Precept Statement

The precept for Bagworth and Thornton Parish Council has been set at a figure of £98,000 for the year 2018/19.

The division of the precept between the 1134 dwellings within the parish, is based on a calculation set by Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council and is outlined below.

The Precept is calculated on the amount of money it takes to provide the facilities and services that fall within the remit of the Parish Council. When contracts are placed, such as the maintenance of the public open spaces, a tender process is followed with the best value for money and ability to complete the contract being awarded the contract.

Below is a breakdown of the expenditure that the Parish Council foresee for this precepted year. The Parish Council are also required to hold a reserve, which is to provide the capacity for the Parish Council to be able to function for a period of 6 months in case of any kind of emergency. Prior to 2011/12 the Parish Council had an extremely low reserve and so as a consequence this has had to be built up.

Every year the Finance Committee scrutinise the costs and all proposed future projects, in order to keep the precept as low as possible. No new major projects have been committed to for this financial year. Where possible grant assistance is sought to fund major projects.

The difference between projected income and expenditure has to be financed either from reserves or where by possible by grant funding (which in the current climate is harder to secure).

Accountancy fees / £3,250.00
Audit fees / £850.00
Bank charges / £120.00
Chairman's expenses / £300.00
Courses other training and advice / £420.00
Insurance / £3,500.00
Office expenses / (copier rental & Service) / £889.00
Postages telephone & stationery / £1,500.00
Subscriptions & registration fees / £703.00
Website / £425.00
Allotments and open spaces
Allotments / £375.00
Dog bins / £4,492.00
Grass cutting and maintenance / £22,050.00
Hedgecutting -Thornton / £1,400.00
Playground Maint & Inspection / £5,485.00
Street lighting / £480.00
Staff costs / £22,257.00
Thornton Community Centre / £10,720.00
Bagworth Community Centre / £11,680.00
Grants S137 / £1,200.00
Loan repayments & interest / £7,470.00
Total payments / £99,566.17

Division of Precept Based on Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Calculations

There are 1134 dwelling within the Parish of Bagworth &Thornton (this also includes Merry Lees).

Each dwelling is banded from A through to H

Band / A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H
Dwellings / 131 / 325 / 190 / 199 / 157 / 104 / 27 / 1
Multiplier / 6/9 / 7/9 / 8/9 / 9/9 / 11/9 / 13/9 / 15/9 / 18/9
Tax Base / 68.9 / 188 / 151.7 / 180.5 / 177.7 / 143.4 / 41.9 / 2
Council tax by band / £68.61 / £80.05 / £91.43 / £102.92 / £125.79 / £148.66 / £171.53 / £205.84

Each banding is given a multiplier – with Band D being the common denominator of 9/9.

A tax base for each band is reached by multiplying the number of dwellings by the multiplier but also taking into account single persons discount, disability benefit etc.

All separate tax bases are added together to form a total – 952.2

The precept is divided by the total tax base to get the band D Council Tax – (£98,000/952.2 = £102.92). The £102.92 is then multiplied by the multiplier to get the rates for each of the other bands.