Two year temporary appointment (a secondment may be considered)

The Project Leader works within System Learning Services to lead the Making Diversity the Norm Project for a period of two years from appointment.

System Learning Services delivers a range of services and high level advice and proactivity in the area of supporting learning and teaching in schools by working with teachers in learning spaces; in partnership with school leadership teams on the goals of formation, literacy or numeracy.

The Making Diversity the Norm (MDN) project is an initiative of Catholic Education, Diocese of Parramatta (CEDP) under the federal government program More Support for Students with Disabilities Initiative. The purpose of the MDN project in Parramatta Diocese is to:

·  identify the five hundred students in the diocese whose progress in learning is most at risk and make a significant positive impact on their learning outcomes

·  work in-situ with teachers and leadership teams to build teacher capabilities in working with these students using appropriate assistive technologies

·  implement programs and projects in CEDP that build teacher knowledge

·  facilitate new and innovative ways in which identified students are able to access learning

·  ensure that Disability Standards for Education are understood and implemented throughout CEDP

Essential Criteria:

The successful applicant must have:

·  Support of Catholic ethos

·  Evidence of successful current leadership of teams

·  An outstanding educator with a deep understanding of contemporary learning theory and practice

·  Appropriate post-graduate qualifications and experience

·  Capacity and experience in communicating with leadership teams to implement pedagogical change

·  Evidence of successful implementation of significant educational projects

·  Deep knowledge of how children learn

·  Strong management and interpersonal skills including initiating, inventing, implementing and evaluating

·  Desirable – knowledge of how technology supports learning

Salary and Conditions:

The commencing salary is Step 8 of the CEO Professional Officer’s Salary scale currently $125,263 pa. Conditions of employment will be as for CEO Office personnel.

Superannuation and leave loading will be in addition to the commencing salary.

Other Benefits & Conditions

·  Salary packaging is available

·  Annual leave is in accordance with the NSW Annual Holidays Act of four (4) weeks duration (twenty working days) on completion of each twelve (12) months of service. Leave is normally taken within the year in which it us due.

·  An annual shutdown may occur during which annual leave will be taken. An additional five (5) days ex-gratia leave may also be granted to coincide with any two of the school vacation periods.


Written applications addressing the selection criteria and including comprehensive curriculum vitae are to be sent to:

Human Resources Officer


Catholic Education Office,

Locked Bag 4


Alternatively, email your application to:


Applicants must provide names of three (3) referees, one of whom must be a recent employer, from whom confidential reports may be obtained.

Closing Date:

Close of business: Thursday 17th May 2012


The Catholic Education Office (CEO) Diocese of Parramatta invites appropriately qualified and experienced applicants who are committed to the ethos of Catholic Schools to apply for advertised positions.

The CEO is committed to the principles of merit selection i.e. selecting the best person for the job and to the core values of the system vision statement, ‘to be open, inclusive and just’.

To assist in selecting the right person based on skills, knowledge and experience, it is important that your application provides all relevant details. Please consider the following information when preparing your application.

Please note: this information is to be read in conjunction with specific documents that apply to every advertised position. They can be found on our website or by calling the contact person named in the advertisement.


A selection committee decides who is to be interviewed based on the information that you present in your application.

It is very important that your application is clear and concise, and indicates how your knowledge, skills, experience and relevant work history (paid or unpaid) support your application.

So when applying for a position always include:

1.  a completed application form,

2.  a brief resume detailing your employment history, education and qualifications, and

3.  details of how you meet the individual essential and desirable criteria as stated in the “Position Criteria” document. For example:

Essential Criteria:

Demonstrated ability to deal with staff at all levels of the organisation.


In my current role, I not only deal with peers providing policy and procedural advice, I also provide financial information and advice to senior staff within my Division, including the General Manager and Director.


The advertisement will state where to forward your written or electronic application, and the date by which it is to be received.

Your application will be acknowledged in writing as soon as it is received.


Approximately one week after the closing date a selection panel of a least three members will shortlist the applications, inviting for interview the applicants who best meet all the selection criteria.

Applicants who aren’t invited for interview will receive a letter notifying them that they are unsuccessful.


If you are being invited for interview you will receive a phone call advising you of the time and location. Interview questions are based on the selection criteria and the key accountabilities so be prepared to give examples of your work experience, skills and knowledge, and how these relate to the position you are applying for.


After the interviews are conducted referees will be contacted on the applicant(s) the panel deems most meritorious, so include at least three work referees – ideally from your current employer or supervisor, or the most recent ones.


Following the referee checks the selection panel will make a final recommendation on whom to appoint based on the merit of the written application, the performance at interview and the referees’ comments. This is forwarded to the Executive Director of Schools for approval.

Once approved, the successful applicant will be telephoned and a verbal offer made, with a written Letter of Appointment to follow. Unsuccessful applicants are notified by mail.


Successful applicant(s) will be subject to the relevant Child Protection paperwork and checks as deemed by the Child Protection (Prohibited Employment) Act 1998. For further information on the legislation, contact the Commission for Children and Young People on 9286 7276 or visit their website





The Executive Director will extend to professional officers any increases awarded to teachers, and to clerical and administration staff any increases awarded to school support staff, following award negotiations and subject to confirmation by the Bishop. Increases will be effective for staff in the Catholic Education Office in the same pay period as they are provided to school staff.


All staff employed under Office conditions are entitled to the following leave entitlements:

Long service leave

An employee engaged as a Professional Officer who has completed ten (10) years service accrues 13 weeks (455 hours) of long service leave. Additional years of service accrue long service leave at a higher rate, which since 1 February 2001 is 2 weeks (70 hours) for each year of service after ten (10) years.

{From the commencement of 2006 long service leave accrues and is preserved in proportion to the employment status during employment. The accrual formula will be according to the formula advised by the Catholic Commission for Employment Relations and pertinent to clause 13 of the Teachers (Archdiocese of Sydney and Dioceses of Broken Bay and Parramatta) State Award}.

An employee engaged as an Administrative Officer who has completed ten (10) years service accrues 13 weeks (455 hours) long service leave in accordance with clause 21 of the School Support Staff (Archdiocese of Sydney, Dioceses of Broken Bay and Parramatta ) (State) Award. Additional years of service accrue long service leave at the same rate.

After five (5) years of service long service leave may be accessed on a pro-rata basis. Long service leave is also paid out on termination after 5 years of service.

Sick leave
All staff are entitled to fifteen (15) days of sick leave for each year of service cumulative to a maximum of 154 days within the most recent fifteen (15) years of service.

Bereavement leave
Bereavement leave is available to any member of staff for up to three (3) days because of the death of an immediate relative (where immediate relative is classified as child, father, mother, sister, brother, spouse, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent, stepchild, step parent, grandchild). Staff will be entitled to one (1) day’s bereavement leave to attend a funeral of a person other than those in this category with the approval of the Team Leader.

Personal / Carer's leave
Employees may access any number of days of current or accrued sick leave for the purpose of Personal / Carer's leave to provide care and support for a family member or other person when the employee is responsible for the care of that person. Where an employee applies for Personal / Carer's leave of more than three (3) continuous days to provide care and support, documentary evidence must be provided with the application.

Pressing Domestic Necessity (PDN)
An employee may apply for up to five (5) days of current or accrued sick leave per year for a pressing domestic necessity. A pressing domestic necessity refers to an absence from work due to circumstances or events outside the employee’s control which required the employee’s attendance at a place other than work. A pressing domestic necessity does not occur where the employee may attend to the circumstance outside work time or where the event is not ‘pressing’ or urgent. Where an employee claims more than one (1) day for a pressing domestic necessity, documentary evidence must be provided with the application. This leave must be approved by the Team Leader.

Study leave / examination leave
Paid study leave is available to staff who are required to attend compulsory residential schools or examinations in respect of tertiary courses directly related to the position held within the CEO. Each application for such leave is to be supported by documentation outlining attendance requirements for the residential school or examination. Heads of Services may approve up to five (5) days per year for this purpose. Staff who have such study requirements are asked to advise their Team Leader well in advance.

Ex-gratia leave
The Executive Director of Schools may make available additional days of leave, also known as ex-gratia leave, over the Christmas period and during the year. The availability of these days will depend on the needs of the Office and other factors including the day of the week on which Christmas Day falls. These days are at the discretion of the Executive Director of Schools and are not deducted from annual leave entitlements.

Ex-gratia leave may not be available to members of staff who have more than forty (40) days of annual leave available to them unless arrangements have been made. Staff members who have more than forty (40) days annual leave accrued must have taken at least twenty (20) days annual leave in the previous calendar year otherwise leave taken in such circumstances will be debited as annual leave days. When the annual leave entitlement has been reduced to forty (40) days ex-gratia leave may then apply. Ex-gratia leave cannot be accumulated or postponed.


Leave without pay is restricted to no more than three (3) months with the approval from Heads of Services. Applications for leave without pay in excess of three (3) months should be presented to the Executive Director in writing. While on leave without pay, the person concerned does not accrue any entitlements including long service leave, sick leave or superannuation. A person on leave without payis advised tocontact their Superannuation Fund directly in regard to continuity of insurance coverage.

Parental leave
This leave includes:

a) Paternity leave: One (1) paid day for either the day of the birth or the day when the baby leaves hospital and an additional ten (10) continuous days, payable out of available sick leave, to be taken within four (4) weeks of the day of the birth.

b) Maternity leave and adoption leave: A maximum of fifty two (52) weeks is available for maternity leave inclusive of any annual leave or long service leave. Fourteen (14) of the fifty two (52) weeks are available on full pay. This arrangement also applies to adoption leave.

Sick leave, long service leave and parental leave are accrued on a pro-rata basis for part-time employees.

Note that there may be extraordinary circumstances beyond the above where leave is sought. This leave may only be authorised by the Executive Director or Head of Staff Services.


Letters of Appointment, System documentation

All Letters of Appointment are accompanied by an Annexure which details many conditions of employment. The CEO Staff Handbook and other appropriate documentation provide details on conditions and are available to all staff.

Annual leave
Annual leave entitlement for staff according to the NSW Annual Holiday Act is twenty (20) working days for a twelve (12) month service period and is pro rata for part time staff. As the core function is to provide service to schools, annual leave is usually taken during the school holidays and particularly during the summer school holidays. Heads of Services may vary this for specific reasons.

Hours of work

A fulltime employee is employed for seventy (70) hours per fortnight, exclusive of forty five (45) minute unpaid meal break per day. At times the requirements of a role may mean that an employee works beyond these hours.

The above conditions apply to all staff employed under Office conditions. Staff who work in the Office employed under school based awards continue to receive pay and conditions as per the appropriate award.