Mackenzie River Basin Board

Minutes, Meeting 52

December 15, 2015



Cheryl Baraniecki Member/Chair Environment Canada

Mike Renouf Alternate Member Environment Canada

Heather Jirousek Member Yukon

John Fahlman Member Saskatchewan

Lynn Kriwoken Member British Columbia

Brian Yee Member Alberta

Robert Jenkins Alternate Member Northwest Territories

Cleo Reece Aboriginal Member Alberta


Leon Andrew Aboriginal Steering Northwest Territories Committee


Sharon Peter Aboriginal Member Yukon

Joseph Tsannie Aboriginal Member Saskatchewan

Vera Nicholson Aboriginal Member British Columbia

Ward Chickoski Member Health Canada

Mohan Denetto Member Indigenous and Northern



Don Pittman Executive Director MRBB

MRBB Meeting No. 52, Dec. 15, 2015 Page 2 of 5

52.1 Call to Order

The 52nd MRBB Meeting convened at 10:00 am, MST.

52.2 Introductions

Teleconference participants identified themselves. Quorum was confirmed.

52.3 Approval of Agenda

Board Members reviewed the Draft Meeting Agenda. No revisions were suggested.

Motion: Moved by Brian Yee

Seconded by Cleo Reece

THAT the agenda of Meeting No. 52 be approved as circulated.


52.4 Approval of 2014-2015 Annual Report

MRBB Members discussed the Annual Report text. Members provided editorial changes that they wanted to see in the report. Cheryl Baraniecki and Mike Renouf provided a written version of their editorial comments.

The outcomes of the discussion can be seen in the Tracked Change version of Draft 6 of the 2014-2015 MRBB Annual Report.

The Annual Report will be distributed in early 2016.

Actions Arising from the Discussion

Action 52.4-1 Don Pittman to include description on Ministerial Direction in the 2015-2016 MRBB Annual Report.

Action 52.4-2 Don Pittman to revise 2014-2015 Annual Report text based on Board’s discussion.

Action 52.4-3 Cheryl Baraniecki to review wording of Paragraph 1 of MRBB State of the Aquatic Ecosystem Steering Committee section with INAC and advise Board of outcome.

Action 52.4-4 MRBB to provide formal approval of 2014-2015 Annual Report by e-mail prior to the Christmas Holiday.

Action 52.4-5 Don Pittman to arrange publication of Annual Report.

52.5 Ministers Briefing Package

Cheryl Baraniecki highlighted the political changes that had occurred within the Federal Government and the Government of the Northwest Territories. Several Ministers have not yet been briefed on the MRBB and given the current priorities that have come out of the COP 21 meetings, the MRBB briefing for some may be pushed back to some time in the future.

Responses have not been written to the series of letters that came out of the Mackenzie River Basin Ministers Meeting that happened at the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Meeting in June 2015.

INAC has indicated that the status quo is being maintained for the time being.

The Board concluded that it was premature to focus on a Ministers Meeting Agenda for the time being.

Board Members supported the idea of developing a common foundational briefing package.

Board Members also felt that the strategic and operational review needed to be highlighted as a topic for discussion. The Board is also interested in whether the Ministers are interested in meeting again, and if so, where/when.

Robert Jenkins advised that status quo is also being maintained in the Northwest Territories regarding the need for Ministerial input/direction to the MRBB on the Strategic and Operational Review. Robert suggested that the Ministers would look for guidance regarding issues such as if they want to meet.

Cheryl Baraniecki suggested that the government Board Members have an off line discussion to discuss the development of common briefing material. The Board may not want to prematurely suggest a meeting without giving the idea some further discussion first.

The MRBB will develop a common briefing package for Ministers. Board Members will augment this information with their own briefing packages. This model is employed by the CCME.

Cheryl Baraniecki agreed to set up a call for Government Board Members to discuss developing common briefing materials. Once the briefing materials are completed, Government Members will then report back to the MRBB.

Actions Arising from the Discussion

Action 52.5-1 Cheryl Baraniecki to set up a call for Government Board Members to discuss developing common briefing materials.

Action 52.5-2 Government Board Members to report back to MRBB once briefing package has been completed.

52.6 Check In, Objectives and Triggers Workshop

Robert Jenkins advised that he was preparing a letter regarding the Objectives and Triggers workshop. This will be a follow up to the email note that was distributed in November 2015. Staff are working to organize the workshop and the letter can be expected before Christmas.

An assignment will be sent with the letter. The hope is that staff in other jurisdictions and agencies will work through the exercise and report back prior to the workshop. GNWT staff have done some of the groundwork to make sure that participants do not get caught up in the minute details. A consultant will be tasked to consolidate the information and report back to participants.

52.7 Adjourn

The meeting adjourned at 11:05 pm, MST.

Annex 1 Agenda, MRBB Meeting

The Board’s Vision: A healthy and diverse aquatic ecosystem

for the benefit of present and future generations.

Mackenzie River Basin Board Secretariat

PO Box 2310, 5019 52nd Street Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P7

Agenda, Mackenzie River Basin Board Meeting No. 52

Teleconference December 15, 2015

9:00 to 10:00 am PST

10:00 to 11:00 am MST

11:00 am to noon CST

Call: 1 877-413-4781

Passcode: 9444269

52.1 Call to Order – Chair

52.2 Introductions (Information)

52.3 Approval of Agenda (Decision)

52.4 Approval of 2014-2015 Annual Report (Discussion and Decision)

(Tab 2)

52.5 Ministers Briefing Package (Information and Discussion)

·  Questions for Minister (Tab 3)

·  Draft Ministers Meeting Agenda (Tab 4)

·  MRBB support for BWMAs (Tab 5)

·  INAC Re-engagement (Tab 6)

·  Strategic and Operational Review (Tab 7)

·  MRBB Budget Note (Tab 8)

·  MRBB Major Deliverables (Tab 9)

52.6 Check In, Objectives and Triggers Workshop (Information and Discussion)

52.7 Adjourn

MRBB Meeting No. 52, Dec. 15, 2015 Page 2 of 5