SLO Work to Complete for Spring 2017:

The following due dates reflect important deadlines for information gathering in our accreditation self-study timeline. Full-time faculty receive 12 hours of FLEXtime per year to complete SLO duties. Thank you for your support of the new 2-year SLO cycle and for your participation in this spring’s SLO work. Please e-mail me at if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments about the process.

  1. By April 1st: Reflect, Discuss, and Revise.

Reflect on last year’s SLO assessments in TracDat (2015-16) and make revisions to your student learning outcomes and methods of assessment, in consultation with other faculty as necessary, by April 1st. This will ensure that next year, you’ll be assessing what you really want to assessand what’s valuable to you and any colleagues teaching the same course. If you decide to revise or change any of your SLOs, the updated Form to Add or Revise an SLO is available on the SLO page of the Learning Outcomes Resource Center. I’ve spoken to department coordinators about creating additional time for department-level discussions, and the SLO Committee will be sponsoring workshops for those faculty interested in revising their SLOs or assessments (schedule available by February 6thon the Learning Outcomes Resource Center website).

  1. By April 1st: Update as necessary in TracDat.

Ensure all SLOs, methods of assessment, and materials needed to complete the assessments are up to date in the new version of TracDat. Questions about using the new version of TracDat? Go to the new TracDat Resource Center for training and additional information.

  1. By April 17th: Enter “Application of Results” and “Follow-up” in TracDat.

If you didn’t enter “Application of Results” for some of last year’s (2015-16) course assessments, please complete those fields. By April 17, 2017, complete the “Follow-up” field in TracDat for all of the courses you assessed last year (2015-16).

The “Follow-up” section, which lives under the “Application of Results”field for individual course results in TracDat, is where we will document our reflection, discussions, and our methods of closing the loop on the SLO process from now on. This field basically asks “What did you do? What changes, if any, have you implemented or made steps toward implementing?” These changes might include revising SLOs or assessments, changing teaching strategies or course materials, or updating resources for student learning. To learn more about completing the “Follow-up Field” in Tracdat, consult the resource “SLO Follow-up.”

  1. By April 17th: Map.

Map all SLOs to ISLOs, and SLOs to PLOs as necessary. Department Coordinators are heading this effort.