My “Causes of the Civil War” by
Period:______/ When? / Where? Who?
(North, South, Congress, a state, certain states such as , a concept or idea, a belief, a book, a person, in America) / What happened or occurred or what is this about? / How did this help cause the Civil War? Or what did this have to do with causing the Civil War? Why is it considered a cause of the Civil War?
1. Nullification Crisis with Andrew Jackson and John Calhoun
/ 1828 to 1833 / The Federal government versus ______
John Calhoun in South Carolina versus Andrew Jackson, the ______/ Calhoun said that the states did not have to follow laws that Congress made if they thought they were bad for the State. The South did not like the tariff of 1828, the tariff of abominations so South Carolina was going to lave the union of States (the USA) and become its own country. / Pres. Jackson offered to hang all the South Carolinians who left the USA and they decided not to secede at this time. However, this issue with tariffs and state rights is still alive and smoldering. In 1861 S.C. will secede and be the one to fire on Fort Sumter and start the Civil War.
/ Years: __1828__1832___1833___1842____1846___1860_ / Applies to all of the USA .
Tax Made by the ______/ Congress made tariffs to protect American ______which is mainly in the ______. S______feels that it is hurt by tariffs as they are agricultural. 90+ % of Congress income from tariffs so they like them and are not changing them.
3.State Rights versus Federal Rights conflict
/ 1783 to 1861
4. Missouri Compromise

5. Texas and the Alamo
6. Mexican war
7. Gadsden Purchase
8. Wilmot Proviso
9. Texas Statehood
10. California Gold Rush
11.Compromise of 1850

12. The Great Debate
13. Fugitive Slave Law of 1850

14. Ostend Manifesto
15. Kansas- Nebraska Act

16. “Bleeding Kansas”
17. The Republican Party is created
18. ***DRED SCOTT*** case
19. Nat Turner slave Rebellion
20. Lecompton Constitution
21. Lincoln -Douglas debates
22. Harper’s Ferry Incident
23. Election of 1860 and Lincoln takes office as President
24. Sectionalism

25. Harriet Beecher Stowe

26. William Lloyd Garrison,
Grimke Sisters, Frederick Douglas,
/ Early and middle 1800’s / Northern states / Against ______
Called ______
27. Firing upon Union forces at Fort Sumter
28. Civil War
/ 1861-1865 / Fought from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to Georgia-Florida border but all Americans involved in the fate of the Nation. / Antietam, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Bull Run, Chancellorsville, Manassas, Appomattox, / No more causes. The Battle is upon us! Time to Man up

Instructions: a. Use your power point which is also on the wiki, text and/or the computer to complete the graphic

organizer chart above.

b. Use your chart and the text (no computer) to answer one of the following questions for your 300

word 6 plus 1:

1.  Describe the reasons for, main players, and results of the Nullification Crisis and the emergence of states’ rights ideology.

2.  How did the Compromise of 1850 rise out of territorial expansion and population growth?

3.  Explain how slavery became a significant issue in American politics; include the slave rebellion of Nat Turner and the rise of abolitionism (William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and the Grimke sisters) and the Underground Railroad.

4.  Explain the Kansas-Nebraska Act’s causes and results and the failure of popular sovereignty that resulted from it.

5.  Describe the War with Mexico causes and results and how it affects the current political issues with Latino immigration.

6.  Describe the course of civil rights in America using the Dred Scott, Plessy versus Ferguson, and Brown versus Topeka Board of Education Supreme Court cases.

7.  Explain the relationship between growing north-south divisions, westward expansion and the advent or beginning of the Civil War.

c. Hand chart and paper in together on 1/12/2010. You have from Jan 5-12 to finish the chart and

paper. That includes the weekend, if you can not complete this in class.