InternationalCitiesTown Centres & Communities Society
Outrigger, Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia
17 – 19 October, 2012
Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract and/or full paper to present at ICTC2012. Please read these Presenter Guidelines thoroughly before submitting your online Abstract Submission.
This document also contains information on how to submit your online abstract/full paper using the Abstract Template or Full Paper Template. The Presenter Guidelines also provide important information for audiovisual requirements, registration, speaker’s agreements andkey dates.
Queries regarding this document should be forwarded to Shannon Lockyer at hone +61 7 3355 6630.
- Terms and Conditions of Submission of Abstract s and Full Papers
All abstracts submitted are done so on the understanding that if the Abstract is accepted for presentation at ICTC2012, presenters will be required to register at the highly subsidised speaker registration fee of $AUD695 by no later than 17th August, 2012. Presenters will be advised by email prior to 18th June of acceptance of their abstract into the ICTC2012 program. A maximum of two speakers per abstract are eligible to register at this subsidised rate.
Abstracts as submitted, including all information therein will be published in the Book of Abstracts which will be placed on the ICTC website prior to the ICTC2012conference.
Abstracts will not be peer reviewed.
Any number of abstracts may be submitted by the same author.
Full Papers:
Presenters may submit full papers (expanded version of their abstract) for inclusion on the ICTC Society Website. Presenters will be advised when on-line submissions for full papers will be made available.
Full papers will not be peer reviewed.
Papers as submitted, including all information thereinwill be published on the ICTC Society website post conference.
2.Submission of On LineAbstracts– required by 1st June, 2012
Please complete the On-Line Abstract Form and SUBMIT by no later than 1st June, 2012.
Please re-enter the On Line site for each abstract submitted.
On Line Submission Form Assistance information (see further information and explanations below):
Abstract Template:
Download Abstract Template where indicated and save this to your desktop as a word document.
Highlight and replace the text for each section of the Template with text for your abstract. Please retain the spacing, font and font sizes throughout the Template. Instructions are included in the Abstract Template itself.
When completed save the Abstract as a word document and name it with: YOURSURNAME, Christian Name as the document name e.g. SMITH, Tom. Should you wish to submit more than one abstract by the same author, then name each abstract as SMITH, Tom (1) – SMITH, Tom (2) etc.
Upload your abstract in the Browse/Select File box.
Click on the box below the word Type* and select from one of the 4 options available e.g.
- Oral (Abstract Only): You are requesting an oral presentation and will submit an abstract only (no full paper).
- Oral (Abstract + Full Paper). You are requesting an oral presentation and will submit an abstract and a full paper (expanded version of your abstract) for inclusion on the ICTC website.
- Poster (Abstract Only): You are requesting a poster presentation and will submit an abstract only (no full paper)
- Poster (Abstract + Full Paper): You are requesting a poster presentation and will submit an abstract and a full paper (expanded version of your abstract) for inclusion on the ICTC website.
Click the box below the word Theme* and select from one of the thirty options available. Your selection should be the Theme that your abstract content might fall under. Themes will be set for each of the concurrent sessions in the program so more than one option would be preferable.
Should your abstract fall under more than one Theme, then please complete up to three Themes in the boxes provided.
No of Authors*
Full information on each author is required. Please note that the email address and password supplied for each author should be used to access all further online information e.g.abstract submission, full paper submission, conference registration. Please note and record the email and password you have used for future reference.
Your biography will be forwarded to the chairperson of the session you will be presenting in. The chairperson will use that biography for your introduction to the audience prior to your presentation. Please write this as if the chairperson was reading this to the audience about you. Please limit your biography to approximately 50 words only.
- Submission of On Line Full Papers- required by 3rd October, 2012
On Line submission of Full Papers will become available once the On Line Abstracts have been processed and accepted for the program.
Presenters will be advised when this will be available on line.
Full papers will not be peer reviewed but will be published on the ICTC website post ICTC2012 Conference.
It is highly recommended that presenters consider providing full papers (expanded version of their abstracts) for inclusion on the ICTC Society website.
- Poster Presentations
In some cases presenters may wish to display their work via a poster presentation instead of an oral presentation. Posters will be required to be placed on poster boards and will be displayed in the exhibition and catering area throughout the whole conference. Presenters will be asked to be at their poster display during one lunch break to answer questions from the delegates.
Poster Size & Affixing Material:
- Posters should be no larger than 1m x 1m in size.
- Poster presenters are required to provide all affixing material which should include velcro dots which are the only material compatible with the poster boards provided.
- Any posters not taken down by presenters by afternoon tea on Thursday afternoon will be removed and no responsibility will be taken for these posters.
- Additional Participation – Invitation to Chair a Session
Presenters will be invited to assist with chairing of one or more sessions throughout ICTC2012. An invitation will be forwarded in September to all presenters to assist with chairing sessions. Thank you in anticipation of your acceptance to this invitation.
6. Audiovisual Requirements & Powerpoint Presentations–required by 10th October, 2012
An Audiovisual Requirements form will be sent to you in September.
Our Audiovisual Team requires all presentations to be sent to us prior to the conference.
It is essential that we receive these by no later than 10th October 2012.
This will ensure that your presentation is checked, loaded into the Conference network and ready for you on arrival. Additionally, it is requested that, as an added precaution you bring a copy of your presentation with you to the Conference on CD/DVD or USB memory stick.
- At the Conference:
- The reason your presentation is requested a couple of weeks before the Conference is so that any potential problem areas can be spotted and fixed well before the day. Nothing upsets the audience more than a faulty powerpoint presentation.
- Please meet the chairperson in your meeting room during the break 15 minutes prior to the start of your session.
- Be aware of all switches and controls.
- Your presentation will be ready and uploaded on the conference computer. Just click on your name icon and it will automatically open your presentation.
- Please sit in the front row of the presentation room and be ready to move to the stage when you are introduced by your chairperson.
- Oral Presenters should provide your chairperson with 2 questions (preferably printed) that he/she could ask you, should the audience have no questions.
- The chairperson will ring a bell when you have one minute left for your presentation before question time.
- Please conclude your presentation quickly to allow for questions from the audience.
- Chairperson will announce “last question” to indicate the end of your presentation.
- Please leave the stage immediately at the conclusion of your presentation.
- Please be mindful of your presentation time and do not exceed the time allotted. Your chairperson will indicate to you (as above) when your session is nearing an end.
- Key Dates:
- Contact Details:
Shannon Lockyer
ICTC Society
PO Box 6026
Mitchelton QLD 4053
Phone: +61 7 3355 6630
Fax: +61 738558756