Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at Rosebery School.

The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Ms J Robertshaw.

Who are SEND students?

Since 2001, The Code of Practise has defined students with a learning difficulty if they:

“Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age: or have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local educational authority”

Students with SEND can be categorised as having a primary need in one or more of the following areas: Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction, Social, Mental and Emotional Wellbeing, Sensory and/or Physical.

Our identification and subsequent support and intervention can be categorised as ‘the three wave model’.

Wave 1 / Wave 2 / Wave3
Teaching that differentiates for every learner. / Intervention for some learners that enables them to keep up with age related expectations. / Personalised and intensive intervention for a few.

In practise this means:

Wave 1

All teachers are expected to deliver carefully planned lessons that differentiate for all learners. In most cases minor adaptions are required for Wave 1 students, with the choice of activities and the management of learning being central.

Wave 2

A minority of learners are identified as needing 1:1 and small group intervention to support literacy. Strengthening literacy allows students to access the whole curriculum. Students are identified by testing spelling and reading ages. Intervention can take the form of 1:1 and small group programmes and the paired reading scheme. This is led by Learning Support Assistants (LSAs), the Specialist Teacher of Dyslexia and the SENCO. LSAs also provide some in class support. Wave 2 learners are identified on the SEND register. Wave 2 intervention is at KS3 and it is delivered during MFL lessons. However all students at Rosebery still study a language in years 8 and 9.

Wave 3

Students with Statements of SEND or the new Education Health and Care plan (EHCP) are provided with a personalised programme.

Rosebery School Provision Map Summary 2014-15, showing Wave 2 &3 Intervention.

Cognition and learning (C&L) Communication and Interaction (C&I) Social, Mental and Emotional Well Being (SMEW) Sensory and Physical (S&P)

Target group / Primary need / Intervention
Y7-9- Wave 2 / C&L / Small group and 1:1 literacy support. Including ‘Word Shark’
1:1 numeracy support.
Y7-9 Wave 2 / SMEW / Self-esteem group
1:1 support from ELSA.
Relate and School Nurse
Y7-9 Wave 2 / C&L
C&I / LSA in class support, in targeted classes.
Y7-13 Wave 3 / C&L
SMEW / In class support from LSA
Reduced timetable facilitating therapy.
1:1 learning support.
1:1 support from ELSA.
Relate and School Nurse
Y10-11 Wave 2 / C&L
C&I / In class support from LSA.
Reduced timetable.
Wave2 / SMEW / 1:1 support from ELSA.
Relate and School nurse intervention.

In common with other Surrey Schools ‘The Rosebery’ Offer, our answer to the 14 Questions posed by Surrey can also be found on the SEND link.

This document reflects the changes required by the Families and Children’s Bill (September 2014)