WS12 4DH

Telephone 01543 870560

Fax 01543 870565



Pat Carless PM

Muriel Davies

Jackie Gooch

Pat Cooper

Mike Seager

Sue Ellis

Len Ellis


Lynda Pap-Winfindale.

Pat Seager.

The minutes of last meeting were read, discussed and signed off.

  1. CQC. The final report from our inspection on 18th January was published on 27th April 2017. We had unfortunately been marked down as needing improvement in 3 areas. The outcome of this report is that we had to compile an action plan of the improvements recommended that we intended to put in place. Copy of the summary of actions taken are enclosed.
  2. CQC Following this we have had an in house team of professionals comprising of 2 GP’s , a Practice Manager, Practice Nurse, Pharmacist,

Administrator, and IT person attend our surgery for the day, to see if they can advise what and where to make improvements and to help compile our action plan. They also interviewed a member of our PPG who said that they advised the Group take more of an active part in the running of the group. Suggestions made were as follows..

Perhaps a couple of members could attend the surgery for an hour when a surgery is taking place. They could introduce themselves, tell them about the group, and offer an invite to join our meetings.

Produce a newsletter every 3 months, to hand out to patients or perhaps place them on the waiting room seats at the beginning of a morning and evening surgery, as well as on the admin desk with a notice to help themselves to a copy. Newsletter to cover any changes or improvements made to the surgery or which will impact on the surgery.

Also to encourage new members by offering an evening meeting, say on our late night (Thursday) at about 6.30. Hopefully this may encourage new and younger members. It was also suggested this was added to the newsletter.

  1. CQC also said we had to introduce a Vision and Values Statement and a Business Development Plan, which is now in place and both are on our notice board for the patients to read. Copy is enclosed.
  2. CQC also said our Bowel Screening uptake was very low Suggestions to remedy this were to target the non responders with a letter politely asking that they reconsider their uptake next time they are approached.
  3. We carried out a small survey on approximately 50 patients in May 2017. The results on the surgery overall were good. A copy is enclosed.
  4. Health Centre facilities. The PM made the group aware of the changes that are happening to the Health Centre. All the services are being withdrawn, ie: Health Visitors, District Nurse Team, Clinics etc. This is going to have a major impact on the 4 GP surgeries. None of the changes have been notified officially to the GP’s which is quite upsetting. The 4 GP’s and Practice Managers are having a meeting to discuss the way forward when these services are gone.
  5. There was a general discussion within the group about the rumours of surgeries merging, this is in it’s infancy at present, but everyone thinks this is the way forward in the future.
  6. One of our Practice Nurses’s Alison Sturgess has taken her retirement and we wish her well for the future. At present Ruth Crowder our other PN will be taking over some of Alison’s patients, particularly the Diabetes patients, this will be in conjunction with a Diabetic Nurse who will be her mentor. This is on a trial basis and may change in the near future. We will make sure that this is cascaded to our patients via newsletter and poster in waiting area.

9 At our next meeting scheduled for November we intend to discuss and

Organise a Xmas raffle. Our Easter Raffle was small but successful, so we intend to do the Xmas one on a larger scale. Proceeds will go to a Charity of the Groups choice.