alliance was. It is a group on campus that will maintain the garden on campus and we will also do some programs with sustainable living. Matt asked why they didn’t add the 1/3 amount. We were unsure of what that exactly was; if we would only include that if we had money in our agency, which we didn’t. The 1/3 is $55 that you will pay.
- Action Items-
- Men’s Club Volleyball- matt motioned to approve in full. Jessica seconded. Matt motioned to enter committee o f the whole for 15 minutes. Jessica seconded. Joe friendlied 30 minutes. Matt accepted. Jessica called the question. Ryan acclimated. Enter at 5:43. There was a discussion on the Wally ball equipment. There was also a discussion on the carts. There was a discussion on the practice balls. Matt motioned to exit committee of the whole. Joe seconded. Jessica called the question. Jessica acclimated. Matt motioned to table. Jessica seconded. Joe called the question. Jessica acclimated. Exit at 5:53.
- Study abroad club- matt motioned to approve in whole. Jessica seconded. Jessica called the question. Matt objected. Joe friendlied to remove the gallon of water. Matt accepted. Matt withdrew objection. Joe asked if we care that they have money in their agency. Matt stated that it is a point. He was unsure if it was a recruitment meeting because we could lower it to $100 and they could pay the rest. SUFAC’s role is to reduce the costs to students in a nice way. Lynsy pointed out that it does count as recruitment. Matt motioned to enter committee of the whole. Jessica seconded. Joe called the question. Matt acclimated. Enter at 6:03. There was a discussion on it being an introductory meeting. Jessica motioned to exit committee of the whole. Ryan seconded. Matt called the question. Ryan acclimated. Jessica friendlied the new amount of $100. Matt accepted. Ryan called the question .Roll call vote passed 5-0-1.
- Budget Guidelines- Joe motioned to approve. Jessica seconded. Matt stated that there was a discussion brought up for non students having to pay and community members not having to pay up to $1000. Jessica motioned to enter committee of the whole. Matt seconded. Ryan called the question. Jessica acclimated. Enter at 6:11. Joe motioned to exit. Jessica seconded. Joe called the question. Jessica acclimated. Jessica called the question. Roll call vote5-0-1.
- SLO Food Alliance- Matt motioned to approve the $110. Jessica seconded. Joe motioned to enter committee of the whole. Jessica seconded. Matt called the question. Joe acclimated.Enter at 6:20. There was a discussion on the advisor. Matt motioned to exit. Jessica seconded. Joe called the question. Jessica acclimated. Matt called the question. Roll call vote 6-0-0.
- AMA request- Matt motioned to add AMA as an immediate action item. Joe seconded. Jessica called the question. Voice Vote passed. Immediate action item E. Matt motioned to approve. Jessica seconded. Jeff stated that she was unaware of how many would go; would we just approve the $305. Yes. Joe called the question. Roll call vote 6-0-0.
- Announcements- We are in the Alumni Rooms next week.
- Adjournment-Lynsy entertained a motion to adjourn. Joe motioned. Jessica seconded. Ryan called the question. Matt acclimated. Adjourn at 6:26.
Respectfully submitted by:
Amanda Hart
SUFAC Admin. Assistant