耳鼻喉科POMR 範本

一、【POMR 範本】NSD s/p SMP

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Nasal pain and stuffness, throat discomfort after operation

O:conscious: clear, no fever or chills

Physical exam

Eyes: freely movable, no pain at movement

Ear: drum and EAC intact

Nose: no active bleeding, nasal packing and nasal air way in place

Pharynx: no post nasal drip or bleeding

Problem #1: NSD s/p SMP

A: condition stable, s/p SMP, post op day N

P: 1.IV fluid supplement and on cold liquid diet

2.Prevent from dehydration

3.Adequate pain relief (Ponstan PO qid)

4.Add transamin and control blood pressure if in need

5.Monitor vital sign closely


2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: Nasal pain and left side nasal discharge after operation

O: conscious: clear, no fever or chills

Physical exam

Neck: supple

Eyes: freely movable, ROM: full, no diplopia

Ear: drum and EAC intact

Nose: no active bleeding ,

Lt side blood clot at suture site, nasal packing and nasal air way in place

Pharynx: post nasal drip, mild , (-) active bleeding

Chest: clear breathing sound

Abdomen: soft and flat, tenderness (-)

Extremities: freely movable

Problem #1: CPS s/p FESS+SMP

A: condition stable, s/p FESS+SMP, post OP day N

P: 1.IV fluid supplement (1000 ml/day) , NPO 4hrs then cold liquid diet

2.Prevent from dehydration

3.Adequate pain relief (Ponstan PO qid + Demerol prn)

4.Add transamin and control blood pressure

5.Cefazolin 1gm Q8H + Gentamycin 80mg Q12H

三、【POMR 範本】COM s/p tympanoplasty

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S: post-auricular pain and mild dizziness

O: conscious: clear, no fever or chills

Physical exam

No faical palsy, no vertigo

Neck: supple, no neck rigidity

Eyes: freely movable, no nystagmus

Ear: mastoid dressing in place, no bleeding, no discharge

Nose: NSD+CHR; Pharynx: post nasal drip, mild

Chest: clear breathing sound; Abdomen: soft and flat, tenderness (-)

Extremities: freely movable

Problem #1: COM s/p tympanoplasty

A: condition stable, s/p tympanoplasty, post-op day N

P: 1.IV fluid supplement (1000 ml/day) , NPO 4hrs then on full diet

2.Adequate pain relief (Ponstan PO qid + Demerol prn)

3.Cefazolin 1gm Q8H

四、【POMR 範本】s/p LMS

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S:Sore throat after operation

O: conscious: clear, no fever or chills

Physical exam

Neck: supple, no neck rigidity

Eyes: freely movable, ROM: full

Ear: ear drum intact


Pharynx: injected throat, no bleeding

Chest: clear breathing sound

Abdomen: soft and flat, tenderness (-)

Extremities: freely movable

Problem #1: s/p LMS

A: condition stable, s/p LMS

P: 1.IV fluid supplement (1000 ml/day) , NPO 4hrs then on cold diet

2.Medication (prednosolone, transamin, endase, gasgel 1# po qid)

3. Voice rest

五、【POMR 範本】Deep neck infection s/p debridement

2011/01/11 10:30 AM

S:Sore throat, neck swelling and tenderness, wound discharge

O: conscious: clear, fever subsided

Physical exam

Neck: swelling with tender, wound no oozing, clear discharge, no pus formation

Penrose / CWV drain in place

Eyes: freely movable, ROM: full

Ear: ear drum intact


Pharynx: injected throat,

Chest: clear breathing sound

Abdomen: soft and flat, tenderness (-)

Extremities: freely movable

Problem #1: Deep neck infection s/p debridement

A: deep neck infection s/p debridement, condition stable

P: 1.IV fluid supplement (1000 ml/day)

2.Keep intravenous antibiotics use

3.Medication for pain control

4.Wound change dressing / wet dressing

5.Follow lab data (WBC, CRP)