ExecMembers: Curriculum Chair - Kathy Schultz, Articulation Officer - Elizabeth Pfleging,
Curriculum Chair Designee – Jill Olson, VPI – Dr. Brian Sanders
FullMembers: Sylvia Watterson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, *Joe Manlove, Mike Torok
Rsrc/Lsn Members: **Klaus Tenbergen, Melissa Raby, Brandon Price, Raelene Juarez, Erin Naegle Lesley Michtavy, Marnie Shively, Elissa Creighton, Don Dickinson, Jessica Anselmi, Danielle Brouilette
OthersInvited: Erik Andal, Matthew Fox, Mary Harper, Karin Rodts
Call to Order:2:46pm
Approvalof Agenda:October 24, 2017
Action: Move to approve agenda as amended: add information item CMPSC 199, #4 effective date SP ‘18, #12addition of SKLDV 610 DEA to Section B M/S/P (Pfleging/WattersonVOTES FOR AS AMENDED:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Sylvia Waterson)
Approvalof Minutes: October 10, 2017
Action: Move to approve minutes as amended: 5th bullet change Classified to Hospitality, #19 5th bullet ART 14M/S/P (Pfleging/TorokVOTES FOR AS AMENDED:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Sylvia Waterson)
Full Curriculum Meeting 10/24/2017
*Arrived during approval of Minutes
Information Items
- CMPSC 199Kathy Schultz
- Historical in CurricUNET but not discontinued in Datatel or at the Chancellor’s Office
- Past Minutes did not show record of the discontinuance
- Curriculum Specialist made the necessary changes in Datatel and COCI to reflect this discontinuance
- This discussion is to officially document the action within the Minutes
- Chancellor’s Office UpdateElissa Creighton
- No movement has occurred within COCI 2.0 to advance the approval of courses or programs
- COCI 2.0 technical support is aware of and working on the issue but only offer that changes will be made in their next update with no word when that update will occur
- Other colleges are also experiencing these same issues
- AD-T & C-ID Status Update Elizabeth Pfleging
- The C-ID website is still not functioning well at this time
- There are 3 new AD-Ts with much work to still be done
- A faculty group is being gathered to discuss the Social Work and Human Services AD-T; how it would work and if it can be put together
Action Items
Action items listed in Section A are part of the Curriculum Committee’s consent agenda.
Any person in attendance may pull specific items off the consent agenda for separate discussion and action.
Items not pulled for separate discussion/action will be acted upon as one action by the Committee membership
Section A
- DEAGUIDE 35Basics of Budgeting & Money Mgnt.Matt FoxDistance Ed(SP 18)
- DiscAT 105 A5 ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalDiscontinuance (SU 18)
- DiscAT 106 A8ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalDiscontinuance(SU 18)
- DiscAT 112 A7ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalDiscontinuance(SU 18)
- DiscAT 113 A6ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalDiscontinuance(SU 18)
- DiscAT 120 A4ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalDiscontinuance(SU 18)
- DiscAT 122 A2ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalDiscontinuance(SU 18)
- DiscAT 132 A3ASE Certification PreparationErik AndalDiscontinuance(SU 18)
- MjrMUSIC 76Community OrchestraMary HarperMajor Mod(SU 18)
Action:Move to approve the consent agenda M/S/P (Olson/FitzwaterVOTES in favor:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove, Sylvia Waterson)
- MjrMUSIC 76Community OrchestraMary HarperMajor Mod(SU 18)
- Question concerning transfer requirements to fulfill UC/CSU major requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree on the COR for Criteria for Repeatability was posed
- Answer: if a CSU that has a Music degree requires students transferring in to have taken a particular class for four semesters in a row then this makes the course allowable to be considered repeatable.
Action:Move to approve MUSIC 76Community Orchestra M/S/P(Pfleging/Fitzwater VOTES in favor:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove, Sylvia Waterson)
Section B
- MjrSKLDV 610Introduction to Computer AccessKarin RodtsMajor Mod(SU 18)
- Change to SLOs has occurred
- Corrections to be made include: NONE
**left during discussion
Action:Move to approve SKLDV 610Introduction to Computer Access M/S/P (Fitzwater/OlsonVOTES in favor:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove, Sylvia Waterson)
SKLDV 610Distance Education Addendum for Hybrid(SU 18)
- Corrections to be made include: hyphenate ‘face-to-face’ in #2, removal of repeated information in #1
Action:Move to approve as amendedSKLDV 610 Distance Education Addendum for Hybrid M/S/P (Watterson/OlsonVOTES in favor:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove, Sylvia Waterson)
- MjrSKLDV 690Study SkillsKarin RodtsMajor Mod(SU 18)
- Change to SLOs has occurred
- Will only be offered as a Pass/No Pass
- Correction to be made include: Course Assignments, Writing Assignments space removal
Action:Move to approve SKLDV 690Study SkillsM/S/P (Olson/WattersonVOTES in favor:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove, Sylvia Waterson)
- MjrAW-AAT 602KinesiologyRaelene JuarezMajor Mod(SU 18)
- Possibly PYSCS 4A will need to be replaced with PYSCS 5A as PYSCS 4A and PYSCS 4B could eventually be discontinued
- PYSCS 4A and 4B have had a continued decline in numbers that cannot sustain the courses
- Further discussions between HHP, PYSCS, and Counseling departments will need to occur before decision can be made
Action:Move to tableAW-AAT 602KinesiologyM/S/P (Manlove/OlsonVOTES in favor:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove, Sylvia Waterson)
Discussion Items
- Local Policies and ProceduresKathy Schultz
- List of local policy decisions made by Columbia College are being gathered by the IEC to be housed in one place to allow for easier access for review; Example: Work Experience courses includes a requirement within the catalog that states a student must also be taking 6 units concurrently
- This policy has not been found in any district or local policy nor in the PCAH thus far
- The question has arisen, ‘Is this policy still necessary?’ ‘Does this affect financial aid?’
- The gathering of these local policies and procedures into a repository will allow for proper review and revision if and when necessary
- Those affecting curriculum will be brought before the Committee for review & recommendation when appropriate
Full Curriculum Meeting 10/24/2017
Action:Move to adjourn M/S/P (Olson/ManloveVOTES in favor:Jill Olson, Jeff Fitzwater, Tom Hofstra, Mike Torok, Elizabeth Pfleging, Joe Manlove, Sylvia Waterson)
Full Curriculum Meeting 10/24/2017
Adjourn 3:50pm
Next Full Curriculum Meeting is November 7, 2017 in Buckeye 4 from 2:40 – 4:30
Full Curriculum Meeting 10/24/2017