Geometry Scavenger Hunt




What is your estimated Point Total?

  1. Give the value of Pi to 100 or more decimal places. (10 points)
  1. List your geometry terms and their definitions that all begin with the same letter.(up to 15 points)
  1. Give the names of the five Platonic Solids. (Submit your pictures separately.) [15 points]
  1. What are the names of 2 types of Non-Euclidean geometries? (10 points)
  1. How many Books in Euclid's ELEMENTS? (5 points) What is the title of Book Thirteen? (5 points)
  1. Give the URL of a website with a geometric LOGO. (Submit business cards, letterhead or envelopes separately and indicate below if you are doing so.) [10 points]
  1. List three DEVICES used to measure angles. (15 points)
  1. In the space below, tell me about your 3 female mathematicians. (In your own words) (15 points)
  1. What is a tessellation? (Submit your picture separately.) [10 points]
  1. Why is your chosen comic humorous? (Submit a copy of this comic separately.) [15 points]
  1. What is the number of hexagons and pentagons on an official soccer ball? (10 points)
  1. Please indicate below if you are submitting a Problem of the Week to me separately. If you are not doing this item, select NO. (20 points)
  1. Describe the geometric patterns in your chosen work of art. (Submit the picture separately.) [10 points]
  1. When is Pi Day? Describe an activity that has been done on Pi day? OR If you are sending me a Pi Day Card, let me know in the space below. (10 points)
  1. Tell me which game that you played and describe your experience. (10 points)
  1. Give the name of the Math in Daily Life activity that you chose. Also, give a summary of what you did and learned. (15 points)
  1. List the First and last names of the Math teachers at Ashwaubenon High School. (10 points)
  1. Give the URL of the Geometry site that you visited. Include a summary of why you chose it. (10 points)
  1. Please indicate below if you are submitting your Traffic signs to me separately. If you are not doing this item, choose NO. You may hand write on the printout what the various shapes of the signs are. (up to 10 points)
  1. Write your own Scavenger Hunt item below. Also, give the URL of the Web site where the item can be found. (10 points)
  1. Are you submitting a classified ad for a surveyor or cartographer? (10 points)
  1. Are you submitting an advertisement that contains different sizes of the same shape? (10 points)
  1. Are you submitting an advertisement that has vertical angles? (10 points)
  1. Are you submitting an advertisement that uses a conditional statement? (10 points)
  1. Are you submitting an advertisement that has concentric circles? (10 points)
  1. Are you submitting UPC bar codes from 3 different sizes of the same product? (You may not be able to submit this on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper) [15 points]

NOTE TO THE STUDENT: Save this file to your own server file and print out when finish.