WE WARMLY WELCOME EVERYONE TO ST MARY’S as we come together in worship and praise, learning together and being strengthened in our faith.
gives us all an opportunity
to help the poorest of the world’s poor
to love our neighbour as ourselves, and not just the ones next
door or at the end of the street
to be united with over 20,000 churches to put this love into
CHRISTIAN AID works globally for profound change that eradicates the causes of poverty, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality. It is part of a wider movement for social justice.
By donating yourself, and/or collecting for
this organisation, you really CAN make a difference!
Prayer in the Resurrection Chapel, offered immediately after you have received Communion, or at the end of the 10.30 Service, is for anyone who has concerns (for others or themselves) that they want to bring to God; feel they need God’s blessing on their future; or want to thank Him for His goodness.
Please don’t be hesitant: prayer requests will be kept confidential.
We have toy bags for small children to play with during the Service, and under
5’s can use the Children’s Corner at any time, with parental supervision.
This week
Thursday 10.00 am Holy Communion
5.45-8.15 pm GFS in the Parish Rooms
Services on 15th May - PENTECOST 15th to 21st is Christian Aid Week
8.30 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Holy Communion, followed by Bring & Share Lunch at 5 Prospect Road, home of Justin & Sue Frankfort
6.00 pm Christian Aid Week Service at the Methodist Church
THE NEW ST MARY’S PCC recently elected:
Churchwardens: Tim Lomas* & Val Creasey*
Deanery Synod: David Clarke, Keren Macfarlane
PCC Members: Tracy Cook, Justin Frankfort, Eunice Gibbons,
Sherrie Howlett, Ian Macfarlane, Guy Skipwith,
Helen Smith, Alan Venables, Ken Woods
Lay Ministers: Carol Corney* & Stuart Carley* Reader: David Jones*
Co-opted: David Costelloe to be Treasurer
*Members of the Covenanted Ministry Team with the Vicar
The CAP Job Club launch Service at Christ Church will be held on TODAY at 6.30pm with the subsequent opening of the Job Club there on Monday 16th May.
Please see the Job Club Manager, Carol Preston, for further details.
Mon 9th May MOTHERS UNION: 7 pm in the Starmer Room, when Alan Venables will speak on ‘Biking in Jordan’. Also Bring & Buy.
Visitors always very welcome.
ALSO: 7.45pm PCC meeting in Church
Tue 10th May MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS COURSE continues: 7.30pm in the Starmer Room.
Thur 12th May PRAYER SESSION FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS: 7.30 pm in the School Room of Wollerton United Reformed Church. The plight of Christian believers in 1 or 2 specific countries will be highlighted and there will be time to pray collectively.
Fri 13th May FUND-RAISING SUPPER FOR ‘EMBRACE’: 7 pm in the Parish Rooms. Tickets £10, now available from Kath McClellan and list in Welcome Area for meal choices. All proceeds to the Anglican Hospital in Gaza for their Breast Cancer Unit.
Sat 14th May WHO LET THE DADS OUT: 10-12 in the Parish Rooms.
Wed 18th May 'A FESTIVAL OF HEALTH AND WELL BEING' 11am to 3pmat the Festival Drayton Centre. Run by Market Drayton Seniors' Enterprise with Rural Communities Charity – see noticeboard for details.
Thu 19th May COMMUNITY COFFEE MORNING: 10-12 when all are invited to come for coffee, chat, craft and cake.
Sun 15th May BRING & SHARE LUNCH at 5 Prospect Road at the kind invitation of Justin & Sue Frankfort: 1 pm.
CAP Release Group (help with addictions) 07845 762 309
CAP Debt Centre 0800 328 0006 or 01270 760839
FOODBANK: due to increased demand lately, please spread the word to encourage people to donate food – any of the items on the regular list of requirements would be most gratefully received. Thank you
As part of our Christian outreach, Fountains Counselling
will be available in Market Drayton after Easter. For details,
please visit: www.fountainscounselling.org.uk
or take a leaflet from the back of the Church.
The SANCTUS CENTRE for REFUGEES in Stoke were SO appreciative of our gifts of 19 packs of nappies as well as toiletries. They are providing support for many families and individuals who are given accommodation and a minimum weekly allowance and have come from Syria, Eastern Europe etc. We shall ask for your help again in July, but in the meantime THANK YOU SO MUCH.
N.B. Canal Prayer Walk on 14th May is now postponed
SPRING PRAYER CARD now available for you to take – please use this at home as a focus for your prayers for our own parish ministry.
BBC SONGS OF PRAISE on Sunday 15th May will feature the
online-church ‘TGI Monday’ (with Zoe and Hywel Snook) and
between 4pm and 6pm on the 15th in the Festival Drayton Centre there is a ‘Live Launch Party’ with the BBC Presenter. Entrance is by ticket but tickets are available.
For a taste go to: www.TGImonday.show
St Mary’s Market Drayton
Registered Charity Number: 1144116
SUNDAY 8th MAY 2016
Sunday after Ascension
to access the Noticesheet online go to:
Worship today:
8.30 am Holy Communion
10.30 am Holy Communion
Bible Readings: Acts 16 v12-34 PAGE 1112
John 17 v20-26 PAGE 1085
6.30pm Launch of CAP Job Club at Christ Church, LD
7.00 pm ‘At 7’ at the Methodist Church when the speaker will be Rev Jeff
Short, Minister at Longton Central Hall in Stoke
OUR VISION: ”In Christ’s name, St Mary’s seeks to Welcome and Nurture all, and to Engage and serve the community”