2011Child Abuse Check Off

Communications tool Kit

About the Check off:

Every other year, the Iowa Legislature chooses four beneficiaries of the state income tax check off, which are highlighted on state income tax forms. Taxpayers have the opportunity to donate a portion of their refund – or make a donation upon filing their taxes. Child abuse prevention is one of four causes receiving funds from the state check off.

100% of funds raised through the Child Abuse Check Off are directed into communities across the state through the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP). Organizations that receive ICAPP funds will benefit directly from the Child Abuse Check Off.

Important to note this year:


2012 is the last year ICAPP will be a recipient of state check off funds, unlessthe funds donated place the program among the top two beneficiaries. Since it’s difficult to predict the amount of money other beneficiaries will receive, we must be proactive and vigilant in our communication efforts. In a time when grant, government, and individual donations are down, it is critical that we effectively promote the Child Abuse Check Off!

Under Iowa law, the two beneficiaries with the most revenue acquired, from January 1, 2011 to March 15, 2012, will remain as check off recipients for two additional years. The other two beneficiaries drop off, to be replaced by two new organizations chosen by legislators.

This tool kit is intended to help you be proactive and successful in your communication efforts.




  1. Purposed calendarpages 2 -3
  2. Planning and implementation guide pages 4-5
  3. Radio public service scriptpage 6
  4. Press releasepage 7-8
  5. Letter to the editorpage 9
  6. Additionalassistancepage 10

Campaign Calendar

novemberPlanning campaign

Late Nov.Schedule a meeting with community partners to plan the promotion of the check off. Try to include a diverse group of individuals with varying talents and connections. Planning ahead will allow time for creativity, as well as making sure all responsibilities are covered. Planning guide should help with this effort.

decemberBuilding Campaign’s Platform

Early Dec.PCA Iowa will lead a call to jump-start planning efforts, answer questions and share network ideas for those interested. Please look for date to be communicated soon.

Finalize tools to promote the check off – fill in templates’ gaps, identify social media plan, prepare additional marketing resources (fliers, brochures, website).

Contact local tax preparers, libraries, and other organizations that provide resources for taxes. Provide them with promotional materials, and ask them to include checkoff information in their newsletters, on their websites, or any other communications they distribute.Check off cards, press release and letter to the editor to help with these efforts.

Contact your local radio stations and ask them to donate air time for the

checkoff PSA. Provide them with a copy of the pre-taped PSA for their

review. There is a 15 second and 30 second script, depending on what they can accommodate.

Contact local businesses and request that they include information

about Check Off Child Abuse with the W-2 forms they distribute to

their employees.

JanuaryLaunching campaign

Early Jan.Distribute press release to local media outlets.

ThroughoutContact local social service providers, schools, law enforcement, the faith-based community, etc. Encourage them to promote the campaign

and provide them with promotional materials.

Schedule as many community group speaking engagements as possible.

Late Jan.Submit letter to the editor


Jan 31Employers are required to provide employees with a copy of their W-2 form by this date.

February – April Maintaining momentum

Feb – March 15Schedule interviews with local TV and radio programs.

Contact tax preparers and libraries, and replenish their promotional materials, if necessary.

March 15Iowa Department of Revenue will determine top two beneficiaries that received the most donations through the checkoff.

April 30State income tax returns are due – donations made throughout 2012 are

distributed to organizations receiving ICAPP funds.

Planning Guide

Below is a list of topics to consider discussing with your implementation committee. This is

intended to help guide your discussion and promote brainstorming, not limit your efforts.

Check Off Logo Use(included in electronic file)

Consider opportunities to integrate the check off logo into marketing materials and everyday communication such as:

  • Website’s homepage
  • Social media – organization’s and employee’s Facebook and Twitter accounts
  • Printed marketing collateral – brochures, flyers
  • Presentation materials – powerpoints, handouts
  • Organization newsletter(s)
  • Email signature

Check Off Postcards(coordinate delivery with PCA Iowa)

PCA Iowa updated the design and content of the postcards for your promotion this year. We have a nearly unlimited supply of cards available; please take advantage of this tool – simply let us know how many you need. Your team may want to think about:

  • Community businesses/organizations

Those with whom you have existing relationships

Those with whom you can be form new relationships through common efforts missions, target audiences or team connections

Many workplaces will include the cards with employees’ W2 forms (or distribute in another manner)

  • Accountants and tax preparers

Ask members of the team to provide their accountant with cards

Divide those remaining tax preparing individuals/organizations among the group and provide cards to them

  • High traffic public areas

Display cards at libraries, community boards, grocery stores, and coffee shops


Radio PSA

  • Identify target radio stations
  • Decide who will coordinate placement with the stations

Press Release

  • Identify print, radio and television media to submit press release
  • Choose someone to fill in the gaps of the press release template provided
  • Decide who will pitch the release to the media
  • Many business/organizationslook for content for their internal/external newsletter(s). Consider which organizations would utilize this information.
  • Place the press release on your website

Letter to the Editor

  • Choose someone to fill in the gaps of the letter template provided
  • Determine who the letter will be written from – someone indirectly associated with child abuse prevention and well-known in the community can help establish credibility for the cause. (Think of a teacher, business leader, or public figure, rather than someone who works from the organization receiving ICAPP funds).
  • Decide who will provide the letter to the local newspaper(s) and follow-up
  • This is additional copy that could be used for organizations/business with newsletter(s)

Talking points

  • Determine who will act as the check off spokesperson. Ideally, this person will have experience working with the media, but most importantly he or she will feel comfortable with the talking points and be available to respond timely to media inquiries.


Radio PSA

  • Identify target radio stations
  • Decide who will coordinate placement with the stations

Community Opportunities

Speaking Opportunities

  • When giving presentations during the promotion events, don’t forget to plug the check off and bring support materials
  • Connect with other community organizations and groups for a chance to share


  • Consider planning a small event to raise awareness of the check off
  • Request to be part of existing events – with a booth or simply display cards

PSA Scripts
Audio files should be available the first week of December.

30 second PSA

I’m Charity Campbell, Iowa’s Teacher of the Year

I’ve seen first hand how the stress children face at home can transition into the classroom.

There is something every Iowan can do to help keep our children safe. When you file your state income taxes, please check off child abuse.

Donate a portion of your tax refund, and you will help bring support and education to families. Every dollar donated will make its way back into Iowa’s communities.

Please tell your tax preparer that you want to check off child abuse. For more information, please visit checkoffchildabuseiowa.org.

15 second PSA

I’m Charity Campbell, Iowa’s Teacher of the Year

I’ve seen how child abuse can affect students in the classroom.

When you file your state income taxes, help prevent child abuse in Iowa by donating a portion of your refund.

Please tell your tax preparer that you want to check off child abuse. For more information, please visit checkoffchildabuseiowa.org.

Insert organization’s logo

Contact Information


Phone number

E-mail address




State Income Tax Form Simplifies Giving Opportunity to End Child Abuse

City, IA –For many Iowans, tax season is the time of year to enjoy a little extra cash flow, thanks to state and federal tax refunds. This year, there is an opportunity to receive and give upon filing state income taxes. Every Iowan has an opportunity to donate a portion of their tax refund to the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program, through the state income tax check off. Taxpayers who don’t receive a refund can still make a contribution when filing.

A modest donation will make the difference in the lives of children across the state – with still enough money remaining to treat yourself. Donations are distributed into communities through organizations providing direct support and education to families.

In County, Organization’s namereceives funds from the Child Abuse Check Off. Organization’s nameoffers service, which is centered on providing local parents describe support/education offered and how it prevents abuse.

To make a donation, taxpayers simply need to direct their attention to the specific line on the state income tax form where they can indicate the amount they would like to contribute. The monetary donation will be automatically deducted from a refund, or added onto the total cost to file state income taxes.

“Child abuse prevention services, such as those offered by Organization’s name,assist families in building ‘protective factors’,” stated Steve Scott, Executive Director of Prevent Child Abuse Iowa. “The more protective factors present in a family, the more likely a child will grow up free from abuse and reach his or her full potential. The Child Abuse Check Off is an important source of funding to ensure every family in Iowa has the necessary resources,” explained Scott. “When children and families excel, communities reap the rewards.”

Under Iowa law, there are four beneficiaries of the income tax check off, which are highlighted on the state income tax forms. The Child Abuse Check Off is in its fourth year of inclusion on the state tax forms.

To learn more about the Child Abuse Check Off, please direct your attention to

- more -

About the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program

In 1982, the Iowa Legislature established the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP), which receives federal and state funds to offer child abuse prevention services, such as parent education and support, crisis and respite child care, and sexual abuse prevention throughout Iowa. The program benefits more than 15,000 parents and 60,000 children in approximately 90 counties each year.Prevent Child Abuse Iowa administers the program.

AboutReleasing Organization

[Insert boilerplate for releasing organization].


Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Every child in community name deserves the chance to grow up in a healthy, safe environment, free from abuse and neglect. As a community, it is our responsibility to ensure all families receive the support and resources that they need, before stress reaches the point of child abuse.

While most people want to prevent child abuse, few know how to make a contribution. This tax season, there is something easy every Iowan do to help keep our children safe. When you file your state income taxes, please check off child abuse.Donate a portion of your tax refund, and you will help bring support and education to families through the Iowa Child Abuse Prevention Program (ICAPP).

Every dollar donated will make its way back into Iowa’s communities. Organizations such as, organization’s name, receive funding from ICAPP and will benefit greatly from an increase of funds, as it strives to make services offered available to every family in community name. Mention briefly how your services positively impact families in your community.

When we make investments in children and families, the next generation will pay it back through a lifetime of productivity and responsible citizenship. Please tell your tax preparer that you want to check off child abuse. For more information, please visit checkoffchildabuseiowa.org.


[Signature and Contact Information]

Further Assistance

If you need one-on-one assistance implementing the Check Off Child Abuse campaign in your community, please contact Prevent Child Abuse Iowa. The Director of Communications is available to help your organization build awareness through verbal, written and visual communications.

Leslie Holsapple

Director of Communications
505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 900 | Des Moines, Iowa50309
P: 515.244.2200 | F: 515.280.7835 | Toll Free: 1.800.CHILDREN