WonderWorks Cabinet Application Fall 2015
Dear Applicant,
Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Fall 2015 WonderWorks Cabinet! This is a great opportunity to become more involved in WonderWorks while honing your leadership, communication, and organization skills!
While there are duties specific to each position, keep in mind that the Cabinet works collectively as a team; responsibilities for each position are fluid and can change according to the needs of WonderWorks. Please carefully read the position descriptions and average time commitments. Please note that the average time commitments do not include general or cabinet meeting times.
Send your completed application (.doc format) to . Name both the word document AND e-mail subject: “FIRST AND LAST NAMEWonderWorks Cabinet Application Fall 2015”
The deadline to submit the application is 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 26, 2015.
Your name, year, attendance statistics, and answers to the essay questions will be posted on the WonderWorks website by April 27, 2015 so that everyone will be informed of every candidate. Please be honest in your responses.
Applicants will also be required to make a short speech at the elections meeting on Tuesday, April 28, 2015.
Good luck!
WonderWorks Cabinet Spring 2015
Time and work commitment
As a member of the WonderWorks Cabinet you must duly dedicate your time and effort to not only fulfilling your role, but also excelling at it. Each role is very important for the well-being of the entire organization. The Cabinet holds hourly meetings for planning every week, including on member meeting weeks. We utilize email heavily to communicate with each other, so please use an email address you use frequently, and please check your email regularly and reply when relevant. All time commitments listed here are outside of the weekly meetings.
President (2 spot open. Must have prior Cabinet experience)
Plans the content and time of meetings. Leads the general meetings for members and the weekly Cabinet meetings. Creates an agenda to discuss before the Cabinet meeting. Keeps meetings productive and relevant. Facilitates smooth functioning of Cabinet by checking in with each Cabinet leader and assuring that necessary tasks are initiated and completed within certain time frames. Keeps track of paperwork that maintains club existence. Attends necessary club sponsor workshops. With Cabinet thinks of new ways to improve the club and works with them to build WonderWorks.
Time commitment: 3 hours per week
Treasurer (1 spot open)
Handles all fiscal matters including ASUC senate budget, Cal Corp forms, reimbursements, etc. For reimbursements, forms need to be printed and turned into the LEAD center. Once notification of successful reimbursement has been received, informing the recipient to pick up money from the LEAD center follows. This position involves more behind-the-scene work as the treasurer’s role is to make sure there is enough fundings for the module visits. Therefore, a part of treasurer’s role is to also do grant writings and do other forms of sponsorships (e.g. fundraisers).
Timecommitment: 1 hour a week
Membership (3 spots open)
Membership works with teachers in the larger Berkeley community. We reach out to teachers and find classrooms for WonderWorks to visit. Membership works to assign all WonderWorks members to a classroom for the semester. Plans Membership meeting for members.
Time Commitment: 3 hours per week for first few weeks of semester and around one hour per week for the rest of the semester.
Public Relations and Training (3 spots open)
PR and training officers are in charge of promoting the club through various measures, including flyering, tabling, creating Facebook events as well as organizing the Training Meeting. During Welcome Week, they organize tabling for Cabinet members and print flyers. They organize the Training meeting, making sure to communicate teaching methods and module procedures to members in a fun and engaging manner. The training meeting should include a demo of a visit and the planning involved.
Time Commitment: 3 hours per week for first few weeks of semester and around one hour per week for the rest of the semester.
Webmaster (1 spot open)
Maintain the club website by updating news, reflections, and module outlines. Edit the appearance of the website using WordPress, a user-friendly website creator. Manages and organizes electronic documents. No programming experience necessary.
Time commitment: 1.5 hours per week.
Equipment Manager (1 spot open)
The Equipment Manager is responsible for maintaining the cage and for keeping track of all the materials and equipment used for WonderWorks purposes (visits, socials, and other events). The Equipment Manager must also take inventory of the cage at the beginning and end of the semester, and ensure proper usage of the cage (checking proper in/out of materials).
Time commitment: 5 hrs at the beginning and end of the semester, and 2-3 hrs in between that time (total time).
Historian (1 spot open)
Distributes and collects signed photo waivers from each group. Takes photos at meetings and socials. Collects photos from members and selects photos for publicity and website. Organizes scrapbook making at end of year. Takes notes at meetings.
Time commitment: 1 hour per week.
Personal Information and Attendance:
Name: Elizabeth Lee
Year in School: Sophomore
Major: Chemical Biology
# of Semesters Active in WonderWorks: 3
# of Meetings Attended This Semester (Out of 6 total): 2
# of Socials Attended This Semester (i.e. Scavenger hunt, Relay for Life, etc…): None
#of Visits Completed/To be completed this semester: 4
Are you in the Wonderworks DeCal?NO
Cabinet Positions:
Please rank the positions you would like to apply for (up to 2 max) on a scale of 1-2, with 1 being your top choice
Note: All the positions are for only one semester except for that of the treasurer, vice president, and co-president. The positions of co-president, vice president, and treasurer last 2 semesters. Co-president and vice president require prior Cabinet experience.
_ Co-President
3 Membership Coordinator
1 PR and Training
6 Equipment Manager
4 Historian
2 Webmaster
Please answer the following using no more than 2 pages (single-spaced) total.
1) What motivated you to apply for this position (your first choice) and what traits do you have that will allow you to excel in this role?
I am applying for the PR and training officer, because I am motivated to establish Wonderworks as a more popular and active club on campus. From the first semester that I joined Wonderworks a year ago to now, I have noticed a larger number of active members within the club. I believe this trend is due to the fact that Wonderworks has done a better job of creating a community within the club itself with interesting meetings and socials. As a PR and training officer, I would love to be able to further promote the club and create a larger sense of community within, to essentially make it a more exciting experience for the members.
I am quite a social person who loves to create comfortable, exciting, and fun environments for all those involved. I am also extremely driven when it comes to planning new events and thinking of new ideas for promoting organizations. I believe these traits will allow me to do well in this role.
2) What are some new ideas you have on how to retain the members of our club?
I think having more engaging meetings and social events will help gain and retain members for our club. For example, during general meeting, new activities that stray away from the original ice breakers may help to get the members to know each other better and ultimately feel comfortable amongst the members in the club.
Another idea may be to add aspects to the club that allow members to contribute more than just the weekly visits to the local schools. For example, we could potentially plan events that allow children to come visit the university to have a science experience on campus where we have a variety of activities planned. During such a visit, all members can come out and practice engaging with children.
3) How would you improve on WonderWorks’s strengths and fix its weaknesses? Where do you see the future of WonderWorks, and what, if anything, would you do differently from the current board?
I believe coming up with new aspects and activities of the club will strengthen the presence of Wonderworks on campus as a whole. Activities that essentially stray away from regular school visits and general meetings will drive the club to become more engaging and exciting for members, and will also create an environment in which students can make new friends and learn from one another. Some examples for such activities include, fundraisers, science carnival on campus for the kids, retreats, dinners, etc. .
Supplemental Information:
4) What are your current and future (upcoming Fall 2014 semester) obligations besides school? Please include classes you expect to take and the estimated time commitment (low, medium, heavy) of each extracurricular activity.
I have a part time job that I have to go in for during the weekends. In terms of classes, I will be taking sociology 1, chem 135, cs 61b, and chem 103.
Optional: 5) Regarding your application or participation in WonderWorks, are there any extenuating circumstances you would like us to know?
Submission Instructions:
Send the completed application (.doc format) to with the following in the subject field “FIRST AND LAST NAME WonderWorks Executive Officer Application Fall 2015”