Minutes of LEP High Tech Sector Group

12th November 2013, 9:30am

Osborne Clarke Offices, Temple Back East

Attendees:Mike Bartley, Alastair Watson, Roger Sykes, Duncan Allsopp, Marion Wilkes, Sarah Morrison, Ben Shorrock, Rebecca DiCorpo, Paul Appleby, Rick Chapman, Emily Jones, Melissa Houston

  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Introductions were made for the benefit of all new attendees
  1. Skills Discussion
  • SM updated the group of the Skills Plan. Once a skills need has been identified, there is a 2 stage process - Stage 1 (producing a manifesto) to be completed by end of Nov.
  • MW explained the ICT KTN Skills project and offered to assist the group with their skills agenda.

ACTION – MW to email a link to the KTN skills report for people to view

  • The group agreed that DA’s skills report was correct in identifying 3 main points:
  • The need to keep pace with rate of technology
  • The SME disadvantage with regards to research and students
  • The need to attract school leaves into engineering

With the little funding available from KTN and potential funding from Skills, DA suggested the group fund “Technology Days” aimed for 13-17 year olds to inform young people of their career opportunities (similar to the Cheltenham Science Festival event).

ACTION – MH to arrange a sub group linking the High Tech, Advanced Engineering & Creative Sector Groups (along with the Skills Team) to discuss working together on organising Technology Days.

  1. HB2 & SIGs
  2. A good attendance is expected at Venturefest. SIG making will be taking place at Venturefest – a room has been made available for people to use and hold meetings/catch ups.
  3. NF is attending a Robotics SIG meeting on Wed 13th.
  1. Cluster Map
  2. Function is there and site is ready for people to see.

ACTION – AW to email link to map

  • Things still need to be done i.e. customise the data. We can currently update employee figures but not revenue.
  • Map will be live and shown at Venturefest on the Inward Investment stand
  • Trampoline are currently the host and the group have 30 days (from when design is signed off) to decide whether they want to pay for the ownership rights.
  • Group agreed that the rights should be brought. HB2 can hold finances and feel this should be the natural home for the Cluster Map.

ACTION – AW to discuss funding with BS and Thanh Quan-Nicholls (Bristol City Council) to enable this to happen.

  1. Year of the Chip
  2. Campaign proposal has been signed off – name change may be needed though as there will be a broad agenda for the year.Events will focus on the future, not just a look back at historical landmarks.
  3. RC informed the group that the budget for all activities is around £100,000
  4. An Alumni dinner is planned for June 2014. Important to contact Bristol Alumni to be involved – anyone with a connection to Bristol
  5. Focus on public engagement – national not just regional
  1. Business Advisory Group
  • MH explained that on Monday 18th Nov the B.A.G. are meeting for the first time since Paul Wilson joined the LEP.
  • It will be held at Engine Shed and is an opportunity for the Business community to get together and discuss the SIF/SEP before the annual conference.

ACTION – MH to email invite to AW who (if available) will attend in MB’s absence to represent the High Tech sector.

  1. LEP Annual Conference
  2. MH explained that the event had hit full capacity already and that there will be a “Market Place” area (as pre the previous LEP conferences)
  3. Inward Investment will show the Cluster Map on their table
  4. MH and NF agreed that High Tech should still have a table within the area.

ACTION – NF to liaise with Janice on what to display.

  1. AOB
  2. NF informed the group that a networking concept to focus on funding was being developed. It will be similar to the model Silicon Beach – set up in Sydney
  3. EJ enquired on a previous funding event and asked if there were plans for any more.
  4. Group agreed that going forward an item called “Funding Workshops” should be added to the agenda. ACTION – MH to add onto December’s agenda
  5. MH checked that everyone was aware of the new LEP branding and asked members not to use the old logo. Any concerns or issues regarding the use of the supporter logo should be directed to Catherine Frankpitt (LEP Communications Manager).
  6. MB is unable to attend the next High Tech Sector Meeting in Bath on the 10th Dec. ACTION – MH to send out invite to gauge attendance.

Next Meeting: Tuesday 10th December 2013, 9.30am

Innovation Centre, Bath