Patriots of the American Revolution Project 2017Name:______

  1. Choose an individual from the list who made an important contribution to the American Revolution. Your choice must be approved by me. Due: Wednesday, September 13, 2017

My choice is:______

Approved: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature on back Due: Friday, September 15, 2017Checked off:______

  1. Research information about your individual and learn facts about his life in general but most importantly, his role in our fight for independence. An important part of your grade will be based on the depth of information you present about your patriot. Gather at least 3 sources to use in your research: do not use Wikipedia,I suggest you use a book for depth of information, an encyclopedia article (either online or from a book encyclopedia) will give you a good overview, and the others of your choice, but generally edu or gov sites may be most helpful. Be sure your sources are reliable and provide enough in-depth information. Consider using: as a source, they are excellent. Also, go to the library for resources. You may use easybib online to write your bibliography.

Your Bibliography is due: Friday September 22, 2017

Bibliography checked in______Date:______

  1. Read your resources. Take Cornell notes on your person in your own words. Do not copy sentences or phrases. The only copied material should be a quote, date, or picture ( Minimum 2 pages, 5 subtopics)

Due: Friday, October 6, 2017 Checked in:_____ Date:______

  1. You will create a media presentation with support from your tech class. You may work on it in tech class, study hall, and at home.

Due: Friday, October 20, 2017

  1. All projects need the following elements:

Picture of the person

Important dates and accomplishments in their life

Their role in the American Revolution

Famous Quote, if available

In-depth information and understanding of the person

Presentation to the class that highlights 5 important points that class will use as notes

All writing must be your original words, no copying except for famous quotes, dates, and picture.

List of Patriots

George Washington

Sam Adams

Thomas Paine

Thomas Jefferson

John Adams

Abigail Adams

John Hancock

Benjamin Franklin

Patrick Henry

James Madison


King George III

Parent Signature:______
