Seven Days Training Programme on Social Science Research Methodology for Research Scholars and Faculty Members belonging to SC and Marginalized Groups (ST/OBC/Minorities)

During 24 – 30 March 2017

Giri Institute of Development Studies (GIDS) is organizing a Training Programme on Social Science Research Methodologyfor Research Scholars and Faculty Members belonging to SC and Marginalized Groups (ST/OBC/Minorities) during 24 – 30 March 2017. The Programme will provide a unique opportunity to the participants for an intensive interaction with the well-known social scientists of the country.

The young social science researchers and teachers from colleges, universities and research institutes belonging to any of the above social groups interested in pursuing research in social sciences would constitute the targeted audience of this programme. A batch of about 30 participants would be selected based on all India basis and their suitability.

GIDS will provide DA and TA (upto III Tier AC) of selected participants through a shortest route. The Institute will also provide moderate boarding and lodging facilities.

Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed format downloadable from GIDS website: along with latest CV to Dr. Chittaranjan Senapati, Programme Coordinator by e-mail: or ; Contact: (M) +91-8188823673 latest by 10 February 2017.


Orientation Programme in Social Sciences for Research Scholars and Faculty Members belonging to SC and other Marginalized Groups during 24 -30 March 2017

Objective and Themes:

  1. To acquaint the research scholars and faculties with the philosophical and theoretical dimensions of the recent development in social sciences research with a special focus on developing societies;
  2. To make them understand how to recognize a research problem, formulate research questions or hypotheses and determine research objectives along with other components of a research proposal;
  3. To facilitate them to acquire knowledge about different methods of data collection and tools of data handling;
  4. To enhance the capacities/abilities of the participants in understanding the applicability of various qualitative and quantitative techniques in social sciences research; and
  5. To engage them in preparing a minor field survey based report/monograph of few pages to assess their understanding that they accrue from the programme


(1)Research Methodology; Theoretical Issues and Different Schools;

(2)Types of Research and Research Design;

(3)Types of Data, Methods and Tools of Data Collection;

(4)Sampling and Statistical Tools;

(5)Various Methods of Quantitative Research;

(6)Various Methods of Qualitative Research;

(7)Writing Report, Research Paper and Monograph.

Giri Institute of Development Studies,

Sector-O, Aliganj Extension, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Application Form

Please read the instructions before fill-up this form:

(a)This form must be filled-up completely and no column

should be left blank.

(b)Incomplete form will be summarily rejected

(c)This form must be forwarded through proper channel

(d)Strike out which is not applicable

Course Title: Orientation Programme in Social Sciences for the Research Scholars and Faculty Members belong to SC and other Marginalised Groups under SC component plan

  1. Name: (In Capital letters):......
  2. Father's Name......
  3. Institutional Address......
  4. (a) E-mail:...... Phone:......
  5. Name of the affiliating university/institute......
  6. Address for Correspondence......


  1. Mobile:...... Email:......
  2. Date of Birth:...... 7. Sex: Male/Female......
  3. Whether belongs to SC/Other marginalised category(ST/OBC/Minority/women etc.)...... (StateCategory and attach the supporting certificate)
  4. (a)Present position:...... (b) Past position held......
  5. Research Subject ...... (a) Education Qualifications: MBA/MA/M.Com/PhD...... (b)Subject of post graduation...... (c) PhD(subject/Topic/Year)......
  6. Total Teaching/Research Experience:...... Years(attach a prove)
  7. JRF/NET/SLET Cleared details:......
  8. Paper published:......
  9. Give details of following programmes attended:

a)Orientation programme:......

b)Research Methodology......

c)Refresher course......

d) Have you ever attended any course here inGIDS?...... ,furnish details:


...... From...... To......

  1. Please furnish a 400 words write-up on any book that you have read
  2. Would you require accommodation during the programme?: Yes...../No......

I hereby declare that all the information furnished in this application form is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found incorrect, my application is liable to be rejected.

Signature of the Candidate

Place ......

Date ......

Recommendation/no objection of the forwarding authority:


Principal/Head of the Institution

(With rubber stamp)
