Unit F Forces and Energy

Experiments 571,

  1. Lesson 1 Motion pg. 570
  2. Position
  3. Location of an object
  4. Motion
  5. Change in position over time
  6. Distance
  7. Direction
  8. Frame of reference
  9. Group of objects from which you can measure a position or the motion
  10. Speed
  11. Fast an objects position changes over time
  12. Distance traveled divided by time spent traveling
  13. Mph (miles per hour)
  14. Velocity
  15. Measurement that combines both speed direction of moving object
  16. Acceleration
  17. Change in velocity over time for an object
  18. Slowing down or speeding up is a change
  19. Going forwards backwards or sideways is change in direction
  20. Momentum
  21. Product of mass multiplied by velocity
  22. Change mass or velocity
  23. Inertia
  24. Tendency of any object to resist a change in motion
  25. Or of a moving object to keep moving straight line
  26. More mass object has more inertia
  27. Forces and Motion Lesson 2 pg. 582
  28. Force
  29. Any push or pull from 1 object to another
  30. Friction
  31. Force that opposes the motion of 1 object moving past another
  32. Smooth surfaces have less friction
  33. Heat is produced in friction
  34. Air resistance slows down the object
  35. Water resistance slows it down
  36. Balanced Forces
  37. Forces act on an object w/o changing its motion
  38. Stays constant speed same direction
  39. Friction of tires, engine pushing bus forward, wind dragging
  40. Unbalanced forces
  41. Force causes an object to change its motion
  42. Sir Isaac Newton studied forces
  43. Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
  44. Object at rest stays at rest
  45. Object in motion stays in motion
  46. Unless acted on by an unbalanced force
  47. Push or pull changes the motion
  48. Friction or drag
  49. Law of Inertia
  50. Newton’s 2nd Law
  51. The unbalanced force on an object
  52. Is equal to the mass of the object
  53. Multiplied by its acceleration
  54. F = m x a
  55. Newton’s 3rd Law
  56. All forces occur in pairs
  57. These 2 forces are equal in strength
  58. Opposite in direction
  59. Action force
  60. Push of 1st object on the 2nd object
  61. Reaction force
  62. Push of 2nd object back on 1st object
  63. For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction
  64. You push on a wall while roller skating what happens
  65. Work and Energy Lesson 3 pg. 596
  66. Work
  67. Measurement of energy used to perform a task
  68. Energy
  69. Ability to perform work or to change an object
  70. Potential Energy
  71. Potential to do work
  72. Energy stored in the position or structure of object
  73. Kinetic Energy
  74. Energy of a moving object
  75. Positive work adds energy to object
  76. Law of Conservation of Energy
  77. Energy can’t be created or destroyed
  78. It can only change form
  79. Gains kinetic energy but loses potential energy
  80. Simple Machines Lesson 4 pg. 606
  81. Simple Machines
  82. A machine that takes one force and changes its direction, distance or strength
  83. Effort
  84. Force you apply to machine
  85. output
  86. Force a machine supplies
  87. Load
  88. Object moved by the output
  89. Work= force x distance
  90. Lever on teeter totter
  91. Pulley
  92. Wedge
  93. Screw
  94. Wheel and axle
  95. Inclined plane like a ramp
  96. Lever
  97. Bar that rotates around
  98. Fulcrum
  99. a pivot point
  100. crowbars, seesaws-1st class levers
  101. wheel barrow 2nd class lever
  102. fishing pole-3rd class levers
  103. Compound machine
  104. 2 or more simple machines are combined
  105. Tow trucks, elevators
  106. Efficiency
  107. Ratio of input energy to output work
  108. Heat Lesson 1 pg. 624
  109. Heat
  110. Thermal energy that flows between objects due to a difference in temperature
  111. Temperature
  112. Measurement of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object
  113. Particles vibrating faster makes temp higher
  114. Measured w/ a thermometer
  115. Conduction
  116. Passing of heat through a material while material stays in place
  117. Stirring hot cocoa with a metal spoon
  118. D. Convection
  119. Flow of thermal energy through a liquid, or gas
  120. caused by hot parts rising cool parts sinking
  121. Radiation
  122. Transfer of energy through electromagnetic rays
  123. Visible light, x-rays, radio waves
  124. Infrared Rays
  125. Close in color to red visible light
  126. Electromagnetic rays are produced
  127. Can’t see them
  128. Radiate heat
  129. Thermal Conductivity
  130. Ability of a material to transfer heat
  131. Conducts heat easily
  132. Heat capacity
  133. Materials with low heat capacity changes temp quickly
  134. Sound Lesson 2 pg. 636
  135. Compressions
  136. Regions of air that has many particles
  137. Rarefactions
  138. Regions of air that have few particles
  139. Sound Wave
  140. Series of rarefactions and compressions traveling through a substance
  141. Medium
  142. Substance which the wave travels through
  143. Carries energy
  144. Vacuum
  145. Region that contains few or no particles
  146. No medium travels through region
  147. Absorption
  148. Transfer of energy when a wave disappears into a surface
  149. Echoes
  150. Sound waves reflected back
  151. Frequency
  152. Number of times an object vibrates per second
  153. Pitch
  154. How high or low a sound is
  155. Related to frequency
  156. Doppler effect
  157. Change in frequency due to moving away or toward wave
  158. More times it vibrates makes pitch higher
  159. Amplitude
  160. How dense the air is in the compressions or rarefactions compared to normal air
  1. Echolocation
  2. Echoes bounce off an object and back to tell where things are located
  3. Sonar
  4. Sound navigation and ranging
  5. Sends out sounds waves that reflect off of objects
  6. Return time and direction determine location
  1. Light Lesson 3 pg. 650
  2. Wavelength
  3. The distance between one peak and the next in a wave
  4. Photon
  5. Particles of light
  6. Tiny bundle of energy by which light travels
  7. Translucent
  8. Objects that blur light as it passes through it
  9. Transparent
  10. Objects allow most light through it
  11. Opaque
  12. Allows no light to pass through it
  13. Image
  14. Picture of light source that light makes when it bounces off a shiny surface
  15. Law of Reflection
  16. The angle of an incoming light ray equals the angle of the reflected light ray
  17. Refraction
  18. Bending of waves as they pass from one subStance into another
  19. Convex mirrors
  20. Curved out
  21. Images always appear upright and reduced
  22. Concave mirrors
  23. Curved in
  24. Images upright or upside down, enlarged or reduced
  25. Prism
  26. Separates light when passing through an object
  27. Spectrum
  28. Band of color in rainbow
  29. From light passing through a prism
  30. Electromagnetism
  31. Way in which electric and magnetic forces interact
  32. Electricity Lesson 4 pg. 664
  33. Electricity
  34. Movement of electrons
  35. Static Electricity
  36. Buildup of charges particles
  37. Two objects rub together
  38. Electrons are knocked of one object and onto the other object
  39. Grounding
  40. Occurs when a conductor shares its excess charge with a much larger conductor
  41. Electric Current
  42. Flow of electricity through a conductor
  43. Circuit
  44. Formed when an electric current passes through an unbroken path of conductors
  45. Voltage sources
  46. Moves electrons along the path
  47. Increases volts of electrons in circuit
  48. Batteries
  49. Switch
  50. Device that can open or close the path
  51. Resistor
  52. Object in electrical circuit resists the flow of electrons
  53. Measured in ohms
  54. electrons loses energy
  55. lightbulb
  56. amperes
  57. electric charge measured in units
  58. Short circuits
  59. Shorts the circuit and can start a fire or damage appliance
  60. Breakers
  61. Switch that opens when it detects too much current
  62. Fuse
  63. Wire breaks if too much current flows through it
  64. Ground fault interrupter
  65. Sensitive to changes in current
  66. Usually has a red button on it
  67. Turns outlet off
  68. Magnetism Lesson 5 pg. 676
  69. Magnetism
  70. Ability of an object to push or pull on another object that has the magnetic property
  71. North Pole
  72. South pole
  73. Magentic field
  74. Lines that show the area of the magnetic forces around a magnet
  75. Closer the lines the stronger magnetic force is
  76. Electromagnet
  77. Electric circuit that produces a magnetic field
  78. Voice coil
  79. Operates audio speakers
  80. Generator
  81. Device that creates electric current
  82. spinning an electric coil between the poles of a magnet
  83. Alternating Current
  84. Electric current that rapidly changes directions
  85. Magnetic Levitation
  86. Lifting of an object by means of magnetic forces
  87. Used by trains to travel on tracks