Grammarunit 8 PRACTICE 3

1Write what these people have or haven’t done. Use the correct form of the present perfect and the phrases in the box.

They went to Hawaii on holiday.

They’ve swum in the Pacific Ocean.

1I like France.


2They are the best team in the country.


3My sister loves expensive hotels.


4My dad is scared of flying.


5I’m allergic to fish.


2Correct the sentences.

1We haven’t visit the new museum.


2Ben has meet Penélope Cruz.


3I never sung karaoke in my life.


4They’ve ever been to Australia.


5He not never been to a concert.


3Read the fact file. Then write the questions and answers on the right.

Name: Ellie McKay
Job:extreme adventurer
Countries visited: twenty
Climbed: fifteen mountains in the Alps
Extreme adventures: swimming with sharks in South Africa; canoed up the Amazon river
Next project: travel across the desert with Steve (first time in a desert!)

1how many countries visited?




2where swum with sharks?





3ever travelled across a desert?




4Complete the dialogue with the present perfect form of the verbs in the box.

EllieOK Steve. Are we ready for the expedition across the desert?

SteveI think so.

EllieHave you checked everything on the list? Where are the camels?

SteveThey’re over there under the trees.

Ellie(1) ______a camel?

SteveYes, I have. Last year when I was in Egypt.

EllieGood. Now, (2) ______lots of water?

SteveYes, I have.

EllieWhat about the food?

SteveNo problem. I (3) ______food for two months.

EllieGood. (4) ______our guide?

SteveNo, he isn’t here yet. He’ll be here in about an hour.

EllieOK. We’ll start when he arrives. Now,
(5) ______my hat?

SteveYes, it’s on your head.

EllieSorry, Steve. I’m a bit nervous. I
(6) ______
a camel before.

SteveAnd we (7) ______a desert before!


Vocabularyunit 8 PRACTICE 3

1Complete the crossword with the past participle form of the verbs.

1 / 2 / 3
4 / 5 / 6
9 / 10










2Choose the correct words.

3Match the injuries 1–7 with a treatment a–g.

1cut your fingerahave an X-ray

2got an insect bite bput a bandage on it

3broken your arm cput cold water on it

4bruised your leg dtake a painkiller

5sprained your ankle eput some ice on it

6hurt your shoulder fput some cream on it

7burnt your handgput a plaster on it

4Complete the dialogues with the treatments in exercise 3.

DoctorWhat’s the problem?

PatientI think I’ve got a broken arm.

DoctorWell, you need to (1) ______.

DoctorWhat’s the problem?

PatientI’ve got a horrible insect bite

DoctorWell, I’ll give you (2) ______to put on it.

DoctorWhat’s the problem?

PatientI’ve got a burnt hand.

DoctorDid you put (3) ______
on it?

DoctorWhat’s the problem?

PatientI had an accident with a knife. I was cutting vegetables.

DoctorI’ll (4) ______on it.

DoctorWhat’s the problem?

PatientI think I’ve got a sprained ankle.

DoctorOK. We’ll need to (5) ______on it.

DoctorWhat’s the problem?

PatientI was playing football and I’ve got a bruised foot.

DoctorDid you (6) ______on it?