Sunday 5th February 2017, 4th Sunday before Lent

Sun 5thFeb / 9.00am / Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30am / All Age Service followed by lunch
5.00pm / Prayer meeting in church
6.30pm / The Junction(Vicarage)
Mon 6th Feb / 10.15am / Oak View Primary school assembly
2.00pm / Kyle leading the service at Overdene
8.00pm / Events committee meeting (39 Carlisle Close)
Tue 7th Feb / 6.00pm / Church building open for enquiries until 7pm
7.30pm / Taste & See (Red Lion pub)
Wed 8thFeb / 9.00am / Over St John Primary school assembly
1.30pm / Food bank open until 3pm
8.00pm / Christianity Explored (Vicarage)
Thu 9thFeb / 10.30am / Grange Primary school assembly
1.00pm / Academy - Soul Space
7.30pm / ‘Growing in Christ’ course (St Peter’s, Elworth)
Sat 11th Feb / George, Kyle & Hannah’s day off
Sun 12th Feb / 10.30am / Holy Communion - Genesis 25:19-27:40
5.00pm / Prayer meeting in church
6.30pm / The Junction(Vicarage)


Wheelchair ramp available at back door. Aids available in the toilet.Communion will be brought to you in your seat if you wish.


Sunday Club all weeks apart from All Age Services. A Crèche is available.

Weddings, Thanksgivings and other enquiries

Tuesday 7th February 6pm – 7pm in the church building

Contact Details

Vicar: George Crowder. 01606 594651
Wardens: Sarah McLellan, 01606 863147; Rachel Jones, 01606 557141
facebook/stjohnsover @stjohnsover


O God,you know us to be setin the midst of so many and great dangers,that by reason of the frailty of our naturewe cannot always stand upright:grant to us such strength and protectionas may support us in all dangersand carry us through all temptations;through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever.Amen

Those who are ill…Jim McDermott, Kenny Sheridan, Sylvia Ash, Gordon Entecott, Joan Williams, Neil Cripps, Vera Hough, Alan Stones, Janet Richardson, Glynis & John Watson, Christopher Browne.

Bereaved families of…John Hankey, Flo Smith, Elsie Brandon, Lily Farrow, Brenda Evans, Robert Coyne

Those unable to be with us. At home:Joan Chadwick, Betty Challinor, Betty Grundy, Christine Hayward, Eric Higginson, Peter & Maureen Humphreys, Mavis Latham,Jane Winward.Morningside: Audrey SantCedar House: Alan LathamThe Willows: Gordon Entecott

During the services, no collection is taken. We are grateful for your contributions, but don’t want you to feel under pressure. If you wish to give, please use the collection plate by the entrance before or after the service. If you are a taxpayer, please use a gift aid envelope, so we can claim the tax back. St John’s is now registered with Barclays Pingit so you can give by mobile phone.

Notice requests by Wednesday morning ()

NEW – Prayer Ministry: Each week, after the morning service, there will be an opportunity for anyone who would like prayer for a personal situation or difficulty, or in response to the Bible message,to pray privately with a member of our church family on one of the front pews.

NEW - Taste & See, this Tuesday, 7.30pmA good opportunity to invite friends and family to the Red Lion pub to eat and chat together, and listen to a short talk about what Christians believe. This will be a regular event on the first Tuesdayof every month.

Church weekend away Fri 10th – Sun 12th March 2017.Booking forms available at the back of church; full payment needed by the end of January. Places still available!

The church directory is being updated: if you would like to be added to it, or need your entry amending, please see Wendy. Also, if anyone would like to volunteer to update the photographs speak to Wendy!

Sunday 5th February 2017, 4th Sunday before Lent

Sun 5th Feb / 9.00am / Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30am / All Age Service followed by lunch
5.00pm / Prayer meeting in church
6.30pm / The Junction(Vicarage)
Mon 6th Feb / 10.15am / Oak View Primary school assembly
2.00pm / Kyle leading the service at Overdene
8.00pm / Events committee meeting (39 Carlisle Close)
Tue 7th Feb / 6.00pm / Church building open for enquiries until 7pm
7.30pm / Taste & See (Red Lion pub)
Wed 8th Feb / 9.00am / Over St John Primary school assembly
1.30pm / Food bank open until 3pm
8.00pm / Christianity Explored (Vicarage)
Thu 9th Feb / 10.30am / Grange Primary school assembly
1.00pm / Academy - Soul Space
7.30pm / ‘Growing in Christ’ course (St Peter’s, Elworth)
Sat 11th Feb / George, Kyle & Hannah’s day off
Sun 12th Feb / 10.30am / Holy Communion - Genesis 25:19-27:40
5.00pm / Prayer meeting in church
6.30pm / The Junction(Vicarage)


Wheelchair ramp available at back door. Aids available in the toilet.Communion will be brought to you in your seat if you wish.


Sunday Club all weeks apart from All Age Services. A Crèche is available.

Weddings, Thanksgivings and other enquiries

Tuesday 7th February 6pm – 7pm in the church building

Contact Details

Vicar: George Crowder. 01606 594651
Wardens: Sarah McLellan, 01606 863147; Rachel Jones, 01606 557141
facebook/stjohnsover @stjohnsover


O God,you know us to be setin the midst of so many and great dangers,that by reason of the frailty of our naturewe cannot always stand upright:grant to us such strength and protectionas may support us in all dangersand carry us through all temptations;through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, now and for ever. Amen

Those who are ill… Jim McDermott, Kenny Sheridan, Sylvia Ash, Gordon Entecott, Joan Williams, Neil Cripps, Vera Hough, Alan Stones, Janet Richardson, Glynis & John Watson, Christopher Browne.

Bereaved families of… John Hankey, Flo Smith, Elsie Brandon, Lily Farrow, Brenda Evans, Robert Coyne

Those unable to be with us. At home:Joan Chadwick, Betty Challinor, Betty Grundy, Christine Hayward, Eric Higginson, Peter & Maureen Humphreys, Mavis Latham,Jane Winward.Morningside: Audrey Sant Cedar House: Alan Latham The Willows: Gordon Entecott

During the services, no collection is taken. We are grateful for your contributions, but don’t want you to feel under pressure. If you wish to give, please use the collection plate by the entrance before or after the service. If you are a taxpayer, please use a gift aid envelope, so we can claim the tax back. St John’s is now registered with Barclays Pingit so you can give by mobile phone.

Notice requests by Wednesday morning ()

NEW – Prayer Ministry: Each week, after the morning service, there will be an opportunity for anyone who would like prayer for a personal situation or difficulty, or in response to the Bible message, to pray privately with a member of our church family on one of the front pews.

NEW - Taste & See, this Tuesday, 7.30pmA good opportunity to invite friends and family to the Red Lion pub to eat and chat together, and listen to a short talk about what Christians believe. This will be a regular event on the first Tuesday of every month.

Church weekend away Fri 10th – Sun 12th March 2017. Booking forms available at the back of church; full payment needed by the end of January. Places still available!

The church directory is being updated: if you would like to be added to it, or need your entry amending, please see Wendy. Also, if anyone would like to volunteer to update the photographs speak to Wendy!