Masonry Technology, Incorporated (MTI) February 17, 2011

24235 Electric Street, PO Box 214, Cresco, IA 52136

P: (563) 547-1122 F: (563) 547-1133 W: Email:

Product Guide Specification

Specifier Note: This product guide specification is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) current version of MasterFormat, SectionFormat and PageFormat and as described in The Project Resource Manual—CSI Manual of Practice, Fifth Edition.

Use this specification as the basis for developing a project specification. Section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the Architect/Design Professional to meet the requirements of the project and local building code. Coordinate this section with other specification sections in addition to the Drawings.

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SECTION 04 05 23.21


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Specifier Note: This section covers Masonry Technology Incorporated (MTI) various drainage plane and moisture control products. Consult with MTI for technical assistance in editing this section for the specific project requirements.



Specifier Note: Edit the following list for the project. Only list the work directly related to the work of this section.

A.  Rainscreen Drainage Planes.

1.  Full Brick Veneers

a.  Sure Cavity (SC 5016 and SC 5032)

b.  10MM Sure Cavity (SCMM 2516 and SCMM 2532)

c.  Gravity Cavity (GC 1816 and GC 1832)

2.  Full Stone Veneers

a.  10MM Sure Cavity (SCMM 2516 and SCMM 2532)

3.  Adhered Thin Brick, Adhered Thin Manmade Stone, Adhered Thin Natural Stone and Three-Course Stucco Veneers

a.  Sure Cavity (SC 5016 and SC 5032)

b.  Gravity Cavity (GC 1816 and GC 1832)

4.  Cladding (Cladded Siding)

a.  Sure Cavity (SC 5016 and SC 5032)

b.  Sure Cavity No Fabric (SC 5016NF and SC 5032NF)

c.  Gravity Cavity (GC 1816 and GC 1832)

d.  Gravity Cavity No Fabric (GC 1816NF and GC 1832NF)

B.  Single-Wythe (CMU or Jumbo Brick) Wall Drainage Plane

1.  Interior Above Grade (CMU or Jumbo Brick) Wall

a.  Perforated Control Cavity (PCC 4816)

b.  Perforated Control Cavity Wide (PCC 4832)

c.  10MM Perforated Control Cavity (PCC 2416)

d.  10MM Perforated Control Cavity (PCC 2432)

2.  Interior Below Grade Drainage Plane.

a.  Control Cavity (CC 4800)

b.  10MM Control Cavity (CC 4810)

3.  Interior Below Grade (Basement) Floor Retrofit Cap Slab Slip Sheet/Drainage Plane

a.  Control Cavity (CC 4800)

b.  10MM Control Cavity (CC 4810)

C.  Exterior Horizontal Low Slope Drainage Plane and Slip Sheet

1.  Sure Cavity (SC 5016 & SC 5032)

D.  Window Rough Opening Sill Drainage Plane

1.  Window Drainage Plane (WDP 5000)


Specifier Note: Edit the following list of related requirements for the project. List any other sections with work directly related to the work of this section.

A.  Section 04 20 00 – Unit Masonry: Brick, CMU and Mock-up requirements.

B.  Section 04 05 23 – Masonry Accessories.

C.  Section 04 05 23.23 - Masonry Weep System Accessories.

D.  Section 04 70 00 – Manufactured Masonry: Various types of manufactured masonry and stone work.

E.  Section 06 10 00 – Rough Carpentry: Asphalt felt building paper.

F.  Section 07 24 00 - Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS).

G.  Section 07 2500 – Weather Barriers: Weather Resistant Barrier (WRB).

H.  Section 07 46 00 – Siding.

I.  Section 09 22 36.23 – Metal Lath.

J.  Section 09 24 23 – Cement Stucco.


Specifier Note: Edit the following list of references for the project and provide only those that are included within the text of the project section.

A.  ASTM C 1338 - Standard Test Method for Determining Fungi Resistance of Insulation Materials and Facings; 2008.

B.  ASTM D 1621 – Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics; 2010.

C.  ASTM D 4533 - Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles; 1996 (2209).

D.  ASTM D 4632 – Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles; 1991 (2008).

E.  ASTM D 4833 – Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance of Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and Related Products; 2000 (2007).

F.  ASTM E 96/E 96M – Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials; 2005.

G.  ASTM E 2273 - Standard Test Method for Determining the Drainage Efficiency of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) Clad Wall Assemblies; 2003.

H.  ASTM G 154 – Standard Practice for Operating Fluorescent Light Apparatus for UV Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials; 2000a (2006).

I.  CAN/CGSB 148.1 No. 7.3 - Methods of Testing Geotextiles and Geomembranes Grab Tensile Test for Geotextiles; 1992.

J.  ICC-ES EG 114 – Low Temperature Flux.


Specifier Note: Edit the following list of submittal requirements and provide only those that pertain to the project. Review Sustainable Design information and coordinate with LEED or other Division 01 sustainable requirements for the project. Verify section number and title for Administrative Requirements in Division 01.

A.  Comply with Section 01 30 00 – Administrative Requirements, for administrative and procedural requirements for processing of submittals during the construction phase.

B.  Product Data: Provide data on material characteristics, performance criteria, limitations and installation instructions.

C.  Shop Drawings: Provide drawings of special joint conditions.

D.  Manufacturers' Instructions: Indicate preparation and installation methods.

E.  Sustainable Design Submittals:

1.  Submit invoices and documentation from manufacturer of the amounts of pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled content for products specified.

2.  Submit invoices and documentation showing manufacturing locations and origins of materials for products manufactured and sourced within 500 miles of project location.


A.  Mock-Ups: Refer to Section 04 20 00.


A.  Delivery and Acceptance Requirements: Deliver materials to site in manufacturer’s original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer.

B.  Storage and Handling Requirements: Store materials in clean, dry, inside area in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Protect materials from damage during handling and installation.


A.  Manufacturer Warranty: Submit manufacturer’s standard 20 year warranty.



A.  Masonry Technology, Inc. (MTI):

1.  Contact Information: 24235 Electric Street, PO Box 214, Cresco, Iowa 52136

a.  Phone: (800) 879-3348, (563) 547-1122, Fax (563) 547-1133

b.  Website:

c.  Email:

Specifier Note: Edit the following list of products and criteria; provide information only directly related to the project being specified.


A.  Description: Maintains separation between thin veneer cementitious materials and moisture resistance system on structural substrates creating drainage plane system for cavity moisture to drain down and out of wall.

B.  Materials: High impact polystyrene sheets, 0.024 inch (0.61mm) thick, formed with corrugations and a spunbond polypropylene fabric, charcoal color, attached on one side with a 4 inch (102mm) overlapping skirt on one edge.

1.  Roll Length: 50 feet.

2.  Roll Width: 15.75 inches [SC5016].

3.  Roll Width: 31.5 inches [SC5032].

4.  Squared - Channel Depth: 3/16 inch (4.76mm).

Sure Cavity - SC 5016, SC 5032

C.  Performance Criteria:

1.  Fungi Resistance: No Growth; ASTM C 1338.

2.  Ultra-Violet (UV) Exposure: No Peeling, chipping, cracking, flaking, pitting, crazing, erosion or other deleterious effects were observed under a 5X magnification; ASTM G 154.

Specifier Note: The following is for Rainscreen Drainage Planes used with EIFS cladding. Edit as required for project.

3.  Drainage Efficiency with EIFS Cladding: Pass; ASTM E 2273.

4.  Water Vapor Transmission: ASTM E 96/E 96M.

a.  9.60 grains/hr sq ft.

b.  Permeance (perms) grains/hr sq ft - 23.45 in Hg.

c.  Permeability perm-inches - 8.79.

5.  Load: 583 lbf at 10 percent strain; ASTM D 1621.

6.  Compressive Strength: 36.1 psi at 10 percent strain; ASTM D 1621.

7.  Compressive Modulus: 362 psi; ASTM D 1621.

8.  Fabric Tearing Strength: 42.2 lbs, maximum; ASTM D 4533.

9.  Breaking Load: ASTM D 4632.

a.  Machine Direction: 207 lbs.

b.  Transverse Direction: 156 lbs.

10.  Puncture Resistance: 44.4 lbs; ASTM D 4833.

11.  Low Temperature Flex: No cracks in area of bend; ICC-ES EG 114.

Specifier Note: Select the appropriate product and applications as required for project.

D.  Product: Sure Cavity – [SC5016] or [SC5032] as manufactured by MTI.

1.  Applications: [EIFS] [Stucco] [Thin-set brick veneer] [Thin-set natural stone veneer] [Thin-set cast stone veneer] [Stone veneer] [Brick veneer] or [Wall siding].


A.  Description: Maintains separation between thin veneer cementitious materials and moisture resistance system on structural substrates creating drainage plane system for cavity moisture to drain down and out of wall

B.  Materials: High impact polystyrene sheets, 0.024 inch (0.61mm) thick, formed with corrugations and a spunbond polypropylene fabric, charcoal color, attached on one side with a 4 inch (102mm) overlapping skirt on one edge.

1.  Roll Length: 25 feet.

2.  Roll Width: 15.75 inches [SCMM2516].

3.  Roll Width: 31.5 inches [SCMM2532].

4.  Angled - Channel Depth: 7/16 inch (11mm).

10mm Sure Cavity - SCMM 2516, SCMM 2532

C.  Performance Criteria:

1.  Fungi Resistance: No Growth; ASTM C 1338.

2.  Ultra-violet (UV) Exposure: No Peeling, chipping, cracking, flaking, pitting, crazing, erosion or other deleterious effects were observed under a 5X magnification; ASTM G 154.

Specifier Note: The following is for Rainscreen Drainage Planes used with EIFS cladding. Edit as required for project.

3.  Drainage Efficiency with EIFS Cladding: Pass; ASTM E 2273.

4.  Water Vapor Transmission: ASTM E 96/E 96M.

a.  4.14 grains/hr sq ft.

b.  Permeance (perms) grains/hr sq ft – 10.12 in Hg.

c.  Permeability perm-inches - 4.47.

5.  Compressive Strength: At 10 percent strain; ASTM D 1621.

a.  4.9 psi [SCMM 2532].

b.  5.6 psi [SCMM 2516].

6.  Puncture Resistance: 44.4 lbs; ASTM D 4833.

7.  Low Temperature Flex: No cracks in area of bend; ICC-ES EG 114.

8.  Tensile Strength: 10 kN/m; CAN/CGSB 148.1 No. 7.3.

9.  Elongation at Maximum Load: 32 percent; CAN/CGSB 148.1 No. 7.3.

Specifier Note: Select the appropriate product and applications as required for project.

D.  Product: 10mm Sure Cavity – [SCMM2516] or [SCMM2532] as manufactured by MTI.

1.  Applications: [EIFS] [Stucco] [Thin-set brick veneer] [Thin-set natural stone veneer] [Thin-set cast stone veneer] [Stone veneer] [Brick veneer] or [Wall siding].


A.  Description: Maintains separation between thin veneer cementitious materials and moisture resistance system on structural substrates creating drainage plane system for cavity moisture to drain down and out of wall.

B.  Materials: High impact polystyrene sheets, 0.024 inch (0.61mm) thick, formed with corrugations and a spunbond polypropylene fabric, white color, attached on one side with a 4 inch (102mm) overlapping skirt on one edge.

1.  Roll Length: 76 feet.

2.  Roll Width: 15.75 inches [GC 1816]

3.  Roll Width: 31.5 inches [GC 1832]

4.  Curved - Channel Depth: 1/8 inch (3.25mm).

Gravity Cavity – GC 1816, GC 1832

C.  Performance Criteria:

1.  Fungi Resistance: No Growth; ASTM C 1338.

2.  Ultra-Violet (UV) Exposure: No Peeling, chipping, cracking, flaking, pitting, crazing, erosion or other deleterious effects were observed under a 5X magnification; ASTM G 154.

Specifier Note: Select the appropriate product and applications as required for project.

D.  Product: Gravity Cavity – GC 1816, GC1832 as manufactured by MTI.

1.  Applications: [Stucco] [Thin-set brick veneer] [Thin-set natural stone veneer] [Thin-set cast stone veneer] [Stone veneer] [Brick veneer] or [Cladded sidings].


A.  Description: Creates a 3/16” vertical void. A continuous and predictable separation between the backside of the rainscreen (cladding siding veneer) and the face of the (WRB, rigid insulation, etc.).

B.  Materials: High impact polystyrene sheets, 0.024 inch (0.61mm) thick, formed with corrugations.

1.  Roll Length: 50 feet.

2.  Roll Width: 15.75 inches (SC 5016NF).

3.  Roll Width: 31.5 inches (SC 5032NF).

4.  Squared Channel Depth: 3/16 inches (4.76mm).

Sure Cavity No Fabric – SC 5016NF and SC 5032NF

C.  Performance Criteria:

1.  Fungi Resistance: No Growth: ASTM C 1338.

2.  Ultra-Violet (UV) Exposure: No peeling, chipping, cracking, flaking, pitting, crazing erosion or other deleterious effects were observed under a 5X magnification; ASTM G 154.

3.  Drainage efficiency with EIFS Cladding: Pass; ASTM E 2273.

4.  Water Vapor Transmission: ASTM E 96/E 96M.

a.  9.60 grains/hr sq ft.

b.  Permeance (perms) grains/hr sq ft – 23.45 in Hg.

c.  Permeability perm-inches – 8.79.

5.  Load: 583 lbf at 10 percent strain; ASTM D 1621.

6.  Compressive Strength: 36.1 psi at 10 percent strain; ASTM D 1621.

7.  Compressive Modulus: 362 psi; ASTM D 1621.

8.  Breaking Load: ASTM D 4632.

a.  Machine Direction: 207 lbs.

b.  Transverse Direction: 156 lbs.

9.  Puncture Resistance: 44.4 lbs; ASTM D 4833.

10.  Low Temperature Flex: No cracks in area of bend; ICC-ES EG 114.

D.  Product: Sure Cavity – (SC 5016NF) or (SC 5032NF) without fabric as manufactured by MTI.

1.  Applications: Veneers, cladding (cladded siding), horizontal overlays.


A.  Description: Creates a 1/8 inch vertical void. A continuous and predictable separation between the backside of the rainscreen (cladding/siding veneer) and the face of the (WRB, rigid insulation etc.).