Terman Science Camp Schedule

Headlands Institute

November 17-20, 2009

6:45 AM Students are not to be up before this time. Please be sure to keep the dorm quiet until this time. Students may use the mornings for showers. Don’t be late for breakfast.

7:10 AM Early Breakfast: Hiking Groups 1-7. Come to breakfast in your jammies. Please don’t send students down until 7:05 AM. Students will line up by Hiking Groups. HI staff will not let anyone into the Cafeteria until they are ready. Quietest groups enter first, it doesn’t pay to be early. It pays to be quiet. Early breakfast teachers, HI staff and chaperones may dismiss nice clean tables. Late breakfast teachers will be outside to supervise students from 7:35 AM -- 7:55 AM. Enjoy your coffee or tea.

6:45-7:55 AM Groups 8-14 should use this time to get ready for their day. This is an available time for students to shower. Students will need to have weather appropriate clothes; if it’s cool, please don’t hesitate to tell students to put coats on.

Students should be prepared by having the following items:

·  Backpack with room for lunch items

·  Water bottle filled with water

·  Raingear and warm clothes

·  Sun protection, including sunscreen and Hat

·  Field Journal with pencil

·  Bandana

·  Empty Bladder

Bathrooms and student personal space should be picked up prior to breakfast.

If students are ready, you may take a small group of students (Ratio 1:10) to the beach, there is a pair of river otters that live in the lagoon, fun to watch. Be back by Breakfast.

7:55 AM Late Breakfast: Hiking Groups 8-14. Please don’t send students down until 7:50 AM. Students will line up by hiking group. HI staff will not let anyone into the Cafeteria until the previous group is out and the staff is ready. Quietest groups enter first, it doesn’t pay to be early. It pays to be quiet. Late Breakfast teachers, HI staff, and chaperones may dismiss nice clean tables. Early Breakfast Teachers will be outside supervising from 8:20-8:50. Enjoy your coffee. Be sure you’re ready by 9AM.

7:55 AM—9:00 AM Groups 1-7 should use this time to get ready for their day. Students will need to have weather appropriate clothes; if it’s cool, please don’t hesitate to tell students to put coats on. Please see 6:45 AM—7:55 AM description for what students should have to be ready for the day.

If students are ready, you may take a small group of students (Ratio 1:10) to the beach, there is a pair of otters that live in the lagoon, fun to watch. Be back in time to prepare for the day, and morning meeting.

Bathrooms and student personal space should be picked up prior to 9 AM meeting.

9:00 AM Meet at the Cypress Room for the day’s Orientation.

9:15 AM—4:00 PM Hiking Groups in the Field: Depending on group dynamics, fitness, etc, groups will accomplish different hikes on Wednesday and Thursday. Hikes may include: Hill 88, Hawk Hill, and Point Bonita Light House, (see Map). Other groups may stay closer to camp, doing activities in closer proximity to the campus. Lunches will be eaten in the field when the HI instructor judges the group starving. Hikes are paced at the slowest participant, with many teaching breaks.

4:00 PM – 5:10 PM Volunteer Break Escort your groups back to their dorms, have them change if they want, get more comfortable. Have them get their cards, travel games, HI notebook, pencil and meet their core teachers out at the Flag Pole at 4:10 PM. This is time for you to take a break, get a cup of coffee from the Cafeteria, chat with the other volunteers, or push the cap over your eyes, and nap—You’ve got until 5:10.

If you have so much energy that you’re ready to continue, you could take a small group (ratio 1:10) to the beach, please check in with a classroom teacher before you go. (Sunset will be between 4:55 and 5:00 PM while we are at the Headlands).

5:10 PM Early Dinner Hiking Groups 1-7; Late Dinner Teachers will be outside to supervise from 5:35 PM—6:05 PM, enjoy your meal, and after dinner coffee/tea.

5:10 PM—6:05 PM Groups 8-14. Groups should use this time to shower, for quiet time (reading quiet card games), and prepare for the Evening Program.

·  Tuesday Evening Program: Indoor activities.

·  Wednesday Evening Program: Night Hike

·  Thursday Camp Fire

Suggested Shower Schedule (Adjust for # of shower Stalls)

6:45 AM—7:10 AM: Groups 1-7

7:10 AM—7:55AM : Groups 8-14

5:10 PM –Hiking Groups 8-11

5:35 PM – Hiking groups 12-14

·  Preference should be given to hiking groups that went on their long hikes, or were near poison oak (no student should be).

·  Shower Time is also available in the mornings. (especially for groups 8-14)

·  Switch it around each day.

Bathrooms and students’ personal space should be picked up prior to Dinner.

6:05 PM Late Dinner: Hiking Group 8-14; Early Dinner Teachers will be outside to supervise from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM; enjoy your meal, and after dinner coffee/tea.

6:05 PM—7:10 PM Groups 1-7: Groups should use this time to shower, quiet time (reading quiet card games), and prepare for the Evening Program.

·  Tuesday Evening Program: Night Hike.

·  Wednesday Evening Program: Indoor Program

·  Thursday Camp Fire

Suggested Shower Schedule (Adjust for # of shower Stalls)

6:45 AM—7:10 AM: Groups 1-7

7:10 AM—7:55AM : Groups 8-14

5:10 PM –Hiking Groups 1-4

5:35 PM – Hiking groups 3-7

·  Preference should be given to hiking groups that went on their long hikes, or were near poison oak (no student should be).

·  Shower time is also available in the mornings: 6:45-Breakfast, and Breakfast-until morning meeting.

·  Switch it around each day.

Bathrooms and student personal space should be picked up prior to Evening Program.

7:10 PM – 8:30 PM Evening Program: All groups meet at the Cypress Room (Tuesday & Wednesday). Groups should come dressed appropriately. Two alternating programs will be given to the groups, an indoor program and a night hike. Indoor dress should be comfortable with a warm layer to walk to and from Cypress Room, and the Night Hike students should be dressed for cool weather, knit cap and gloves are suggested. Students should not have or bring flashlights.

Night Hikes are not strenuous (examples: out to the beach or around the lagoon), nor are they near poison oak. Flashlights are not used. (It is OK for volunteers to bring a flashlight, however, you will only use it for emergency purposes, we have to protect our night vision).

**If you need a break and would like to skip the evening program, you may arrange to have a classroom teacher or an “extra” chaperone take your place. Most classroom teachers will be participating in these activities. Minimum one adult volunteer per group.


Night Hike: Groups 1-7

Indoor Program: Groups 8-14


Night Hike: Groups 8-14

Indoor Program: Groups 1-7

Thursday: Campfire. All groups report to the Fire Pit Amphitheater.

8:30 PM- 9:15 PM Get Ready for Bed. Students who didn’t have the opportunity to shower, could shower at this time. Students should begin to slow down, play quiet card games etc. Bathrooms and students’ personal spaces should be picked up before lights out.

9:15 PM Story time—Lights Out. HI will provide some children’s stories. Believe it or not, most of the kids really do enjoy the story time, although they’d never admit it.