Arboretum Project


0-1 / 2-3 / 4-5
Arboretum picture / Arboretum group picture is missing or missing members of the group / Arboretum picture is present and includes all group members.[2 max]
Plant community #1 / A limited description of the plant name, community, soil type, biodiversity level, climate, and location in California is present for 4 plants. Including pictures for each. Or more than one plant is missing. / A somewhat detailed description of the plant name, community, soil type, biodiversity level, climate, and location in California is present for 4 plants. Including pictures for each. Or a detailed description of each, but one plant is missing. / A detailed description of the plant,including name, community, soil type, biodiversity level, climate, and location in California is present for 4 plants. Including pictures for each.
Plant community #2 / A limited description of the plant name, community, soil type, biodiversity level, climate, and location in California is present for 4 plants. Including pictures for each. Or more than one plant is missing. / A somewhat detailed description of the plant name, community, soil type, biodiversity level, climate, and location in California is present for 4 plants. Including pictures for each. Or a detailed description of each, but one plant is missing. / A detailed description of the plant, including name, community, soil type, biodiversity level, climate, and location in California is present for 4 plants. Including pictures for each.
Comparison of Plant communities / A limited comparison of the two plant communities is present and/or missing. / A somewhat detailed comparison of the two plant communities is present. / A detailed comparison of the two plant communities is present. [4 max]
Permission slips / No permission slips or a permission slip is missing for one or more people. [If permission slips are missing this will lead to additional points lost] / A permission slip is present for each member of the group. [2 max]
Plant book organization / The finished product is an informational plant book that is not organized, and includes unclear and/or black and white photos [professionally developed] or colored photos that are printed from a computer. Some text is hand written, book is poorly formatted and has many grammatical errors. Sources cited section missing. / The finished product is an informational plant book that is somewhat organized, creative, colorful, and includes CLEAR and COLORED photos from a home printer. All text is typed, with some formatting issues and has a few grammatical errors. A sources cited section is present, but not in MLA format. / The finished product is an informational plant book that is neatly organized, creative, colorful, and includes CLEAR and COLORED photos [professionally developed]. All text is typed, properly formatted and has no grammatical errors. A sources cited section is present [MLA].
In text sources are cited properly (MLA)
Sources cited page

Arboretum Alternative Assignment


0-1 / 2-3 / 4-5
Title page
Plant reproduction / A limited description of how plants reproduce by alteration of generations is present. The description is a ½ page or less. / A somewhat detailed description of how plants reproduce by alteration of generations is present. The description is ¾ of a page long. / A detailed description of how dicot plants reproduce is present. The description is a page long.
Roles of Xylem and Phloem / A limited description of the roles of xylem and phloem is present. The description is ½ a page or less. / A somewhat detailed description of the roles of xylem and phloem is present. The description is ¾ of a page long. / A detailed description of the roles of xylem and phloem is present. The description is a page long.
Vocabulary / All vocabulary is present with a limited description of each, or some vocabulary is missing. / All vocabulary is present but with a somewhat detailed description of each. / All vocabulary words and their clear descriptions are present. Each description is detailed and at least 3 sentences.
Biome Description / A limited description of the biome name, climate conditions, soil type, dominant types of plants found in this biome, special adaptations of the plants, other uses of each plant [i.e. medicine]. Or a detailed description of 1 or more plants is present, but a plant description is missing. / A somewhat detailed description of the biome name, climate conditions, soil type, dominant types of plants found in this biome, special adaptations of the plants, other uses of each plant [i.e. medicine]. Including pictures for each of the three types of plants described. Or a detailed description of each, but some information is missing. / A detailed description of the biome name, climate conditions, soil type, and detailed description on 4 dominant types of plants found in this biome (special adaptations of the plants, other uses of each plant [i.e. medicine]). Include pictures for each of the four types of plants described.
A limited description of where your biome is found in the U.S. is present. Map is either missing, or print quality is poor. / A somewhat detailed description of where your biome is found in the U.S. is present. A detailed but black and white printed map is included highlighting its location. / A detailed description of where your biome is found in the U.S. is present. A detailed COLORED map is also included highlighting its location. (If not in U.S., then include map of continent or country it is found in).
In text sources are cited properly (MLA)
Sources cited page