Applications are due WednesdayJune 6th, 2018 2:20PM

Name______Current Grade______

First Choice Position:______

Second Choice Position______

Email Address______

Please review and answer the questions. You may answer on a separate sheet.

1. The job you are applying for may have several components. Speak to the current officer to find out what is involved. How do your strengths fit with this job? Be precise about your skills: organizational, technical, creative, fundraising, etc

2. List the volunteer activities you did for NAHS this year. Did you organize, prepare or otherwise show leadership and responsibility in these activities?

3. In what other ways are you contributing to your community? (Volunteer, Scouts, Church…)

4. List the seasons in which you plan to play sports next year.

5. List any clubs you plan to participate in next year with their meeting times. Will you apply to be or be an officer in any other club?

Here is a sampling of officer duties:


Meets with Ms. McGrail to plan weekly agendas

Plans and runs Monday lunch officer meetings to plan the Wednesday agenda.

Plans field trip and other events

Attends Creative Fridays, Fall Festival and other events when needed

Vice President

Works directly with both Presidents to set weekly agenda

Oversees and delegates most events including Induction ceremony


Oversees attendance binder at meetings, sends out attendance and points reminders.

Maintains weekly minutes

Sendsweekly update emails to members through email and Google classroom, etc.

If the Secretary cannot be present, he/she should assign someone to take attendance.

Maintains close contact with students who are having difficulty coming to meetings/volunteer events.

Outreach/Graphic designer

Sends chapter report to NAEA twice per year (article with photos)

Updates all outreach literature yearly

Updates Signage for facepainting and such

Works closely with Curator on Induction ceremony program brochure


Responsible for assigning photographers to a variety of events

Updating website

Artist of the month


Procure exhibits atlocal venues (Mary Jacobs, Small World, etc).

Oversee mattingof inductee artwork

Designing and delegatingMediaCenter and gallery displays

One visiting artist or workshop per year

Teacher Leaders

Schedule, plan and prep Creative Friday events

Plan “Bring Your Child To Work” Events

Organize any outside art lessons

Events Committee Leader

Plans visiting artist and other events

Makes sure there are enough volunteers


Face painting

Outside events