1.01 The President called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1.02 Recording of Attendance: Board Members Present: D. Reiser, A. Laput, and C. Bliefernich. B. Siegel
and L. Bohs entered the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
Others Present: Dr. Dufour, R. Luis, V. Keegan, S. Krebs, L. Sibirtzeff and approximately thirteen
students and community members.
1.03 Presentations: Ms. Tara Burgess – EPIC Presentation
Ms. Burgess was joined by Anna Seniw and Jane Sorensen to help facilitate presentation.
· Welcoming all families into the school community and supporting student success.
· Trained Mackenzie Elementary Staff in Differentiated Family Engagement.
· Met with community members such as Town Supervisor to share information.
· Connecting with Local Agencies including Salvation Army, Fidelis Care, Cornell Cooperative Extension and Sullivan County Renaissance.
· Working with Community Agencies for the Mackenzie backpack program.
· Sponsored Souper Bowl Food Drive, “Chef in the Classroom” with highest collection of food; Mrs. Grzywaczewski’s Grade 6 class and Mrs. Mohan’s Grade 2 class had the highest collection of food and won “Chef in the Classroom”.
· Upcoming events; Family Engagement Picture Project during April spring break; School Spirit Week coming in May.
C. Bliefernich questioned EPIC on how information goes home, does this happen through the students. Ms. Burgess explained that at the elementary level the students are given the information to bring home.
A. Laput questioned the progress of the program. Ms. Burgess explained Monticello has been their test school, it has been successful, just received $100,000.00 grant for waste reduction.
1.04 Budget Presentation: Ms. Ruth Luis – Budget/Revenues
· Revenues are an increase of $179,490 or 1.81% as per Property Tax Cap Report submitted to SED. State Aide is an initial projection of $6,218, 542 as the final figures will be out shortly.
A.Laput questioned if there are any other health insurance options. Ms. Luis clarified that comparison to Orange Ulster Health other insurance plans are more expensive. Ms. Luis also said the figures for the increase are preliminary, she does not have exact figures, the cost may be decreased, and was not comfortable to say what the exact percentage may be at this time. Ms. Luis also mentioned that Minisink has already pulled out of Orange Ulster Health and had started a self-funding initiative, they had to get approval at the state level to qualify to be self-funding and one of the requirements, Minisink must have a large reserve for health insurance.
C. Bliefernich questioned could Eldred leave Orange Ulster Health and fund with another school district.
Dr. Dufour explained that it is possible to fund with another school district but at the present time another district may not be comfortable in doing so and we have no reserves to bring to the table.
C. Bliefernich also questioned if Sullivan County School Districts are looking at other plans right now.
Dr. Dufour and Ms. Luis explained that all Sullivan County School Districts are looking at other plans as the costs are very high.
2.01 Elementary Principal Report (V. Keegan)
· Tuesday, February 14 – 2nd Marking Period Honors’ Assembly
· Wednesday, February 22 - We celebrated the 100th day of school by dressing up like 100-year olds
· Monday, February 27 – Friday, March 3 in honor of Read Across America Day on March 2nd we had spirit week
o Monday – “Fox in Socks” – wear crazy socks, Tuesday – “Green Eggs and Ham” – wear green, Wednesday – “Wacky Wednesday” – wear your clothes inside out, backwards or mismatched, Thursday – “Read Across America Day” – wear a hat, Friday – “I Am Not Getting Up Today” – pajama day
o In addition, we had door and bulletin board decorations throughout the building - slide show available on our website.
· Thursday, March 9 - The winning classrooms from our “Souper” Bowl contest claimed their winning prize of a Chef in the Classroom experience (Mrs. Mohan’s 2nd Grade & Ms. G’s 6th Grade) - slide show available on our website.
· Monday, March 13 – 5-week reports go home this week
· Wednesday, March 22 - Music in Our Schools Month preview concert 9:30 a.m. in the GRM Gym, all are welcome!
2.02 Secondary Principal Report (S. Krebs)
· Sports – Mr. Gass
· Student Council Report
· March 4 – All County Music Concerts
· March 7 - Global Fair this past week was wonderful. Thanks to all our 9th and 10th grade student participants and our teachers who guided them with the project, and also our judges. Pictures are up on our Facebook account.
· March 8- Wizards Game was a huge success. Special thanks go out to Colleen Koenig who put this together as a support for our PBIS programs at the schools.
· March 9 – Presented to the 9-12th graders the National Save a Life tour distracted driver program. The program consisted of a 40-minute presentation and then we had breakout sessions where the students could utilize the impaired judgement simulator and phone/texting simulators.
· March 16 – Alumni Presentation to our 11th graders, and course fair for 8-11th grade students about class offerings for next year.
· March 21 – Providing the PSAT 10 to our 10 grade student population.
· March 22 – Music in our School’s concert.
2.03 Business Office Report (R. Luis)
Ms. Luis acknowledged the Buildings and Grounds team for cleaning up from the snow, mentioned the staff worked tirelessly to open school.
· Please see attachment (Treasurer Monthly Report January 2017)
Dr. Dufour agreed and thanked the Buildings and Grounds team. Mr. Siegel seconded and discussed he appreciated what the custodial staff did as Mackenzie’s driveway, parking lot and sidewalks were cleaned when dropping of his children that morning, realizing that it was a significant amount of work involving cleaning off the buses and all of Eldred (school district).
Ms. Bliefernich and Ms. Luis both acknowledge the Town of Highland and Lumberland highway departments for having the roads cleared. Dr. Dufour agreed that the highway departments went over and above to have roads ready for school.
2.04 District Report (R. Dufour)
· Dr. Dufour reported students will be coming for school on March 17, 2017 due to the inclement weather, this will leave one calendar day, in case of weather. If more days are needed for emergencies, the break will need to be reduced.
· Changes are being made with the district website to be ADA compliant, documents are being embedded into webpages and links will be hyperlinked to site of origin.
· Moving toward video compliance with Board of Education Meetings, will start segmenting into 1 hour increments run on Youtube for closed caption compliance.
B. Siegel indicated that the video is hard to hear, is it possible to have a microphone. Dr. Dufour mentioned that new video equipment would need to be purchased and may run up to $20,000, to be compliant as a neighboring district had done so. Also suggested the closed captioned will be in place this may help understanding what is being said.
B. Siegel also indicated he took part in the EPIC survey to improve, the community consistently said the website was hard to navigate through for agenda, minutes, video, etc. when being part of the public and coming to a meeting, asked if it may be possible to have everything together under the meeting date in one place. Dr. Dufour explained the EPIC survey was turned over to Ulster BOCES and we continue to work on the website with BOCES over the next several months and are looking into if we would still keep the same vehicle(website) or move to another platform.
· Dr. Dufour asked for Ms. Lisa Marie Drewitt could have a few minutes to present a program (presented a brochure). Ms. Drewitt spoke that she would like to acknowledge the district’s retired coaches called “The Eldred Central School District Wall of Coaching Distinction”, you may nominate a retired athletic coach that have made great contributions in sporting programs. The plaque will honor those accomplishments.
Made on motion by C. Bliefernich and seconded by B. Siegel, to create an “Eldred Central School Wall of Coaching Distinction”.
Final Resolution: Motion carried unanimously.
Voting: D. Reiser – Yes; A. Laput – Yes; L. Bohs – Yes; C. Bliefernich – Yes; B. Siegel – Yes.
Votes: Ayes: 5 Nays: 0.
2.05 Board President Report (D. Reiser)
· Wizards game was great. Thank you, Ms. Colleen Koenig for organizing.
· Board of Education had a workshop on Thursday, March 9, 2017, Mrs. Messina’s students cooked a great meal, the ziti was tremendous. Thank you, Ms. Carol Bliefernich for facilitating the meeting and keeping it on task!
· Lastly, Thank you, Buildings and Grounds getting the buildings ready for school, the parking lots, sidewalks looked great!
C. Blifernich asked for recommendations for the next Board of Education Workshop.
3. PUBLIC COMMENT. (Limited to Consent Agenda Items Only 4.01 through 7.02)
No public comment.
L. Bohs discussed the February 10, 2017 minutes needed to be added to 4.01 for approval.
A. Laput question the spelling of 6.12, spelling of last name incorrect.
Dr. Dufour discussed the agenda will be amended to reflect the changes.
B. Siegel discussed the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs letter from Castle Point to agree to acknowledge Mackenzie’s art teacher and students from various grades on handmade Valentine’s Day Cards “thought it was pretty cool and was wonderful”, read letter aloud to the public.
** Consent Agenda: Recommended Action 4.01 through 7.02
Made on motion by A. Laput and seconded by C. Bliefernich.
Final Resolution: Motion carried.
Voting: D. Reiser - Yes; A. Laput - Yes; L. Bohs - Yes; C. Bliefernich - Yes; B. Siegel - No.
Votes: Ayes: 4 Nays: 1.
4.01 Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on February 10, 2017 and Regular Meeting held on February 14, 2017.
4.02 Approval of the Central Treasurer’s Report for the month ending January, 2017.
4.03 Approval of the Payment of Bills appearing on Multi-Fund Warrant #16 (Checks #61060-61121); Multi-Fund Warrant #17 (Checks #61122-61159) and Multi-Fund Warrant #18 (Checks #61160-61221).
4.04 Approval of the Claims Auditor Report for Multi-Fund Warrant #16 (Checks #61060-61121); Multi-Fund Warrant #17 (Checks #61122-61159) and Multi-Fund Warrant #18 (Checks #61160-61221).
5.01 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
5.02 Sullivan County School Boards Association (SCSBA)
6.01 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept the retirement of Mary G. Gordon, Speech Teacher, effective July 1, 2017.
6.02 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept the resignation of Roger D. Silverblatt, Library Media Specialist, effective June 30, 2017.
6.03 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept the resignation of Debra Novoa, Teaching Assistant, effective March 24, 2017.
6.04 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to accept the resignation of Deborah Barnes, Special Education Aide, effective March 17, 2017.
6.05 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to extend the leave of absence of Roger Miller effective March 6, 2017 through April 3, 2017.
6.06 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to extend the appointment Bogdan Pushkar as a long term substitute cleaner, effective March 6, 2017 through April 3, 2017.
6.07 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Eileen Williams as a long term substitute Teaching Assistant, effective March 27, 2017, prorated as per contract.
6.08 Approval, that Lisa Sibirtzeff be designated as Deputy Treasurer for the 2016-2017 school year.
6.09 Approval, that Lisa Sibirtzeff be on the check signature list for the 2016-2017 school year.
6.10 Approval, that Lisa Sibirtzeff be appointed Records Officer for the 2016-2017 school year.
6.11 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Beth Deyermond as Music Director of the Spring Musical production for the 2016-2017 school year, payment per contract.
6.12 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Gregory Kolvenbach as Music Assistant Director of the Spring Musical production for the 2016-2017 school year, payment per contract.
6.13 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Melissa Theodore as a Volunteer at George Ross Mackenzie Elementary School for the 2016-2017 school year.
6.14 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Angelia Abato as Substitute Teacher for the 2016-2017 School Year effective March 17, 2017.
6.15 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Kayla Huey as Substitute Teacher for the 2016-2017 School Year effective March 17, 2017.
6.16 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Ryan Michel as Substitute Teacher; Substitute Teacher Aide and Substitute Teaching Assistant for the 2016-2017 School Year effective March 17, 2017.
6.17 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Jonathan Kitchens as Substitute Nurse for the 2016-2017 School Year effective March 17, 2017.
6.18 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to rescind the appointment of Ruth Luis as Substitute Coordinator.
6.19 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Christopher Gonzalez as Volunteer Assistant Modified Softball Coach for the spring season, 2016-2017 school year.
6.20 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint James Jennings as Volunteer Assistant Modified Baseball Coach for the spring season, 2016-2017 school year.
6.21 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Kody Andreas as Substitute Teacher for the 2016-2017 School Year effective March 17, 2017.
6.22 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Rebecca Ryman as Special Education Aide for the 2016-2017 School Year effective March 17, 2017.
6.23 Approval, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, to appoint Hannah Bisland as Substitute Teacher; Substitute Teacher Aide, Substitute Teaching Assistant and Substitute Clerical for the 2016-2017 School Year effective March 17, 2017.