Totley Primary School, Sunnyvale Road, Totley, Sheffield S17 4FB

Telephone: 01142364319


Web address:

Full version Prospectus

Reg. No. 300784


This prospectus forms part of your starter pack and should be kept for future reference. Please can we take this opportunity to warmly welcome your family to Wizz Kids and wish you all an enjoyable time with us at pre- school.


At Wizz Kids I have a right to :

·  Physical and emotional well being

·  Have my needs met

·  A voice and to be heard

·  My own ideas, interests and fascinations

·  Be treated fairly

·  Have my identity recognized and valued

·  Play and have fun

·  Be included

·  Be safe and secure

Term Dates and Holidays for Academic Year 2017/2018

Autumn Half Term 1

§  Term starts: Monday 4th September until Friday 27th October 2017

§  Half Term holiday: Monday 30th October until Friday 3rd November 2017

Autumn Half Term 2

§  Term starts: Monday 6th November until Friday 22nd December 2017

§  Christmas holiday: Monday 25th December 2017 until Friday 5th January 2018

Spring Half Term 1

§  Term starts: Monday 8th January until Friday 16th February 2018

§  Half term holiday: Monday 19th February until Friday 23rd February 2018

Spring Half Term 2

§  Term starts: Monday 26th February until Thursday 29th March 2018

§  Easter holiday: Friday 30th March until Friday 13th April 2018

Summer Half Term 1

§  Term starts: Monday 16th April until Friday 25th May 2018

§  May Day holiday: 7th May

§  Spring Bank holiday: Monday 28th May until Friday 1st June 2018

Summer Half Term 2

Term starts Monday 4th Juneuntil Tuesday 24th July 2018

Opening Times

Monday – Friday 7.30 am – 6 p.m

Christmas Opening To Be confirmed, Bookings available to Full Year Contracts only

We offer full year or term time contracts. Term time contract cover 38 weeks per year and follow Sheffield City Council term dates. Full Year contracts include three weeks holiday allowance plus Christmas holidays and bank holidays.

Staff and their responsibilities

We are proud of the high ratio of adults to children in our group. This ensures individual attention to the needs and the development of each child.

We follow an equal opportunities employment policy. We are committed to recruiting, appointing and employing staff in accordance to all relevant legislation. We are proud that most of our staff have been members at Wizz kids for many years and we can therefore provide a mature and experienced team at all times.

The staff members in the group are:

Alison Vickers Manager N.V.Q in child care and education

Level 3

Hannah Marsh Deputy Manager Early Years Degree level 5

Jayne Ives Early Years Practitioner Diploma in pre-school practice

Level 3

Julia Dixon Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Diana Smith Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Danielle Marples Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Kirstina Parton Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Helen Hodgkinson Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Christina Colledge Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Natalie Baxter Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Emma Caterer Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q level 3

Veronika Polackova Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q. level 2

Annabelle Cameron Early Years Practitioner N.V.Q. level 3

Tracey O’Brien Playworker


We ensure that we are constantly in touch with new thinking in the field of child education

and care. We receive all the latest information on relevant training opportunities. All training undertaken is with OFQUAL.

All our staff are trained in First Aid , which is updated every 3 years, have an Enhanced Police Check ( DBS ) when employed and are fully trained in Safeguarding issues.


Our rooms are organised in a way that the children can become familiar and confident in their surroundings. We have found that the sooner this happens, the quicker they settle and begin to enjoy nursery.

We organise the time the children are with us so that they can take part in a variety of child-chosen and adult-let activities. These take account of children’s changing energy levels throughout the day. The setting caters for the children’s individual needs for rest and quiet activities throughout the day.

They have free flow access to outside play areas. The children benefit greatly from free flow play and being able to mix with older or younger children so we have times when this is accommodated, always taking into account the safety needs of all children.

Our environment allows children to re visit activities and enhance on them at their own pace. It doesn’t rush children along but identifies when a child is ready to take further steps.

We plan activities based on the children’s interests and abilities and this is made possible by staff undertaking informative observations and understanding the importance of valuing the child within group time. We show the learning to the child but the child shows us the way.

This way all the children are learning and developing in the best possible way, a happy, confident way which will hopefully stay with them throughout their lives. There is more information about the Early Years Foundation Stage in the `WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN` brochure found in your starter pack.

Links with Totley Primary

Wizz Kids is positioned in the grounds of Totley Primary School. Although we are completely independent from the school, the excellent logistics mean we can give the children opportunities to learn about a school environment, whichever school they will attend.

Please note attending Wizz Kids does not mean you will automatically be granted a place at Totley Primary and it will not influence any admission decision.

Starting SchoolOptions

By law a child must be in full-time education from the beginning of the term after their 5th birthday. For more information on how to register for starting school please visit the Council’s web site:-

Parents do have some flexibility in deciding when their child will start reception.

The options are as follows;

§  All 4 year old children can start in reception class in the September after their 4thbirthday.

§  Parents may defer their child’s admission into reception until the January or April, depending on their date of birth.

§  If you choose to defer, your child continues to be entitled tofree early learning(15 hours per week term time or upto 30 hours for working parents) at a childcare provider of your choice.

Please speak to us if you wish to discuss your options further and please advise us when you have made your decision.

Record Keeping and Key Person System

We use a computer software system called TAPESTRY to compile and store all children’s learning journeys. TAPESTRY is completely secure and is used in many schools and early years settings. This system allows greater efficiency in both time and presentation. We download photos, assessments and observations onto each child’s learning journey. We can store text, videos, audio and photos to provide evidence on your child’s progress.

When you are registered you will be asked to set up your own access code for TAPESTRY allowing you to securely view your child’s progress and learning.

The way the system works should be explained to you on your settling in visits prior to starting nursery, but should you have any questions before, or after, please do not hesitate to contact us. You will be asked to fill the `About Me` page on your child`s profile which will allow us to gain vital insight into your child`s routines and hobbies. We ask all parents to add photos and details of any achievements their child makes at home or on outings as this helps provide a greater depth of knowledge and understanding for their key person.

Information gathered and inputted into the child’s learning journey does depend greatly on how often they attend Wizz Kids. A child who attends only two sessions per week will not have as many observations as a child who attends 5 sessions.

When a child also attends another child care provider we liaise once a term with them to gather their input on your child’s development.

If your child is coming to us from another provider they should supply you with a transition form please can you let us have a copy of this as soon as possible.

Our key person system gives each member of staff particular responsibility for just a few children within the group. You will be informed of your child’s key person on your first settling in visit. Each key person has a `buddy` to work alongside and help manage shift patterns.

Your child’s key person will work with you and any other childcare provider involved with your child, to collect information about your child’s needs, activities, interests and achievements, this will ensure we offer the appropriate learning opportunities to each child individually and how to help them move on to next steps confidently

When your child first starts Wizz Kids you will be asked to provide some photos of significant family members, friends, pets and favorite places etc. We have found that having this link with home really helps with the settling in process. We will ask you to add to these books with photos or comments on a frequent basis. (Don’t forget you can add photos to the TAPESTRY system)

For older children we do not send home daily written feedback sheets, unless specifically requested as we strongly feel that having a conversation about your child’s day with a member of staff is much more constructive, feedback sheets often become just a tick sheet. Please feel free to talk to us about your child’s time with us at any time. We do provide a home/nursery diary for children under 3.

As a mum or dad, how can you help with your child’s learning?

All the fun activities that you do with your child at home are important in supporting their learning and development, and have a really long lasting effect on your child’s learning as they progress through school.

Even when your child is very young and is not yet able to talk, talking to them helps them to learn and understand new words and ideas. If you make the time every day to do some of the following things with your child it will make a real difference to your child’s confidence as a young learner.

§  Sing and tell nursery rhymes

§  Talk about the numbers, colours, words and letters you see when you are out and about

§  Allow your child to cut out and stick pictures from magazines

§  Cook/bake together

§  On a trip to the supermarket, talk about all the different packaging shapes

§  Plant seeds or bulbs in a pot or garden patch

§  Talk to your child at every opportunity e.g what you are doing that day

§  Share a book

§  Explore the park at a different time of the year, go off the beaten track

§  Use the weather, shadows, rain, puddles, snow, wind, mist and sun- to extend your child’s vocabulary

If you're looking for new ideas for things to do then find out what is on offer at your local children’s centre. Many offer ‘messy play’ activities which you and your child can join in with, and many of the activities they provide are free. Staff can also give you advice about the kinds of books or other activities your child might enjoy at different ages.

Nappies and Toilet Training

Nappies etc. must be supplied if your child is not yet toilet trained. This includes Nappy Rash Creams, Wet Wipes, Nappy Sacks as well as the nappies themselves. You may be asked to fill out a medication form for us to apply any nappy creams. Each child has a named box/drawer in which their supplies will be kept for their sole use. We will inform you you when any supplies need to be replenished. Please note there will be a charge of 50p per nappy if we have to use one from our stocks. We also charge 50 pence per day for baby wipes.

For children who are new to toilet training we offer support and advice and will operate various methods of encouragement to make this a positive development. If you require further information regarding toilet training please speak to a member of staff.

Sleep and rest zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

We will gather information from you on your child’s sleep or rest needs and will endeavor to accommodate these where ever possible. We have a designated room in which children can obtain a sleep away from the main play areas. This room is equipped with cots and mattresses or cushions. To ensure good posture development, we do not recommend that children sleep in a buggy or car seat.

Sheets and blankets will be supplied by nursery for your child’s sole use. Alternatively, you can supply blankets which will be returned to you for laundering.

What to wear

In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones! it is best to send children dressed in clothes which are easily washable and not too new. Simple clothing which the children can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when needed and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes, without being too dependent on others. It is good for children to practice the skills which will make them independent.

We do go outside a lot so do make sure that your child comes appropriately dressed for the weather. We recommend our Wizz Kids sweatshirts and polo shirts which can be ordered , there is an order form in your starting pack.

Please provide a pair of wellies for outdoor play. These should be kept at nursery and named. We will always have spare pairs but with hygiene in mind it would be best if they brought their own.

Please ensure that all your child`s possessions are clearly named. It is very important to name all loose items of clothing and any footwear. You can purchase name labels using the NAMETAGS form in the starter pack. We can`t stress enough that naming every sock, shoe and glove will really help staff keep track throughout the day.