Adam Smith’s Enlightened World


Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China

23-28 September 2017

23th September (Saturday)



Introducing students and tutors

24th September (Sunday)

9:10- 9: 20

Opening ceremony

Chair: Prof. LUO Weidong and others

9:30- 10: 40

Keynote Speech: title (TBA),

Speaker: Dr. Fonna Forman

Chair: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


11:00- 12:10 Reading Sympathy and Passions, pp. 9- 42, TMS

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


14:00- 15: 10Reading Judgement, reward and punishment, and justice pp. 43- 108, TMS

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


15:30- 16:40Re-reading Sympathy and Passions, and justice, pp. 9- 108, TMS

Moderator: Dr. Fonna Forman


19:00- 20:10

Group discussion lead each by assistant tutors

25th September (Monday)

9:30- 10: 30Reading sense of duty, effect of utility, custom and fashion, pp. 109-211, TMS

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


11:00- 12:10Reading virtue, pp. 212-264, TMS

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


14:00- 15: 00 Re-reading sense of dutyand virtue, pp. 109- 264, 265-313, TMS

Moderator: Dr. Fonna Forman


15:30- 16:40Reading TMS and Adam Smith as a Moralist

Moderator: Dr. Fonna Forman


19:00- 20:10

Group discussion lead each by assistant tutors

26th September (Tuesday)

9:30- 10: 40 Reading division of labour, market and money, pp. 13-81, WN

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


11:00- 12:10Reading system of political economy, pp. 428-72, WN

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


14:00- 15: 00Reading commerce and colony, pp. 545-590, WN

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


15:00- 17:30

Group discussion lead by assistant tutors

Tutors are expected in this session to help students in writing a short essay, up to 3500 Chinese characters, based on the readings. Three essays of each group will be nominated by the tutors for the prize, a set of collected works of Adam Smith published by Liberty Fund. Among the nominees, three will be the winners.

18: 00


27th September (Wednesday)

9:30- 10: 40 Keynote Speech

Speaker: Dr. James R. Otteson

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


11:00- 12:10Re-reading division of labour, market and money, pp. 13-81, WN

Moderator: Dr. James Otteson


15:10- 16:00Reading Adam Smith as a political economist, pp. 591- 688, WN

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen

16:10- 17:10Reading justice, virtue and marketplace pp. 78-108, TMS

Moderator: Dr. James Otteson



19:00- 20:10

Group discussion lead each by assistant tutors

28th September (Thursday)

09: 30- 10:30 Reading public debt, pp. 907-947 WN

Moderator: Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen

11: 00- 12: 00 Revisiting Adam Smith as a political economist, based on readings of TMS & WN in the conference

Moderator: Dr. James Otteson

12:10- 12:30Closing ceremony

Chairs: Prof. Weidong LUO

Prof. James Otteson

Dr. Jeng-Guo Chen


Farewell reception