67 Portland Place, London W1B 1AR
Before completing your application please make sure you have read the guidelines, which are available to download from our website.
You must complete all relevant sections that relate to your organisation. Please note that incomplete application forms may be returned and could result in your application being delayed or rejected.
Decision Making: Depending upon the level of grant applied for, applications may be considered by a Grants Committee which meets six-weekly. You can expect to hear the result of your application within eight to twelve weeks of applying.
Further help available: The External Grants Guidelines and end notes should help with the completion of this application form; however, should anything be unclear or should you wish to discuss any aspect of a possible application then please e-mail in the first instance.
1. YOUR ORGANISATIONThe legal name of your organisation (as shown in governing document):
Is your organisation commonly known by another name? If so please provide details.
Your Organisation Registered Address (which may be different to the point of contact’s details):
Main Phone Number:
Generic E-mail Address:
Date of Formation:
Are you a registered charity, voluntary or community sector organisation?
Does your organisation have a charity or company registration number? If so, please provide it below.
Charity number: / Company number:
OSCR number: / Charity Commission for N.I.:
Are you a member of the Confederation of Service Charities (Cobseo)?
Please provide your Organisation’s Bank Details (please note that we pay successful grant awards by BACs):
Account Number: / Account Name:
Sort Code: / Name of Bank:
E-mail Address for Remittance Advice:
Please provide an Overview of your Organisation’s aims, objectives and main activities:
2. TOP LEVEL FINANCIAL INFORMATION (As per your most recent Audited Annual Accounts)
Account year ending (dd/mm/yy):
Please provide link to annual accounts. (If not available online, you MUST send a copy with your application.)
Total Annual Income: / £ / Total Annual Unrestricted Running Costs: / £
Total Annual Expenditure: / £ / Free Reserves Held/Unrestricted Funds Available: / £
Total Annual Surplus/Deficit: / £
Please state any major changes to the organisation’s structure, activities or financial position since the most recent accounts:
Please tell us about your Organisation’s Reserves Policy:
3. POINT OF CONTACT This is the person we may contact if we have any questions regarding any aspect of the application or the project / activity for which you are seeking funding.
Title and Name:
Job Title/Role:
Address for Correspondence:
Phone Number: / E-mail Address:
Have you Received an External Grant from the RAF Benevolent Fund before?
If you answered yes, have you received:
Please provide details of the last 3 (if applicable) RAFBF Grants received:
Date / Amount / What For?
1 / £
2 / £
3 / £
What period your grant request covers? (within our new policy, organisations can only submit one application per year)
From To
How much is your application seeking from the RAFBF? / £
Please tell us what you wish to spend the requested grant on? Is it a new or existing project, service or in support of capital works? Describe the main activities, who would be supported and how?
If this is an existing project, please describe what the project has achieved to date and what you have learned. (e.g. Case Studies if relevant) Please also tell us how you have funded this in the past?
Please tell us how you identified the need for this project/service and provide/describe evidence for the need.
Tell us how you will ensure your organisation will deliver/manage this project/service.
Please tell us how this would meet at least one of the Fund’s charitable objects, and detail which of the Fund’s nine Welfare Outcomes would be achieved. (Please note, that the project must be able to achieve at least one or more of our Outcomes in order to be considered.)
Please tell us how you plan to measure and provide evidence that you have achieved the identified welfare outcomes, described above.
What plans do you have to ensure that the project, activity or service funded by our grant is sustainable?
Please tell us about the primary beneficiaries of your organisation.
In numbers, tell us about the beneficiaries your organisation has supported in the past 12 months:
Total Number of beneficiaries supported:
Of those how many were:
Civilian (No military affiliation) / Army Family (Serving, Veterans and Dependents)
RAF (Serving, Veterans and Dependents) / Royal Navy/Royal Marines (Serving, Veterans and Dependents)
In respect of your grant application, please tell us how many RAF Family beneficiaries will be/you estimate will be, supported by the grant and provide evidence to support this figure (based on trials, pilots, feedback, last years figures) / Number / As a % of total military population supported:
If the project/service supports other military Services (including family or dependants), please indicate who and how many will/ you estimate will be supported by the same project/service: / Army / Number / As a % of total military population supported:
Royal Navy/Royal Marines / Number / As a % of total military population supported:
If known, please provide the breakdown in numbers of the type of RAF Family beneficiary who will be supported by the grant. / Still Serving
Aged Veteran (born before 1 January 1950)
Dependant Spouse
Dependant Child/ren
From the lists below, please tick the boxes to select the country (and Region if in England) where the majority of your RAF beneficiaries who would be supported by the Grant are/will be located. Leave blank if unknown.
England / Scotland / Wales / N.Ireland / UK / Commonwealth
Government Region (England)
North East / North West / Yorks Humber
East Midlands / West Midlands / Eastern
London / South East / West Midlands
8. FINANCIAL DETAILS (In relation to the Grant Request)
If quantifiable what is the total cost of providing this project/service? / £
What is the total cost of providing this project/service for the next 12 months/on an annual basis? / £
What is the total cost of providing this project/service to the RAF Family? / £
What is the cost per RAF beneficiary to provide this project/service? / £
Have any other Funding sources been sought/received in respect of this project/service (E.g. LIBOR/Covenant):
Sources of funding / £ / No. Supported / Tick as appropriate
RAF Benevolent Fund / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Seafarers UK / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Royal Navy Benevolent Trust / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Soldiers Charity (ABF) / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Help for Heroes / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
The Royal British Legion / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Other: / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Other: / £ / £ / Secured
Applied, but not secured
Not yet applied for
Do not intend to apply
Total / £
Please explain how you will manage any shortfall in funding, if requested funds are not awarded:
Use this space to provide any additional information about other funding sources if required:
Spread of Grants. If known, how much as a percentage, of the grant would be spent in:
England / % / £
Northern Ireland / % / £
Scotland / % / £
Wales / % / £
Commonwealth Countries – Details: / % / £
UK wide / % / £
Other – Details: / % / £
TOTAL / % / £
The Fund relies upon supporters for much of its income each year. Wherea grant request has been agreed to, we therefore ask the charity/organisation in receipt of the grant to raise awareness of the project, service or activity involved, and in so doing to also raise awareness of our charity’s own work in supporting your organisation (and others like it). Your charity or project has the potential to generate local and perhaps national publicity, all of which can broaden public understanding of the needs of those either currently working in the RAF or those who have done so.
If your Grant Application is successful, please indicate how the support of the RAF Benevolent Fund would be acknowledged; as a minimum this must be a statement in the charity/organisation’s annual accounts.
Please add the contact details for the person who will be in charge of any PR/Marketing/Comms activity should this grant be successful, so that Our PR Executive can communicate directly:
Title and Name: / Job Title/Role:
Phone Number: / E-mail Address:
10. ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Please add any other additional information you feel might assist our Grants Committee in evaluating this application.)
· We confirm we are authorised to sign this declaration on behalf of the applicant organisation. We confirm that this application and proposed project has been authorised by the management committee/governing body/board and that our organisation has the legal power to set up and deliver the services or project described in this application form.
· We confirm that to the extent of our knowledge all state and local authority assistance to which our charity and its beneficiaries are entitled has been claimed.
· We certify that the information given in this application is true and confirm that the enclosures are current, accurate and adopted or approved by our organisation.
· We understand that any offer of grant will be subject to terms and conditions and we confirm that the organisation has the power to accept this grant if the application is successful and to repay it if the grant conditions are not met.
· We understand that the RAF Benevolent Fund may commission an evaluation of the grant. We confirm that we will co-operate with any evaluation related activities which are required of us by the RAF Benevolent Fund and further confirm that the RAF Benevolent Fund may use any part of our application for evaluation or research purposes.
Signatory One - i.e. the main contact named in Section 3.
I understand that you may contact me with regards to this completed Application Form, and I confirm that I am authorised by the organisation for this purpose and that you may rely on any further information supplied to you by me
Title and Name: / Signature:
Position/Job Title/Role: / Date of signature:
Signatory Two - The Chair, Chief Executive or person of similar authority must agree with the above Declaration.
Title and Name: / Signature:
Position/Job Title/Role: / Date of signature:
Once completed, please send your form to our centralised mail box: and if your annual accounts aren’t available online, please provide a copy with your application form.
If you have received a grant from us since August 2016, and you haven’t yet submitted your post grant report, please ensure this is also included with your latest application.
If you are applying for a grant that will be used for a project/service being delivered on an RAF Station or in direct support of an RAF Station, please ensure you include a statement or letter of support from the Station Commander.