OFFICIAL SIDE (S/SHRI) / STAFF SIDE (S/SHRI)1 / P.K.Saxena / GM / 1 / W.A. Yadwad / Zonal President
2 / K.Harikrishnan / CPO / 2 / A. M. D’ Cruz / General Secretary
3 / S.S.Narayanan / PCE / 3 / D.Rangaswamy / Vice President
4 / Vashishta Johri / CME / 4 / Chandrashekar / Assistant General Secretary
5 / S.K.Das / CCM / 5 / S.A.Albert D’Cruz / Assistant General Secretary
6 / M. Elavarasan / CSTE / 6 / Arthur Fernandes / Assistant General Secretary
7 / Dr.D.Jayakumar / MD / 7 / K.Haridas / Assistant General Secretary
8 / B.Pandey / FA&CAO / 8 / L.L.Dakshina Murthy / Assistant General Secretary
9 / R.S.Sinha / CMM/Sales / 9 / Smt.Jayalaxmi Rakop / Assistant General Secretary
10 / S.S.Soin / CEE / 10 / Smt.Manohari / Assistant General Secretary
11 / P.Ganeswara Rao / COM / 11 / V.E. Charkhani / Zonal Treasurer
12 / C.K.Kutty / Dy.CPO/IR / 12 / I.Joseph / Divisional Secretary/UBL
13 / R.R.Naik / Divisional President/UBL
14 / K.G.Jayaramu / Divisional Treasurer/UBL
15 / K.V. Raghavendra / Divisional Secretary/SBC
16 / Fahim Yates / Divisional President/SBC
17 / S.N.Mohammed / Divisional Secretary/MYS
18 / P.Shivaprakash / Divisional President/MYS
19 / Yathiraj / President/MYSS
20 / K.Venkatesh / Vice President/WS Division
21 / C.Murugan / Secretary/HQ Branch/UBL
22 / Arun L.K. / Secretary/EMD Branch/UBL
23 / Smt.Shaheen Adhoni / ADS/Workshop Branch.
CPO in his opening address welcomed Shri W.A.Yadwad, Zonal President, Shri A.M.D’Cruz, General Secretary and other office bearers of SWRMU and Officers and Officials present for the 25th PNM with SWRMU and mentioned that this is the 3rd PNM during the current year and hoped that another Review meeting will also be conducted before December-2014.
CPO also mentioned that PNM is existing on Indian Railways since 1953 where the administration and the organized labour maintain contact to resolve the disputes which may arise between the administration and the organized labour. He mentioned that SWRMU became the only recognized union on South Western Railway during Secret Ballot Elections held in last year.
CPO mentioned that the administration is having a very cordial relationship and has made sincere attempts to resolve many of the issues. Some of the issues have been solved to the satisfaction of the union and some more are pending and may take a little time to resolve them.
Then, CPO requested Shri A.M.D’Cruz, GS/SWRMU to address the forum.
2.0 / Shri A.M. D’Cruz, General Secretary, SWRMU welcomed Shri K.Harikrishnan, CPO, Shri C.K.Kutty, Dy.CPO/IR, Shri Yadwad, President/SWRMU and other esteemed office bearers and his colleagues to this 25th PNM.2.1 / GS mentioned that the last PNM was held on 9th & 10th of July, 2014 and this is the historical 3rd PNM meeting being conducted during the current year and expects a review meeting also during the month of December- 2014.
2.2 / GS mentioned that AIRF convention is scheduled to be held from 18th to 20th of November, 2014. He also mentioned that the Hon’ble Minister for Railways Shri Sadananda Gowda has given his consent to attend the inauguration of convention on 18th November at Railway grounds and requested the administration to extend full cooperation and provide the facilities as required by the Union for the successful conduct of convention like placement of special trains, coaches, arrangements etc.
2.3 / GS/SWRMU has requested FA&CAO to depute one Dy.FA&CAO throughout the PNM to have fruitful discussions apart from FA&CAO, who can attend during his subjects.
2.4 / GS thanked CPO for having taken the initiative for temporary allotment of the building No.UBL/115 by Hubli Division for the use of SWRMU/UBL.
2.5 / Before taking up the agenda items, CPO reciprocally informed GS/SWRMU that the administration will extend full cooperation for smooth conduct of AIRF Convention at Hubli and all sincere efforts will be put to see that the delegates who come here go happily from our Railway.
3.0 / The General Manager came to address the PNM meeting on the first day itself i.e. on 30th October, 2014.
3.1 / Addressing the forum, GM stated that with the active cooperation of SWRM Union, the performance of our railway has been effective.
3.2 / GM mentioned that MR being from this region all the time he was watching our performance. MR also conducted some surprise inspections in the last 4 or 5 months and he was satisfied with our performance.
3.3 / GM also mentioned that about 15 Hon’ble Members of Parliament have been invited for Swacch Abhiyan on 2nd October and they were happy with the amenities provided and cleanliness at in SWR.
3.4 / GM mentioned that the administration has taken up cleanliness in a big passion and necessary instructions have been given to the concerned that this will not only cover the stations but also extend to colonies. He assured that the administration will improve the environment in all over SWR.
3.5 / He thanked Medical and Engineering Departments for having shown the zeal to take up the mission area to deal the colonies. He also mentioned that all the six items of Hon’ble Prime Minister have been taken up including light fittings, tree plantation, removal of encroachments.
3.6 / GM mentioned that he was pleased with the efforts put in to maintain Mysore Colonies well and sanctioned award also. He also mentioned that he was happy to see that efforts are being carried out to improve the condition in Hubli Colonies in a big way. He assured that this is not a “show baji” and will continue in the years to come.
3.7 / He mentioned that now Colony Inspection Group has also been formed with Sr.DPO as co-ordinator. Instructions were also issued how to hold the meetings in a fruitful manner to achieve the desired objectives. The allocation of funds under Demand 11 & Plan Head 51 & 52, budget allocation for the divisions, etc. will be explained to the stake holders.
3.8 / He mentioned that there are problems of contracts, shortage of staff and Bio-toilets are not coming as fast as we expected.
3.9 / He mentioned that the administration has taken a mission area as far as medicines are concerned. He also mentioned that the availability of medicines in Hospitals has improved and non-availability of medicine will be viewed seriously.
3.10 / GM informed SWRMU that all the posts of CMPs have been filled up and SWR is the only Railway where 100% CMPs are in position.
3.11 / He invited suggestions, if any, from SWRMU regarding improvement of supply of medicines. The administration will give a quarterly statement as to what has been done in procurement of medicines and details regarding how many indents have been placed for procurement, the position of the medicines, if desired by SWRMU.
4.0 / Speech of Shri A.M.D’Cruz, GS/SWRMU:
4.1 / GS/SWRMU welcomed GM, and other officers and Shri Yadwad, President/SWRMU and his colleagues to this 25th PNM.
4.2 / GS/SWRMU mentioned that the last PNM was held on 9th & 10th of July, 2014 and this is the historical 3rd PNM meeting being conducted during the current year and expected that a review meeting will also be conducted during the month of December, 2014.
4.3 / He also mentioned that all railwaymen have wholeheartedly participated in the Cleanliness Drive on 2nd October, being National Holiday also, “Swacch Bharat Mission” launched by our Hon’ble Prime Minister.
4.4 / GS thanked the administration for disbursing the PLB well in time even though it was announced lately by the Govt. of India.
4.5 / GS mentioned that Bangalore Division organized very well the 59th Railway National Award Function which was the first occasion that the Railway National Award Function was held in our Railway.
4.6 / He mentioned that AIRF convention is scheduled to be held in 18th, 19th and 20th November, 2014 at Hubli. He also mentioned that the Hon’ble Minister for Railways Shri Sadananda Gowda has given his consent to attend the inauguration of convention on 18th November at Railway grounds and requested the administration to extend full cooperation and provide the facilities as required for the convention like special trains, coaches, arrangements etc.
4.7 / GS mentioned that Union is expecting 15 special trains and 30 coaches for convention. GM told that there is a provision for mandatory examination for BPC and GS mentioned that all other Railways were informed to issue round the clock BPC for the specials. CME mentioned that the number of days also counts i.e. validity is about 96 hours, any deviation needs Board’s sanction. GS has agreed to take exemption from Board and assured that the Union will not give much problem to the administration with regard to arrangements to be made for convention.
4.8 / GS mentioned that every 3 months PNM is conducted. He felt that administration work is coming as a subject for PNM mainly for the reason that administration is not granting or creating the posts. In such cases, Union is tackling the problems. PNM is a forum of Staff Grievances, but it is focusing on the works of the administration.
4.9 / GS highlighted the issue of repairing of leakages in Workshop where half of the portion was repaired 2 years back and remaining left as it is and the problem is still existing.
4.10 / He highlighted the problems being faced by the staff of Navalur, C&W where basic amenities like drinking water, canteen, are not available, RO plant is not installed. He pointed out the administration taking out the activities to the isolated place instead of Hubli and requested the GM to provide basic amenities at Depots and also provide Quarters.
4.11 / GS mentioned that the prescribed qualification of SSC is not required for 40% and 10% intake of serving employees to workshops. But, an incumbent was rejected to take into workshop due to non-possessing of SSC qualification that too after got selected and being relieved from Engineering Department. GM and CPO mentioned that prescribing qualification of SSC in the notification will be examined and necessary action will be taken. GS also mentioned that C&W Khalasis cannot be taken into workshops, but they can go on bottom seniority.
4.12 / GS mentioned that so many request transfers are pending under Inter Divisional Transfers and once agreed it should be implemented. He mentioned that still in HPT – BAY section, Engineering Trackman were not relieved to Hubli Workshop even now.
4.13 / GS mentioned that delay in creating the posts of Ticket Checking Staff in Bangalore Division, results in revenue loss due shortage of manpower in ticket checking. Vacancies of TTE’s were assessed 5 years back. GM agreed that manpower is less. In this connection, CPO mentioned that RRB papers have been received and they have been distributed to all Divisions and Departmental Examinations are also conducted by all Divisions for selection to the post of TEs.
4.14 / GS mentioned that improvement in the availability of medicines has not taken place in Hubli and Mysore. Even common medicines are also not available. In this regard, GM mentioned that non-availability of medicines will be treated as seriously as ‘Collision’ and instructed MD to conduct an enquiry and submit report to GM.
4.15 / GS highlighted the treatment of pregnant women in Railway Hospital, Hubli where they were being treated up to 9th month and afterwards they were being deputed to KIMS but KIMS is not accepting them as they were not treated up to 9 months there.
4.16 / GS mentioned that due to non-availability of Senior Scale Officer in Mysore Workshop, many selections are delayed. CME replied that the administration will peruse the matter.
4.17 / GS also mentioned that KSRTC Buses are entering Hassan Railway Colony. Depot was opened in the backside of the colony, all the buses are running inside the colony where running of buses is not at all convenient and requested the administration to stop running of buses into railway colony. GM replied that he will speak with DRM/MYS in this regard.
4.18 / GS mentioned that non-availability of ministerial staff at Dy.CE/CN/Hubli/ Office. It is becoming very difficult to handle work with the only one man available who is irregular in attendance. GS has been informed that it will be manned as RRB papers are expected by the end of December. GS has requested that till such time, one more person may be deputed from other sources where adequate manpower is available.
4.19 / GS also mentioned a case where an employee seeking change in the Date of Birth which was entered wrongly in the Service Register. It was purely clerical mistake and in support of original Date of Birth, 11 records have been submitted to the administration to take necessary action. Till now, no reply has been communicated in this regard. He requested the administration to give reply at the earliest whether it is positive or negative.
4.20 / GS mentioned that 178 Cash Machines are required by Bangalore Division in order to identify the fake notes and the indent was sent to COS on 20.10.2014. In this connection, CMM/Sales informed the Union that some specifications of machines should be done by the Commercial Department to process further. GM directed CCM to expedite the matter.
4.21 / GS also mentioned review has not been done by COM in respect of creation of Guards.
4.22 / GS mentioned delay in finalizing CGA cases in Mysore Division.
4.23 / GS also brought to the notice of the GM that around 12 cases of Job Analysis were pending in Headquarters for a long time.
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All the following 14 items tabled as preamble subjects had been sent to respective P/CHODs for detailed examination and remarks. All these issues will be replied to GS/ SWRMU separately. Preliminary discussions however were held on each item with the respective HOD.