Modern Terrorism (Grade 11 – Modern World History)

Understanding by Design (UbD) Unit
Author: Jamie Green, Revised by Greg Hurley
Last modified: 8/10/14

Stage 1 Desired Results
WHII.47 Explain the rise and funding of Islamic fundamentalism in the last half of the 20th century and identify the major events and forces in the Middle East over the last several decades. (H, E)
WHII.48 Describe America’s response to and the wider consequences of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. (H)
WHST Writing
Grades 11-12
1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content
a. Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences the claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant data and evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both claim(s) and counterclaims in a discipline-appropriate form that anticipates the audience’s knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.
c. Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims.
d. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from or supports the argument presented. / Transfer
Students will be able to independently use their learning to… T
1.  Understand how recurring patterns in history can inform judgments about current events and other issues.
2.  Critically appraise historical and contemporary claims/decisions.
Students will understand that…
1.  Terrorism is a social construct and thus there are a multiple definitions
2.  Perspective is instrumental in deciding whether a group or an individual is a terrorist or freedom fighter
1.  Why do some people choose violence in an attempt to bring about change?
2.  Does one country have the right to intervene in the affairs of another?
3.  What is Terrorism?
4.  What is the difference between a Freedom Fighter and a Terrorist?
Students will know… K
Key Vocabulary
Tier 2:
Freedom, Violence
Tier 3:
Terrorism (Terrorist), Freedom Fighter, Munich Olympics, Department of Homeland Security, Al Qaeda, ISIS
1.  Multiple definitions of terrorism, but there are some constants - goal oriented violence and not random violence
2.  A commonly accepted definition and description of terrorism - goals, methods, characteristics
3.  Terrorism has effects beyond the immediate consequences of the attack, including but limited to - increased security measures, limitations on freedom, underlying stereotyping, and new foreign policy directives.
4.  A basic chronology of modern Terrorism (Since Munich Olympics)
5.  Basic understanding of one of the following major terrorist organization - including, but not limited to, Al Qaida, Hezbollah, FARC, Tamil Tigers, Hammas
6.  Basic understanding of how the current global community is being impacted by terrorism / Students will be skilled at… S
1.  Developing a claim and anticipating counter claims
2.  Analyzing Primary Source documents to understand a historical event
3.  Identifying sequence of events using a timeline
4.  Using a sequence of events to identify cause and effect
5.  Building consensus with their peers
6.  Reading to make meaning
7.  Identifying Perspective in multiple sources on the same topic
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria / Assessment Evidence
<type here> / PERFORMANCE TASK(S):
Goal - International Committee on designation of Terrorist Status will meet to designate "Terrorist" or "Freedom Fighter" status on a selected number of organizations
Role - You are an international terrorist expert
Audience - You are writing a report for UN delegate who will represent your country at the United Nationals Special Committee on Terrorism
Situation - It is the year 2013 this is an independent committee drawn from all over the world. Your report will be used to shape the United Nations' next meeting on Terrorism
Product - You will create a position paper in which you argue whether your assigned organization is a Terrorist or Freedom fighter organization.
<type here> / OTHER EVIDENCE:
·  Terrorism Timeline
·  Frayer Model - definition of Terrorism
·  Frayer Model - Definition of Freedom Fighter
·  Group discussion: How the US Should address terrorism
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
Lesson 1: Introduction to Modern Terrorism and Defining Terrorism
In this lesson students will be introduced to the events of September 11, 2001 and then will define terrorism using the conceptual vocabulary strategy of a Frayer Model. T1, T2, U1, U2, E1, E3, K1, K2, K3, S2, S6, S7
·  Activate prior knowledge of September 11, 2001
·  Identify the events of September 11, 2001 using video and print media
o  Outline the events of 9/11 - Resource from Marsha Healy -
o  Explain causes - Use textbooks, choices etc - One resource
·  Identify Al Qaeda and why they claimed they carried out the 9/11 attacks
o  Consider a visual discovery on this picture of Osama Bin Laden’s family on vacation in Sweden in the 1970’s, and then a picture of Bin Laden on one of his Al-Qaeda videos. What causes someone to transform like this? (See end of unit)
o  Explain causes of 9/11 - Use textbooks, choices etc - One resource
The United States after 9/11 - Various sources available - see war on terror file below
·  Analyze the effects if September 11, 2001 on the United States
o  The United States after 9/11 - Various sources available - see War on Terror File
·  Identify the September 11 attacks as the pivotal event in changing how the US views “terrorism.”
·  Extract definition from reading on the word terrorism - could complete a class mind-map
o  Using Text Book, Human Legacy, Modern Era, students will take Content/Response Notes p.600-602
o  Alternatively, students can take Content/Response Notes using the introduction section of the Choices Text: Modern Terrorism
·  Analyze the characteristics of Terrorism using a Frayer Model
o  Students should also put the definition of Terrorism on a 4 column Vocabulary Organizer, which should have all unit vocabulary included for students to complete as the unit progresses.
Essential Questions: Students should read and respond to the Essential Questions -Think/Write/Pair/ Share
CEPA - Students should preview the CEPAat some point during this lesson so that they can see where the unit is heading.
Lesson 2: History of Terrorism
In this lesson, students will explore the history of Modern Terrorism beginning with the 1972 Munich Olympics. They will create a timeline of major terrorist attacks and events in world history. In doing so they will develop an understanding of how terrorism is global problem that needs to be addressed as such. T1, T2, U1, U2, E2, E3, E4, K1, K2, K3, K4, S2, S3, S4
·  Analyze the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics.
o  Using a copy of the choices sourcebook (Or any other appropriate source) students should take Content/Response Notes on the Munich Massacre of 1972. This event is considered the birth of Modern Terrorism.
o  Students can also view a video produced by CNN
·  Rank chronologically major terrorist attacks from 1972 through today - for each event students should include the date, the number of casualties, and the organization that claimed responsibility.
o  Pages 3 and 5 of Choices Book: Responding to Terrorism: Challenges to Democracy provides a basic overview of this history around the globe.
o  Students can create a traditional timeline or use an online application such as
·  Evaluate their Frayer Models on terrorism and add details based upon their understanding of the events that have happened since
·  Identify what is meant by “Freedom Fighter” and create a conceptual vocabulary framework (Frayer Model) for this key vocabulary term
o  Video resource:
o  Teachers can give an introductory primer- Robin Hood- Hero or Villain?
·  Synthesize: What parts of the world have been most affected by terrorist attacks? Was that surprising or not? Explain citing evidence.
Lesson 3: Terrorism since 9/11
In this lesson students will learn about the causes and effects of 2 major terrorist attacks since 9/11: The Boston Marathon Bombing and the Kenyan Mall Hostage Crisis. Teachers could also choose to examine only one of these events, as long as essential question is tapped at the end of the lesson. T1, T2, U1, U2, E1, E2, K3, K6, S2, S3, S4, S7
·  Activate prior knowledge about the Boston Marathon Bombings
·  Identify events of Marathon Bombings and Manhunt
o  Resource:
o  What are the causes and effects of this attack according to the resources?
·  Identify events of the Kenya Mall Attack
o  What are the causes and effects of this attack according to the resources?
·  Analyze: Would you consider these attacks the work of Freedom Fighters or Terrorists? Why? Explain using evidence from sources
·  Summarize: Can an attack on an innocent civilian population ever be the act of a freedom fighter?
·  Respond to EQ’s:
o  Does one country have the right to intervene in the affairs of another?
o  Why do some people choose violence in an attempt to affect change?
Lesson 4: Responding to Terrorism in War Zones; ISIS
This lesson is designed to show students current events (happening while this unit is being taught) that are widely considered to be acts of terrorism. As such this lesson will change every year. Though there are other modern day examples going on, this example was chosen for this lesson as it involves direct US involvement and intervention. T1, T2, U1, U2, E1, E2, K3, K6, S2, S3, S4, S7
·  Identify the current crisis in Iraq:
o  Video Resource on ISIS:
·  Analyze the impact that the United States war in Iraq has had on the current situation.
·  Critical Thinking: Should ISIS be categorized as a terrorist organization, or do they have a legitimate claim as a sovereign nation?
·  Review page 33 of the Choices Book: Responding to Terrorism: Challenges to Democracy to review the four options in brief.
·  Students are broken into groups of four and each member is given one of the four options to respond to the ISIS problem in Iraq.
o  Students jigsaw read assigned options and meet in expert groups to discuss the advice that should be given to President Obama in dealing with ISIS.
o  Get back into home groups and have small group debates on which option to use.
·  Build consensus: Students then work in home groups to decide which option is best or create their own.
·  Summarize group’s advice to President Obama in writing.
·  Identify if ISIS should be categorized as either a terrorist organization or freedom fighters.
·  Respond to EQ’s, based on understanding of ISIS and the Crisis in Iraq:
o  What is the difference between a Freedom Fighter and a Terrorist?
o  Does one country have the right to intervene in the affairs of another?
o  Why do some people choose violence in an attempt to affect change?
Lesson 5: CEPA T1, T2, U1, U2, E1, E2, E3, E4,K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, S5, S6, S7
Revisit responses to all EQ’s so far in the unit.
Goal- International Committee on designation of Terrorist Status will meet to designate "Terrorist" or "Freedom Fighter" status on a selected number of organizations
Role- You are an international terrorist expert
Audience- You are writing a report for UN delegate who will represent your country at the United Nationals Special Committe on Terrorism
Situation- It is the year 2013 this is an independent committee drawn from all over the world. Your report will be used to shape the United Nations' next meeting on Terrorism
Product- You will write a persuasive “position” paper in which you argue whether your assigned organization is a Terrorist or Freedom fighter organization.
Organizations to be considered
FARC (Colombia)
Tamil Tigers
Chechen Rebels
The I.R.A
Boko Haram
Website to begin research:
Students should be assigned one of the above organizations and look it up on the START website. They should read the country profile provided there and summarize what they think is the position of the US Government on their assigned organization.
Students then go to Wikipedia to look up assigned organization. Using both of those students should develop a persuasive thesis statement in which they declare their assigned organization a terrorist organization or freedom fighters.
Present students with a description of the Assignment and Rubric. Ask students to read over both, discuss the assignment and field any questions.
Students, can research each organization on the internet. Be careful to warn students about acceptable use policies. Students should also be aware that topics such as this are best researched using academic websites, NOT forums.

Bin Laden Family Photo:

What do you see in this picture (not what you THINK you see, but what you actually see; if you can’t touch it, you can’t see it!)

Class discussion of the photo which will bring about that this is a Bin Laden Family Photo from a vacation in Sweden in 1971.

Reveal: Osama Bin Laden is circled in red.

Predict: What might cause someone who is seemingly happy on vacation turn into one of the most violent people on earth?

Have suggestions? Provide feedback on units at Copyright 2013, Malden Public Schools