Good morning to all the listeners, EME and VHF/UHF enthusiasts - this report

is from the pen of ZS6OB in WINGATE PARK in Pretoria

Moon data today

Moonset will be at 07.35 UTC

The distance to the moon this morning is 403100 km

The moon is 2 days from apogee – Declination today is at +16 degrees north of the equator

The sky temperature today is 318 degrees Kelvin

Degradation is 4.2 dB

The conditions for the past few days have been fair to challenging

Expedition news

Senegal 6W/PE1L

The well known Atletico team Rene PE1L, Hermann DL2NUD and Eltje PA3CEE are back home safely after a

very successful expedition from Senegal

Congratulations to 6WPE1L on a great achievement

They have excelled and achieved a new world record number of QSO’s on EME

JOHN ZS6JON was the 1st ZS to complete a QSO with the team – well done John and congratulations

Pine ZS6OB has been successful in completing a QSO with the 6W/PE1L station with only 100 watts into 4 by XP20 which confirms that EME is possible with low power and a proper antenna setup

The Z3/PA3FPQ EME expedition from Macedonia has also closed down – they did well and communicated with a large number of stations however they did not achieve the same number of QSO’s as the Atletico team

John ZS6JON was again the 1st ZS to complete an EME QSO with Macedonia followed by Pine ZS6OB using only 100 watt into 4 XP20 home brew yagi antennas. This exercise shows that it is possible do work even EME expedition stations with only a 100 watt – yes it takes a little longer and needs more patience but it is possible

Well done John keep up the good work.

CHRIS PA2CHR is currently operating from Albania as ZA/PA2CHR – conditions are not perfect for ZS operators

However John ZS6JON was again the 1st ZS to complete a QSO with Chris well done John the antennas are doing a great job for you.

Local news

The 144 MHz activity group mornings have been getting together regularly on Saterday and Sunday mornings

From 06H00 tot net for bulletin on 144,300 MHz

Carl writes

Good morning from the Shack of ZS6CBQ.

My log for the week-end Saturday morning 31 May

10 Stations reported in and John ZS6JON was listening.

Welcome to Dave ZS6AOC andRoyZS6MI

Sunday Morning 1June

Breaking the barrier of 10 stations this morning with 11 stations reporting in.

It was very nice to have Hester ZS6PY on frequency this morning, the first lady to on 2meter SSB.

Welcome to Koos ZS6KSG, a new Radio Ham on the air. Well done Koos you made a good start VHF.

And also for the first time Peet ZS4VP joined the group, welcome Peet.

Come and join the fun on 144.300 SSB



Willem ZS6WAB in Plokwane is tans besig met toets projek luister en roep gerus op 433.450 MHz met ‘n toon van 107.2 die antenna is horisontaal gepolariseerd

Soos die projek vorder sal meer inligting verskaf word

The SSB 2 meter group is also experimenting on 1296 MHz if you have any 1296 MHz equipment

Join us on 144.300 MHz and skeds will be arranged

SIX Meter news:

The TEP activity has been on the decrease and I have received no reports of any activity

If you have any news of interest please send me an e mail with your news and the details

This bulletin cover VHF/UHF news from all over ZS and is not limited to the ZS6 area

Wish you all a great week see you on the moon de ZS6OB e mail - 082 4477 823

skype: pienaar.jan

SIX Meters


For EME -144 ,432 MHz and 1296 Mhz


