EPIC KIDZ Triathlon England North West Junior Relays
At Palatine Leisure Centre, St Anne’s Road, Blackpool, FY4 2AP
Sunday 24th September 2017, 11am until 3pm
This is being organised by the Triathlon England North West and managed by many of the North West Regions Junior Triathlon Clubs and massive thanks to them all for their help and assistance with the event AND Sponsored by EPIC KIDZ.
This race is aimed at Triathletes, Swimmers, Cyclists, Runners and novice First timers all welcome.
VENUE - Palatine Leisure Centre, 207 St Anne’s Road, Blackpool, FY4 2AP
Big thanks to the following in help and assistance with the event.
Registration – Bolton Triathlon club
Swim Section – Bats triathlon Club
General set up – Bats triathlon club
Cycle section – Bolton Triathlon club
Run section – Colts
Goody bags – Kendal tri club
Child safe guarding – – Alice Earnshaw ( - 07774 355 822)
Nifty Entries
TE race Official
Romney's Kendal Mint Cake (George Romney Ltd).
Smart Timing
United Utilities
Palatine Leisure center / Blackpool city council
Northwest committee
Northwest Clubs
Endurance store and EPIC KIDZ.
And many more helpers who assisted on the day.
Thanks for entering the Go tri race and we hope you enjoy the experience.
Please arrive 60 minutes before your start time to register and set up equipment.
Kit check list:
Goggles, swim costume/trunks or trisuit, bike, Helmet (tight fitting helmet or no race), Cycle and running shoes. Shorts, t-shirt, water bottle.
Bike can be any style but must be road worthy and 2 functioning brakes. Road bikes must have bar ends fitted at the end of their handle bars.
Please be on pool side 20 minutes before your swim start, for the race brief, and chip timing allocation.
Registration – You will be given a race number for your t-shirt, or race belt. A set of stickers 1 small for the front of your helmet and the long number to be wrapped around your seat post on your bike.
Race Numbers – Normally the number should be on the rear for the cycle and the front for the run. With only 1 race number issued if not using a race belt please put number on front.
You will complete the following distances in a nonstop event. You are not in the relay event and will do each discipline continuously. Please ignore the changeover box’s they are not for you.
Go Tri Adult - 200 m swim (8 lengths) cycle 4800 m (8 laps) 1600 m run (4 laps)
Transition set up
Take your bike, helmet which must be on and fastened when entering transition, cycle and running shoes to the transition area approx. 30 minutes before your start time. Find a place rack your bike and lay out your helmet, shoes, t-shirt etc. Be swim ready and bring your goggles.
Race Brief
The race brief will be on poolside 20 minutes before your event. You will be given a timing chip, don’t lose it as a replacement is £35. Ask questions if not sure. To be wore on left ankle with velco strap.
You will swim the required number of lengths and exit the pool safely. (It’s your responsibility to count lengths but we will try and advise you of 2 remaining.) Walk on the pool side to the exit where you can then run to the transition area on the cycle track. This will be bare foot for approx 50 mts or so.
Once in transition find your bike and change for the cycle. Put on socks, shoes, t-shirt if not using a tri suit. All athletes must have the torso fully covered (not arms) and any zips on tops must be fully done up. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR BIKE unless your helmet is on and fastened. Walk or run with your bike out of transition to the mount line (you will be directed) where you can MOUNT YOUR BIKE AFTER CROSSING THE LINE. Enjoy the ride 600 meter laps and be careful of the bends. Again it’s your responsibility to count laps but we will try and count them for you. At the end of your last lap you must dismount BEFORE THE LINE. Run or walk back into transition and find your spot. AT THE END OF THE LAP IS A REAL TIGHT 180 TURN. YOU MUST SLOW DOWN HERE.
RUN - The run goes anticlockwise round the other end of the track. 1 lap is 400 meters. After completing the required number of laps (again we will try and count for you) keep right near the end of the lap with the finish at the inflatable in front of the spectator area.
Congratulations you have finished your GO TRI triathlon. WELL DONE.
TENW Relay Race Rules
· Teams must have at least 2 team members and a maximum of 4 team members.
· Teams can be made up of any mix of boys and girls in the same triathlon age category (TS, T1, T2, T3, Youth and juniors.
· Race distances will be half that of a standard Triathlon for any particular age group.
· Each team must complete 3 “half triathlons” in the order swim (leg 1) /bike (leg 2) / run (leg 3) / swim (leg 4) / bike (leg 5) / run (leg 6) / swim (leg 7) / bike (leg 8) / run (leg 9).
· A team member can choose which of the 9 legs they want to do. Each team member must do a minimum of 1 leg and a maximum of 6 legs.
· A team can be made up of childrenfrom any club.
· Team members do not have to be a member of a triathlon club to participate in this event.
· Team members do not need to be members of Triathlon England to take part in this event.
No North West Junior Series points will be scored at this event but counts towards the achievement certificate.
If children do not know enough people to form a team please e-mail me at ith your name, date of birth, gender and I will try and put children together to form teams. Hopefully this will avoid children missing out on this competition due to being a team member short.
When entering this Relay event the entry system is designed to have ONE entry per team and each team should have a Team Manager [see notes in Appendix 1 below to find out why]. E-mail addresses of all team members will be taken by the entry system so that everyone that is entered gets a copy of all race literature, start times, waves etc….The cost of entry for all teams is £30 per team.
Please make sure you read Appendix 1as this describes how the relay part of this event willwork. This is simple in concept but a relatively complicated event to describe in words. If anyone still has any questions about how the event is going to work after reading this document please e-mail me at so I can make any necessary updates to this document so that everyone can benefit from the clarification.
Parking is in the Leisure Centre car park, there is ample space to park but please be respectful to other center users and members of the public.
Arrival Time and Registration
Registration will be in the main hall inside the leisure centre. In entering the reception turn right through a set of doors and the hall is at the bottom. Registration will open at 10:00 am and close no later than 1.00pm and operate on a rolling basis allowing competitors to arrive just 60 minutes before their race.As there will be a large number of entries, please arrive in plenty of time for registration, bike racking, course familiarizationetc. especially if you have not raced at Blackpool before.
All athletes and team managers to come to registration for body marking and T-SHIRT collection, and number collection.
This is a complex event to manage so we will only be racking the current wave and the following wave. So at the start of the race athletes in waves 1 and 2 will have their bikes racked. Wave 3 will rack their bikes when wave 1 has finished etc...
Race Times
The first wave will start at 11.00am PROMPT with the Tristarts.
The times below are a guide only in this Pre Race Briefing pack and may change when the final number of entries is known. The final timetable for the day will be published in the Final Race Briefing Pack which will be published in the week before the race.
Wave start / Age Group / Rack Bike / Pool briefing time11.00am / Tristars Start / From 10.15am / 10.40am
11.50am / Tristar 1 boys
Tristar 1 girls/mixed / From 10.35am
From 11.10am / 11.00 am
12.20pm / Tristar 2 / From 11.45am / 12.00pm
1.00pm / GO TRI / From 12.30pm / 12.45pm
2.10 / TRISTAR 3
Junior/parent / From 12.40pm
From 1.15pm
From 1.30pm / 1.00pm
The times are tight for the event so please be on time. We hope to finish the previous wave before the next one starts but might not always be the case and especially for the last 2 waves who will start very close together to fit it all in.
Due to building work on the Academy playing fields this year’s course will be different to previous years or races here at Palatine Leisure. The swim section remains the same, the cycle section is now done of the 600 meter section of the cycle track and the RUN is now on the 400 meter section of the cycle track to the left hand side of the track. The run course has been difficult to design and locate it but should make everything compact and spectator friendly.
Spectator Vantage Points
There is a large, elevated tiered section of seating at pool side with excellent views of the pool. After the swim, you will be able to come down the stairs and exit the front of the building. From here make your way to the viewing areas, taking care when crossing the course.Please familiarize yourself with this route before the event.
The bike leg is inside high security fencing on a 1km circuit. Due to the enforced run route change the cycle leg will be laps of 600 meters. There are many vantage points for spectators along this stretch, outside the fencing, but the small section around transition will be secure and there will be NO ACCESS to parents/spectators.ONLY competitors and marshals will be allowed inside the bike race circuit. Spectators can watch on the tarmac on the left hand side and carefully crossing to the small tarmac path on the right of the access to the track where you normally stand.
If children in a team want to share a bike as opposed to each one bringing their own to the event then this is possible.
The run leg has now been changed to the bottom section of the cycle track. Running in an anticlockwise direction of 400 meters per lap. The finish will be to the right hand side of the track and in front of the spectator area under the inflatable.
Snacks and drinks will be available from the Palatine Leisure Centre vending machines. Blackpool council is opening the café upstairs for food and drink. It is located near the seated viewing area in the pool and you can watch the swim section from here.
Changing Facilities and Toilets
There are ample changing facilities and toilets within the leisure center.
Chip Timing
The race will be chip timed. The First athlete will be given the Teams timing chip at race briefing before the swim start. Marshals will be on hand to assist.If you lose your timing chip there will be a charge of £35 levied which must be paid immediately.Only 1 chip timing will be used and the chip will be passed like a batonfrom athlete to athlete at the end of their current leg. Marshals or team managers can assist with changing the chip.
Can Team Managers please register their teams?
At registration the Team Manager will be given (all in one envelope):
·One small label to be worn by the Team Manger so as to allow them into the Transition Area and Handover Areas. This should be visible at all times.
·One race numbers for each competitor. Numbers should be on the back for the cycle and front for the run. If not using a race belt please put it on the front. If teams of 4 please share one of the numbers. Race belts can be used and advisable but make sure numbers are visible.
A small label number for each competitor’s helmet. . A bike number for each competitor with just the team number on for security and hopefully lap counting
·When putting the bike number on the bike please make sure it can be seen clearly from the rear as this will be used by marshals during the race.