Name:______Phone Number:______
Address:______Alternate Phone Number:______
City, State, ZIP______Emergency Contact:______
E-mail______Date of Application:______
I am at least 21 years of age. Yes No
Please explain why you would like to become a PAWS Atlanta Foster Family:______
For this program, our animals usually need a minimum of two weeks fostering and possibly several months. Can you make this commitment?______
Would you agree to a home inspection?______
Some animals in need of fostering have medical conditions that need attention, are you comfortable giving medications?______
Do you have a separate room or space to isolate an animal from your pets if the need arises? Yes No
Some animals in need of fostering are very young and too small to be spayed/neutered. These animals will need to be brought into the shelter every 2 weeks for vaccinations and weight checks. All other animals will need to come to the shelter for vet appointments, which we will discuss on a case by case basis. Will you agree to bring the animal(s) in for this ongoing care?______
Do you: rent own is this a: house apartment condo
Does your lease allow pets?______are there any weight or breed restrictions?______
Landlord’s Name and Phone Number:______
How many adults live in the residence?______Children?______Ages:______
Do you currently have pets?_____ How many dogs?_____ Breed(s)______How many cats?______
Are all of your pets spayed/neutered?______Up to date on vaccinations?______
Is your current pet on flea and tick prevention?______
Where do your animals stay during the day?______
How many hours per day are your pets left unsupervised?______
How are your pets contained when left alone?______
Do any members of your family have allergies to pets?______
How many dogs and cats have you had in the past 10 years?______
If any, please describe what happened to each of them:______
Have you ever relinquished an animal to an animal shelter?______If yes, please
Do you have experience with any of the following:
Breeding Grooming Training Dog/Cat Sitting Boarding/Kennel Work
Veterinary Services Volunteering with animals
Have you ever fostered before or are you currently fostering for another group? If so, what groups have you fostered with and how was your experience?______
Describe the area where your foster animal(s) will be kept and cared for:______
Do you have a fenced in yard?______What type of fence?______What is the height of your fence at its lowest point?______
Are you willing to work on training with your foster pet? ______
What types of training have you previously used with other fosters or family pets?
¨ Training Classes ¨ Spanking ¨ Gentle Leaders ¨ Choke or Pinch Collars ¨ Clicker Training
What types of behaviors will not be tolerated by a foster, causing them to be returned to the shelter before the allotted time?______
What are your expectations from PAWS Atlanta while fostering a pet from our organization?
What type and how many animals are you willing to foster? (circle all that apply)
Small dog Cat
Large dog Kitten
Puppy Litter of kittens
Litter of puppies Special needs: cat or dog
Please list 3 references who are not related to you:
Name and Phone Number:______
Name and Phone Number:______
Name and Phone Number:______
I release PAWS Atlanta, its Board of Directors, Staff, and Volunteers from any and all liability arising from the fostering of this/these animal(s). If the animal(s) should harm anyone or cause and damage to my property of the property of others, I agree to use my homeowner’s insurance or other means for any reimbursement, which may be necessary.