Senate Meeting Minutes for September 20th

Opening Prayer (1805)

No funding proposals on the docket (1808)

New Business (1809)

●Katie Skiff idea for off campus take a professor to lunch

○Noah: good idea

○Jordan: difficult to abuse the system

○Angela: people who have meal plans might be concerned with the fact that off campus students are getting a free meal and they're having to use their meal plan

○Ben: it probably wouldn’t be used that often

○Savannah: potential problem with the DC already being very clogged around lunchtime

○Angela: limit it to two meals a semester

○Noah: and they can appeal for more

○Bethany: realistically, we wouldn't be spending a lot of money

○Jordan: it's unlikely anyone would never come to the DC unless they were doing take a professor to lunch

○Jordan: maybe a starbucks gift card

○All: probably too complicated

○Jordan: one of those policies we should be intentional about

●How to encourage students to do their civic duty

○Leandra: theme of next few office hours “hey have you registered to vote yet?”

●Presidential Debate on Monday, 9/26:

○Gonna put a slide up in the DC

○Catered by super cucas

●Office Hours

○If anyone needs to change office hours just do so on the goodgle doc

●Committee Reports

○Garden Club funding proposal needs to go to WAC

●Pocket Points

○Active at Westmont

○Bethany will focus on advertising

Stu Cleek Presentation (1835)

●Looking for ways to improve the experience for westmont students

●Recognizes that some students have had issues with coming changes

●First year students will not live in VK or the GLC

●Four options

○1. First Year & Sophomore on Upper Campus

○2. Emerson as all first year hall

○3. First years included in Armington

○4. No first years in Emerson

●Special circumstances for living off campus (married, downtown, commuter, special needs)

●New less restrictive rules for OV

●WCSA Town hall october 6th


●Not big fans of option 2 (first years with closed doors)

●Freshmen might find it hard to connect

●We like option 1

Meeting Adjourned (1919)

Executive Council Meeting Minutes for September 20th

Opening Prayer (1923)

Committee Updates (1925)

●Everybody wants Noah to change something in the DC

●Caleb: important academic senate meeting with Gayle coming up

Leandra Met with Gayle (1926)

●Talked about visions for year

●All about transparency

Voter Registration Drive (1930)

●Required by law to encourage people to register to vote

●Use office hours to do this

Presidential debate update (1934)

●They may or may not need our help setting up

●Super cucas is catering

●Ben will get voter registration forms from the courthouse to bring

Crisis on election day in regards to conflict with WAC (1936)

●We want to have world series type event on the day of the election in the DC

●Apparently WAC is planning on having some event with Knecht on the day of

Idea for spreading info about housing stuff (1937)

●Email out the info given to us to all students after the forum

●Go crazy with the media for the forum

●Advertise snacks

●Possibly contract with coffee club for the event

Katie Skiff and the idea for off campus students being able to take professors to lunch

●Caleb: seems unfair to pay for 100% of it because it would come out of student fee dollars for people who don’t pay for meal plans

●Ben: seems like a good idea as long as we limit the number of times it can be used

●Leandra: see’s how at a base level this could be viewed as unfair

●Ben: we’re just trying it out for a semester

●Caleb: seems unfair that the student fee dollars would benefit such a small group of students

Meeting Adjourned (1958)