13th November 2016
Meeting opened:9:10 am
- Present: Declan Brady, Tim Davis, Danni Stringer, Jade Tremaine, Sean Davis, Marty Tonkin, Ailsa Enting-Hawke
- Absent without apologies: Rex Johnson and Sam O’Connell
Next meeting: Friday 20th January, 6pm at Ailsa’s house
Meeting Items
Reviewing actionable items from previous meetings
- Google calendar: have both a list of events and a year-long image for easy viewing
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to investigate if website can auto-create google calendar event when a website event is created
- Declan has completed ‘No receipt form’ for reimbursements but doesn’t know how to add to website
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to add ‘No Receipt Form’ to the website. Can be found in the Google Drive Treasury folder.
Approval of board member yearly goals
- Rex and Sam to write yearly goals by close of 2016 or they don’t receive gift at Winter Ball if they step down from the board
- All other yearly goals approved by board
- Moved: Tim, seconded: Sean. Unanimously approved.
CBD Disc Sports
- Aim to break even and run a successful event. Potentially could lose ~$500 if unsuccessful, but board is happy to take this risk.
- Budget reviewed but not approved at this time.
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Declan to send Tim CBD Disc Sports budget for approval
- To start 21st November 2016, Ellis Park. All games will be run in one timeslot
- Board unsure why this has not been publicised
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Sam to advertise CSL
SAFDA emails
- …@saultimate.net is forwarded to a Gmail account. Make password the same for all accounts so board members have access.
- Keep personal emails on website profile, but have SAFDAemail addresses on contacts page
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to set upboard member email portfolios
Gala Days
- Fund travel costs for Gala Day coaches (5 Gala Days coming up within the next month- costs for travel if going to all would be high). Reimbursement for fuel costs per km (coaches need to keep track of km’s travelled and then send to Sean)
- Gala Day organisers to remind coaches that fuel reimbursement is available
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Sean to tell Gala Day coaches to let him know if they require fuel cost reimbursement. Sean to pass figures onto Declan for refund.
Alex’s grant application
- Grant for mental strength training for Zig Theory players through Walker coaching. Requesting $2,050, $60 per player for approximately 30 players (potentially overestimated will confirm player numbers once EOI closes on December 15th) and a $250 live clinic.
- Resource videos and files through a Facebook group (remains open for 12 months)
- Important for all players to buy in – will all players, even those unlikely to make the team, put in the time to complete this training? Out of our control.
- Would like reports from Alex on this investment along the way and how it’s going. Really need to sell the idea to players to create the culture. Would like to see the investment go a long way, i.e. future teams, future Zig Theory campaigns.
- Moved: Declan, seconded: Sean, abstained: Ailsa and Danni, Motion approved unanimously.
Board meeting attendance
- Written in the constitution that board members will lose voting privileges if they miss three or more board meetings without apologies.
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim to encourage attendance and message people that have missed meetings
Club policy
- Updates to policy: setting out goals, clubs to provide yearly plan and player numbers to the board (allows us to add events to the calendar) and an end of year summary report. If something is changed (i.e. event moved to another date), the club must tell SAFDA.
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim to write proposal on changes to club policy to be voted on by board at next meeting
2017 Calendar
- Super League first 6 Wednesday’s of January run by Outbreak and Zig Theory, both with fantasy competitions.
- 15/03/17- 31/05/17 Women’s and Men’s league. Three divisions for men? Dependent on fields. Zig Theory leadership to talk to women in wider SA Ultimate community about whether they’d prefer 2 divisions (4 teams in each, more even teams) or 1 division (teams may not be even, some may get smashed each week)
- League registration and payments: stagger chasing up rego, too difficult to chase all divisions in one week, captain’s meeting in week 1, increase prices, team lists each week for player tracking.
- Price increase will be slight for all divisions to support paid position TBA based on field costs
- 21/06/17- 2/08/17 MLU – Talis to run again? Try to steer away from Lutheran fields (fields destroyed during winter)
- 9/08/17- 1/11/17 Mixed League
- 5 week Summer Fling Beach league to follow
- Autumn and Spring CSL: Two weeks of Come andTry sessions, 27/02/17 and 6/03/17 followed by the league (12 weeks total). Second CSL Come and Try sessions 24/07/17 and 31/07/17 followed by league (12 weeks total)
- Big MASH recruitment tournaments after the Come n Try sessions (Sundays)
- Winter Ball and AGM: 1/07/17. SAFDA’s and Big Kev’s: 2/12/17
- UniSA 24 hour tournament on October 2017 long weekend TBC
- Add SAMUC, Division 2 Nationals (1-2/04/17) AUC (22-25/04/17), Regionals (25-26/02/17), SMO (TBA), BCI (tentative 1-2/04/17), Beach Nationals (21-22/05/17 or 27-28/05/17), AMUC (27-29/10/17), AYUC (7-9/07/17), U22 Nationalsdates to the calendar
- ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to add 2017 events to calendar
Meeting closed: 12:30pm
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to investigate if website can auto-create Google Calendar event when a website event is created
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to add ‘No Receipt Form’ to the website. Can be found in the Google Drive Treasury folder
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Declan to send Tim CBD Disc Sports budget for approval
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Sam to advertise CSL
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to set up board member email portfolios
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Sean to tell Gala Day coaches to let him know if they require fuel cost reimbursement. Sean to pass figures onto Declan for refund
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim to encourage board meeting attendance and message people that have missed meetings
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Tim to write proposal on changes to club policy to be voted on by board at next meeting
ACTIONABLE ITEM: Ailsa to add 2017 events to calendar