The Southwest Emerging Technology Symposium (SETS) 2016, formerly the Southwest Energy Science and Engineering Symposium, will be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2016 at the Wyndham El Paso Airport in El Paso, Texas. The goal of this symposium is to provide a setting for formal and informal interactions between students, scholars, and industrial professionals. We cordially invite you to participate in the SETS 2016 to present your scientific findings, chair a session, or attend presentations.

Word limit for abstract is 300.

1 Preparation and Submission

1.1 Use of Templates

The paper should conform in appearance to this example. After its completion, the author shall convert it to a PDF format and submit to . A letter style paper must be submitted by March 18th, 2016, to be included in the meeting program and the symposium proceedings. Typical length of these papers are 4 pages. Presentations will be 20-minutes (15- minute presentation and 5-minutes for questions). This is a sample format of the text for an abstract. The abstract should be submitted in 12 point, single-spaced Times New Roman font with right and left justified margins. The title is centered 12 point, all caps, single-spaced bold Times New Roman. E-mail attachments are the preferred submission mode.

2 Format

2.1 Tables, Diagrams and Figures

Care should be taken over the preparation of diagrams and figures, which should be printed in black and white. Figures will be 2 inch of height and 3 inch of length. Annotations should be in 10 point with only the first letter capitalized. The figure caption should be preceded by ‘Fig.’ followed by the figure number. For example, ‘Fig. 2. The elastic properties……’. All tables, diagrams and figures should be inserted at the bottom of main body of your abstract. An example of figure format is shown in Fig.1.

Fig.1. All tables, diagrams and figures should be inserted at the bottom of main body of your abstract.

2.2 Photographs and illustrations

Authors should recognize that all photographs and illustrations would be printed in black and white. Image files should be optimized to minimize size without compromising the quality. The figures should have a resolution of 300 dpi.

2.3 Equations

Using the appropriate editor, each equation should occur on a new line with uniform spacing from adjacent text as indicated in this template. The equations, where they are referred to in the text, should be numbered sequentially and their identifier enclosed in parenthesis, right justified. The symbols, where referred to in the text, should be italicized. Symbol font may be used for Greek letters.

E = mc2 (1)

3.3 References

The papers in the reference list must be cited in the text. In the text, the citation should appear in square brackets “[1]” in superscript, for example, ‘the red fox has been shown to jump the black cat [3]....” In the Reference list, the font should be Times New Roman with 10 point size. The Author name list should be terminated by a ‘full stop.’ The citation number should be enclosed in brackets. Book titles should be in italics, followed by a ‘full stop.’ Proceedings or journal titles should be in italics. Only the first letter of the title should be capitalized in the article name as follows:


[1]  A. Green, B. Red and C. Blue “The title of the book”. 1st edition, Publisher, 2001.

[2]  A. Green, B. Red and C. Blue “The title of the conference paper”. Proceedings of Conference Title, where it took place, Vol. 1, paper number, pp 1-11, 2004.

[3]  A. Green, B. Red and C. Blue “The title of the journal paper”. Journal Name, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 1-11, 2006.