Minutes of the Communications Sub-committee meeting held at the Lodge, Kings Park on Thursday, 7 July2016.

Present: Sue Elliott (Chair), Celeste Sweeney, Kim Smith, Alex Hew,Nicole Parks, Pippa Moodie and Tammy Pinkerton (FoKPMarketing & Events Officer)

Observers: Kathy Perano and Ai Chen Lee

Sue opened the meeting with a warm welcome to everyone and thanked Kim for all her hard work in chairing the committee, and Tammy for her support. Kathy and Ai Chen were observing as potential members of the committee.

Val Gough, a member of the committee, had passed away earlier in the day. Her enthusiasm and support was acknowledged and she will be sadly missed.


Author Talk and Afternoon Tea – 7 June 2016

This was asuccessful,relaxing event with 34 people attending and an excellent afternoon tea provided by Zamia Catering. A reconciliation statement had been received from Boffins Books showing $103.84 due to the Friends.

It would be safer and more convenient to purchase two pump flasks to deliver hot water for events. The old urn in the shed to be checked for leakage.

Attention Pippa

Propagation workshop – 9 June 2016

Another successful event with attendees enjoying the workshops and learning how to graft plants. Attendees will receive a monthly email and image to see how their plants are growing.

Members Events

Honour Avenues Group – 10 July 2016

Due to a stormy weather forecast for Sunday, it was decided to relocate this event to the Lodge. Members who had expressed an interest in attending to be notified of the change of location.

Pippa to email members, Nicole to provide biscuits

Author Talk and Afternoon Tea – 14 August 2016

It was decided to postpone Julie Kinney, author of The Garden Wanderer’s, talk until October.

Tammy to negotiate

A Walk on the Wildflower Side – Saturday morning, 20 August 2016

Once we have an idea of numbers, Celeste will be able to confirm the number of leaders needed. At present, Sue Clark and Jane Tucker have agreed to support the Friends with this event.

A request to be made for two parking bays in Forrest Car Park. Nicole has agreed to use her ute to transport chairs, tables, etc.

Event to be created on Trybooking – tickets $5.

Attention: Tammy to place event on Trybooking

Pippa to ask for parking bays

2016 Festival Address

The Festival Address is to take place on Wednesday, 7 September in the Green Room, starting at 6.00 p.m. Hans Lambers has proposed the following title: ‘Future Keepers, not Future Eaters ‘. Hans to be asked for a one liner.

Attention: Nicole to find a cellist and check whether a liquor licence is needed

Sue and Pippa to seek quotes for food from Zamia.

Pippa to approach Hans


Future Keepers, not Future Eaters: a case for UNESCO World Heritage Listing of South-western Australia.

Sue advised she can call upon two people to help out at events, if needed.

Future Event

Digby Growns has agreed to facilitate a talk on grevilleas. This will also include a tour of the plant development area in the Nursery.

Event booked to take place on Sunday, 4 December 2016 in the Green Room. Title of talk: ‘The double life of a Grevillea’. The meeting is to start in the Green Room with a talk on the breeding process and aims as well as the supply chain and intellectual property, followed by a walk in the nursery to look at the various grevilleas on display.

Other Business

Tammy to prepare a document with ‘rules’ and marketing protocols for future Author Talks and upload the document onto the Friends website. Nicole of Aspects to be kept in the loop to help promote these types of events.

Attention: Tammy

Helena to be asked to send committee members access details to read documents on the Friends website.

Attention: Helena

Sue to update Communications and Marketing Strategy with track changes for the Management Committee to discuss at their next meeting on 4 August.

Attention: Sue

New Book Mark

Due to the detail of the image on the card it was agreed to print Rosalie’s book mark in a slightly larger size. Confirmation needed that all the plants on the book mark are Western Australian natives.

Attention: Pippa


Confirmed all plants are Western Australian natives. Size of bookmark: 63mm x 210mm to fit easily into a DL envelope.

Tammy’s handover

Committee members to attend a handover meeting on Wednesday, 3 August at 1.00 p.m. at the Lodge. Tammy has been asked to prepare standard operating procedures on the different aspects of her job.

Attention: Tammy/Committee members

Tammy’s farewell

Tammy extended an invitation to committee members to attend her farewell breakfast on 4 August between 8.00 and 9.00 a.m. at Zamia Cafe.

Next meeting date

Thursday, 11 August 2016 at 5.30 p.m. at the Lodge

