LOLC minutes 2nd July 2017

Attendees and apologies

Attendees: Jude, Liz K, (Chair) Susan, Anna, Jocelyn, Pam

Apologies:Anne, Frances, Elaine, Alixx, Liz E, Amanda


Minutes of September meeting agreed.


Related to GLA pilot/business plan etc.:

  • 30 October, GLA: probably at 4pm
  • 2 November, 4pm Mario Wolfe, GLA Hub (seconded from DCLG)
  • 6 November, Director of Finance, West London Housing Association—time tbc

Other LOLLC:

  • 5 November Members’ meeting 10-12; 12.030-3.300 Workshop with Anna Kear
  • 6 December Partners and Developers Meeting (this will be the rerun of the postponed meeting with Ann Thorne) 5 -86pm at London Met—extra attendees possible if capacity
  • 3 December Members’ meeting 101-1.30; lunch at Ethiopian restaurant; with secret Sister Solstice (see below under policy)
  • 12/19 January (tbc) social potluck at Anna’s (22 Pendennis Rd N17)


New venue: needed as cannot use Spiral after December; agreed to meet at Susan’s or Jocelyn’s in the interim, and to keep looking for alternative venues. Does Frances have any contacts in Camden?

Constitution: everyone needs to read the version sent round by Anne and send comments by 19/10/17, in time for the meeting on 22/10/17.

Comms Plan: this Action makes reference to Liz K helping to create, but no one at meeting has any idea what the Plan is, or who’s in charge.

Feedback from Femi’s workshop: Agreed that we should add to the notes provided by Femi, as some discussions/decisions from the workshop were not in her record. Please send additions to Jude by w/e 6 October.

Survey Results: Liz K added her results to the tabulated set produced by Elaine and Anna; Liz E and Amanda have been sent the link but have not yet completed the survey.


Note: as this was a short members’ meeting before the workshop with Naomi Diamond, we did not have reports from sub-groups.

Policy / Other MATTERS discussed [if there are any]

We decided to have a post-meeting meal and Secret Sister Solstice exchange after the meeting on 3rd December:

Secret Sister Solstice: come to 3rd December meeting with mystery gift, costing no more than £5, for random distribution to another elderly lesbian, and receive in return a similar item. Seasonal larks, in other words.

We did have a list of exclusions (bath salts, talcum powder etc.) but it became unwieldy…you will have to use your skill and judgement.