Your need to know checklist – Use this to prioritise your revision. Tick each section when your are fully revised for that section. Rank your sections in order of how much revision is needed.
Topic / Details / Tick / Rank1.1.1
Reasons for Participating / - You know the benefits of taking part.
- You can give at least 3 social, mental and physical reasons for taking part.
1.1.2 Influences / - You know the 6 influence categories with 2 examples from each (media coverage, disability, gender, location etc.)
- You know the different roles a person can undertake to become involved in sport.
-You can explain the stages of the participation pyramid.
- You know what opportunities are available to keep people involved and the qualities needed to succeed.
- You know the agencies and organisation’s created to provide more sporting provision (Sport England, Youth Sport Trust, NGB’s).
Exercise / - You can define health, fitness and exercise.
- You know the health related components of fitness (BEFS CV)
- You know the skill related components of fitness (PC BARS)
Training / - You know what a PAR-Q is.
- You know types of fitness tests and the components that they target.
- You know what SMART goals are.
- You know the principles of training (SPORRI FITT).
- You can explain the benefits of all 6 training methods.
- You understand maximum heart rate, resting heart rate, working heart rate and the aerobic training zone (60-80% MHR).
Diet / - You understand the 7 different food groups and how they help a sportsperson.
- You know how timing of dietary intake is vital in maximising performance and recovery.
Your Body / - You know characteristics of the 3 somatotypes.
- You know how a performers optimum weight may vary (height, gender, bone structure, muscle girth etc).
- You can define key definitions for weight (anorexic, obese, overfat, overweight, underweight).
- You understand the positive and negative effects of the 7 drugs (BADSNAP).
- You know potential risks that need to be considered before partaking in sport (equipment, PARQ, risk assessment, rules, clothing etc).
1.2.2 Cardiovascular System / - You can define heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output.
- You know the immediate effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system.
- You know the effects of regular training on the cardiovascular system.
- You know how blood pressure and cholesteroleffect the cardiovascular system.
- You understand the effects recreational drugs have on performance (alcohol/smoking).
1.2.3 Respiratory System / - You can define oxygen debt, vital capacity and tidal volume.
- You know the immediate effects of exercise on the respiratory system.
- You know the effects of regular training on the respiratory system.
Muscular System / - You know the 11 different muscle groups including where they are located and the actions they produce.
- You understand the idea of antagonistic pairs.
- You know the 2 types of contractions (isometric/isotonic).
- You know the immediate effects of exercise on the muscular system.
- You know the effects of regular training on the muscular system
- You know how to treat sprains and strains using the RICE treatment.
Skeletal system / - You know the functions of the skeleton (movement, support, protection).
- You know the effects of regular training on the skeletal system
- You know the purpose of ligaments, tendons and cartilage.
- You understand the movements that can be produced at a ball and socket joint and a hinge joint.
- You know different types of injuries (fractures, overuse injuries and dislocations) and suitable methods of treatment.