Chapter 25.3: World War II and the Home Front!

What strains did WWII place on families in the U.S.?

Family life during WWII

  • Between 1940- 1943 = major increase in the number of ______
  • Juvenile ______increased during the war
  • By 1944 High School enrollments ______; led to “Back to School Campaign”
  • ______of Americans watch at least 1 ______per week

What were other War-time Trends?

Japanese Internment

  • Fear of invasion and lack of loyalty; Japanese were 0.1% of US Pop during this time
  • Executive ______: civil rights were suspended and the army began rounding up ______citizens
  • West Coast Japanese were given one week to gather theirs belongings
  • Transported to camps in UT, CO, AK, ID, AZ, WY, and CA.
  • ______people put into internment camps

Korematsu v. United States

African-Americans, Civil Rights and Race Riots

  • Double V Campaign
  • Destroy racism at home and abroad
  • Victory on battlefield and over racial discrimination
  • Black support of war hinged upon America’s commitment to racial justice
  • How was A. Philip Randolph a leader in Civil Rights?

•President of the Sleeping Car Porters Union

•Organized a march on Washington demanding

–An end of segregation & discrimination in ______

–An end to segregation in the ______

–An end to discrimination & segregation in ______

•Executive Order 8802 =

•Fair Employment Practices Commission =

Discrimination and Reaction

  • Between 1940 and 1944 the % of African Americans working in skilled or semi-skilled jobs rose from 16% to 30%
  • In 1942 civil rights leader James Farmer founded the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) to ______
  • ______of 1943 – 3 days, 9 whites, and 25 blacks were killed, FDR sent in troops

What were the goals of the NAACP?

•Anti – lynching and increased voting rights

•End discrimination in the military and end black disenfranchisement

•Membership grew from 50,000 in 1940 to 450,000 in 1945

What affect did WWII have on African Americans?

•Increased voting numbers

•Other countries become aware of racism and discrimination in the U.S.

•1 million blacks in the military – slowly begins to integrate into American society and industries

Zoot Suit Riots

  • 200,000 Mexican Americans were legally brought to the US to work – ______
  • Many Mexican Americans lived in ______and wore “______” as a symbol of rebellion
  • Zoot Suit Riots = 11 sailors claimed they were attacked, mobs violence erupted between servicemen and Zoot Suits, many young Mexican were beaten and jailed unjustly with 700 injured

How did WWII affect “popular culture” ?

•“country” and “rhythm and blues” migrated North

•Increased Patriotism movements and Anti-fascism movements

•Rise of the Superhero comics – Captain America