JULY 16, 2015
The Annual meeting of the Bennett County School District 3-1 was called to order by Chairman Jeff Johnson at 4:59 pm. Board members present: Alexander, Hodson, Olson. Absent: Petrak. Administration present: Superintendent Stacy Halverson, Jr. High Principal Belinda Ready, Business Manager Jolene Robinson and Karen Coyle. Administration absent: Amie Kuxhaus and Nick Redden. Others present: Tim Huether and Scott Huber. Board member Petrak joined the meeting at 5:20 pm.
188.0-15 Alexander moved to approve the agenda, motion seconded by Hodson. All voting aye, motion carried.
Public hearing of the proposed budget for the 2015-2016 school year.
189.0-15 Hodson moved to approve the consent agenda, motion seconded by Alexander. All voting aye, motion carried.
189.1 Minutes of Regular meeting, June 16, 2015
189.2 Financials for June, 2015
189.3 Claims for June, 2015
The administration and other board members thanked Jeff Johnson for his years of service to the school and community.
196.0-15 Olson moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 pm, motion seconded by Johnson. All voting aye, motion
Business Manager Robinson called the meeting to order at 5:11 pm.
Business Manager Robinson administered the oath of office to Kevin Hodson and Scott Huber who are beginning three year terms on the Board of Education.
1.0-16 Business Manager Robinson opened the floor for nominations for position of Board Chairman. Hodson
moved to nominate Mike Olson for the position of Board Chairman, motion seconded by Huber. No
further nominations were made. All voting aye for the nomination of Mike Olson to become board
chairman. Motion carried.
Business Manager Robinson turned board proceeding over to the board chairman, Mike Olson.
2.0-16 Huber moved to nominate Kevin Hodson as Vice Chairman, motion seconded by Alexander. No further nominated were made. All voting aye for the nomination of Kevin Hodson, vice-chairman, motion carried.
3.0-16 Alexander moved to approve the agenda, motion seconded by Hodson. All voting aye. Motion carried.
4.0-16 Hodson moved to approve the July, 2014 claims, motion seconded by Huber to approve the July, 2015 claims. All voting aye, motion carried.
Administrative reports were given at this time. Superintendent Halverson reported that the football field irrigation system is up and running, the dirt has been spread around the inside track perimeter, Ms Halverson extends a special thank you to football students, Jon Pierson and Sean Beckerleg for helping with the dirt project. The concrete bleacher section has been poured, they are working on the walkway and the drainage issues. The concrete will be poured for the extended runway on Friday, and the ambulance entrance pad will be created over the rocks. The new lockers will be installed in the Martin Grade School on Monday. There was a leak in the weight room after the rains at the beginning of July and the administration has contacted a basement company for an estimate on fixing the leak. Work on the lot purchased last summer is a work in progress, the legion bathrooms and locker rooms are just about completed, the janitors are doing a wonderful job on the cleaning of the buildings and they are now doing some painting in the buildings. The air conditioning unit at the Activity Center was hit by lightning over 4th of July and it has been reported to the insurance company and RW Rice is getting an estimate of the damage. Ms. Halverson commended Ed and Brady for keeping up with the grounds maintenance, and we still have openings for concessions, jr. high volleyball and Little Warriors basketball and volleyball.
Jr. High Principal, Federal Programs Director Ready reported that the Consolidated Application has been submitted and was a struggle this year as a new format has been introduced, it was a learning experience for all the administrators. Belinda and 4 mothers of elementary age students attended the parent involvement conference in Chicago, they are very excited about the programs that were presented and are bringing some great things back to Bennett County. On the professional development side of things, teachers have been attending conferences all summer and are ready for the new year to begin. At the junior high they will be having some new classes, also continued integration of technology at the jr. high and she explained the jr. high handbook changes to deal with the eligibility and ICU.
Business Manager Robinson and Coyle reported that the annual report is in progress and all requisitions have been processed and supplies ordered.
Petrak arrived at this time, 5:20 pm.
5.0-16 Motion by Alexander, seconded by Hodson to approve the consent agenda for the following appointments. All voting aye, motion carried.
5.1 Designated District Representative-Stacy Halverson
5.2 Director of School Lunch-Stacy Halverson
5.3 Custodian of Trust and Agency Funds-Jolene Robinson/Karen Coyle
5.4 Asbestos Coordinator-Gary Snow & Associates
5.5 Truancy Officer - Building Principals
5.6 Authorize Supertintendent Halverson as the Board's designee to sign the consolidated federal programs applications.
5.7 Designate Security First Bank as the official depository for district funds with alternate of SD Public Funds Investment Trust.
5.8 Set monthly board meeting time and dates as the third Monday of each month at 5:00 pm,
and the location will be the meeting room in the Library Community Room.
5.9 Designate Bennett County Booster II as the official district newspaper.
5.10 Appoint Rodney Freeman of Huron as the district legal counsel.
5.11 Authorize the Business Manager to invest district funds in institutions which serve the greatest advantage to the district.
5.12 Authorize the Superintendent or his designee to close school in an emergency or inclement weather.
5.13 Establish the following chain of command: Board of Education, Superintendent, Jr. High Principal, High School Principal, Elementary Principal, and Business Manager.
5.14 Appoint Jolene Robinson, Cally Drobny and Linnae Slattery as appraisers.
5.15 Appoint 504 coordinator: K-6, Amie Kuxhaus, 7- 8, Belinda Ready, 9-12, Nick Redden.
6.0-16 Motion by Alexander, seconded by Huber to approve the following committee appointments. All
voting aye. Motion carried.
6.1 Three Rivers Cooperative Representative-Mike Olson 6.2 Alternate to Three Rivers Coooperative-Kevin Hodson
6.3 Building & Grounds Committee – Alexander and Olson
6.4 Negotiations Committee – Alexander, Huber & Petrak
6.5 County Library – Belinda Ready
6.6 Staff Development – Olson
6.7 Schoolwide Title Representative – Hodson, Alexander
7.0-16 Motion by Hodson, seconded by Petrak to approve the following district policies. All voting
aye. Motion carried.
7.1 Jr. High Student Handbook
7.2 Board Policy Handbook
7.3 Special Education Handbook
7.4 Disaster Policy
7.5 Elementary Student Handbook
7.6 High School Student Handbook
7.7 Wellness Handbook
7.8 HACCP Policy
7.9 Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) policy
7.10 Indian Policy and Procedure Policy
7.11 BCSD Parent Involvement Policy
7.12 BCSD School Parent Compact
7.13 Martin Grade School Discipline Guide
7.14 Martin Grade School Alternative Learning Program policy
7.15 Bennett County Professional Development Plan
8.0-16 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Huber to approve the following pricing policies for 2015-2016
school year, changes were made to mileage reimbursement and per diem’s for travel per state
increases in allowances. Regular school lunches will raise from $2.60 to $2.70 to meet the
minimum requirement for full reimbursement. All voting aye, motion carried.
8.1 Admission prices
High school admission
Adults daily-$5.00 Students daily-$3.00
8.2 Season Activity Passes
Adults-$45.00 Senior Citizens-$25.00
Student 7-12-$20.00 Student K-6-$14.00
Family Pass - $135.00
8.3 Mileage Reimbursement (State Rate) - $.42 per mile
8.4 Per Diem
In-State Breakfast-$6.00, Lunch-$11.00
Dinner-$15.00 Rooms-Actual cost Out-State Breakfast-$10.00, Lunch-$14.00
Dinner-$21.00 Rooms-Actual cost
8.5 Approve the current school lunch prices:
School Lunch Prices:
Regular Lunch - Student-K-12 - $2.70
Regular Breakfast Student $1.75
Reduced Lunch $ .40
Reduced Breakfast $ .30
Milk $ .50
Regular Lunch – Adults $3.50
Regular Breakfast – Adults $2.00
9.0-16 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Huber to accept the propane quote from Beguin Enterprises, LLC, Gordon, NE, for the 2015-2016 school year. All voting aye, motion carried.
Propane: Firm Transport Firm Sm Truck
Beguin Enterprises $.80 $.98
Gallons delivered before August 1st will be $.50 per gallon
Stern Oil $ .8751 $1.1751
Country Pride $.79 $.99
9.1-16 Moved by Hodson, seconded by Alexander to accept the gasoline & diesel quote from KJ’s Pitstop for the 2015-2016 school year. Pump price per gallon less federal tax and then filing the necessary paperwork. No other quotes were received. All voting aye, motion carried.
10.0-16 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Petrak to accept the bid from Jack Birdsall for the following IA equipment in the amount of $240.00. No other bids were submitted. All voting aye, motion carried.
Combination Sander, Rockwell, 230 volt $50.00
Ryobi Drum Sander $20.00
Wood Lathe, 120 volt, Rockwell/Delta variable speed $75.00
Bowl Lathe with stand, 120 volt $15.00
(2) Jet Brand Dust Collectors, Model DC1200 $80.00
11.0-16 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Hodson to approve the following contracts. All voting aye, motion carried.
11.1 Tanner Hill – para-professional, $10.00 per hour
11.2 Anthony Muilenburg – Jr. high football, $1,036.00
12.0-16 Moved by Hodson, seconded by Alexander to accept Preventive Maintenance Service Agreement Renewal with Rasmussen Mechanical Services from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016 in the amount of $11,881.00. All voting aye, motion carried.
13.0-16 The changes to Policy GCE, Employment of Part Time or Substitute Teacher was tabled until the August meeting, as more information was needed.
14.0-16 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Huber to enter executive session for discussion of personnel at 5:54 pm. All voting aye, motion carried. Chairman Olson declared out at 6:10 pm.
15.0-16 Moved by Alexander, seconded by Petrak to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 pm. All voting aye, motion carried.
______Mike Olson, Board Chairman Jolene Robinson, Business Manager