15th OCTOBER 2007
The meeting commenced at 4.00pm and concluded at 5.40pm
Representing the Friends of Upton Country Park
Mike Yeomans, John Whippey, Brian Galpin and John Baggs
Representing the Borough of Poole
Councillors Mrs Butt, Rampton, Burden and Mason
Also in attendance
Councillor Adams – Portfolio-Holder (Leisure & Culture)
Clive Smith – Head of Leisure Services
Suzie Corsie – Dorset Police
Lucy Thorne – Dorset Police
Clare Freeman – Leisure Services
Nick Phillips – Transportation Services
Roger Brewer – Leisure Services
Justine Hawkes – Leisure Services
Maria Cobb – Peacock Tea Rooms
Lisa Gardner – Legal & Democratic Services
RESOLVED that Mike Yeomans (The Friends of Upton Country Park) be elected Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
RESOLVED that Councillor Mrs Judy Butt be elected Vice Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year.
Apologies for absence were received from Tina Hayter (Executive Catering Manager).
The Chairman welcomed Clare Freeman (Open Spaces Manager), Roger Brewer (Upton Country Park Team Leader) and Councillor Adams (Porfolio Holder for Leisure & Culture) to their first meeting of the Upton House Liaison Committee.
(Minute 7) – Councillor Mrs Butt declared a personal interest that she was a member of the Poole Forum;
(Minute 7) – Councillor Rampton declared a personal interest that his wife was a co-ordinator of the Poole Forum.
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on 23 January 2007 having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record
The Chairman welcomed Councillor Adams, the Council’s Portfolio-Holder for Leisure & Culture, to the meeting.
Councillor Adams advised that his role involved overseeing projects under the Leisure & Culture theme, including those relating to the Borough’s Parks/Open Spaces, the Lighthouse, Waterfront Museum, Leisure Centres and other key areas of work (eg, the Council’s updated guidance on Planning Obligations Funding).
Members supported the suggestion that Councillor Adams attends future meetings of the Committee by invitation to provide updates on current initiatives.
AGREED that:
(i)The Council’s updated guidance on Planning Obligations Funding be provided to the next meeting for information; and
(ii)Councillor Adams attends future meetings of the Committee by invitation to provide updates on current initiatives.
Nick Phillips (Accessibility Team Leader, Transportation Services) referred members to the report which outlined proposals with regard to: (i) the provision of a raised bus stop boarding area within the car park of Upton Country Park to permit disabled access to bus services and (ii) the provision of a Wooden Bus Shelter in the car park.
Members’ attention was drawn to the following:-
- The Borough of Poole had introduced the Service 128 on 1st April 2006 and the bus service directly serviced Upton Country Park;
- Prior to the introduction of the Service 128, passengers wishing to access Upton Country Park by public transport had to alight at the nearest bus stop in Upton Road and, in addition to a lengthy walk, the bus stop in the opposite direction in particular was very cramped and required the crossing of a busy road;
- The Service 128 improved access by directly serving the car park within Upton Country Park and had been designed primarily to provide a service to Upton House for Social Services Community Employment staff at the Peacock Tea Rooms;
- The route was proving popular to members of the public wishing to access the Estate;
- Users of the service had complained about the lack of a formalised boarding area in the car park and the proposed raised boarding area (as illustrated in the report) would permit a flat, level entrance to and from the bus;
- The provision of a bus shelter had been requested and a wooden shelter could be suitable for the Park environment (a proposed type/layout was included in the report);
- Solar powered lighting was proposed for the shelter, which could incorporate a sensor, to ensure illumination was only provided when the shelter was occupied;
- The provision of the raised boarding area and bus shelter would allow the 128 Service to be actively marketed.
A discussion took place with regard to the proposals during which members made the following comments:
-There was felt to be a need for the provision of raised bus stop boarding area and bus shelter in Upton Country Park;
-The proposals would enable people with mobility problems and those with children to be dropped off close to the main facilities;
-A wooden bus shelter could be in-keeping with the local environment;
-The bus stop would be ideally situated for staff working at the Peacock Tea Rooms;
-The time of the latest service/potential increased frequency of service/etc could be considered under the Route & Branch Review;
-There was a need to consider whether further anti-social behaviour would be facilitated;
-The proposed location of the bus stop could result in a reduced number of disabled parking places and potentially restrict the movement of commercial traffic;
-Opportunities could be explored for the service to be marketed for elderly people and people with disabilities.
After considering the proposals in detail, Members expressed support in principle for the provision of a fully accessible bus service and felt that it would be well received by the public.
(i)That support be expressed in principle for the provision of a fully accessible bus service; and
(ii) The final details of the scheme to be agreed by Leisure Services and Transportation Services.
Members noted that the feasibility study undertaken by the Consultants with regard to the options for future usage had recommended that the Estate was developed through a combination of public and private sector involvement. An update on progress with options for future usage would be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.
Clare Freeman and Roger Brewer referred members to the Upton Country Park Management Update report and highlighted the following points:
Team Meetings
- Team meetings had commenced in July 2007 to discuss day-to-day operational issues with the Friends of Upton Country Park and to communicate each other’s activities and events;
- Standard Agenda Items had been set and the next meeting was to take place on 24th October 2007.
Green Flag Application
- A meeting would take place on 9 November 2007 to discuss actions needed for a 2008/9 Green Flag submission and the deadline for the application was the end of January 2008.
Staff Update
- Roger Brewer had started as Team Leader, Colin Grundy had joined as Events & Bookings Officer, a Support Officer would be recruited in November and additional officers had been granted access to the bookings system;
- Office moves had taken place so that the Upton House Team were all based in the upstairs two offices;
- Roger Brewer was working on a Property Manual to share practices, information and procedures for Upton House.
Wedding Fair
- Chris Cook was working with The Friends of Upton Country Park to organise the 2008 Wedding Fair.
Maintenance Issues
- Roger Brewer had met with John Kerley (Property Services) regarding maintenance issues and outstanding work;
- Roger Brewer had met with John Bradley (Property Services) with a view to setting up a regular maintenance programme;
- Roger Brewer had recently created a Fault Form for maintenance issues to be reported.
The Chairman thanked Clare Freeman and Roger Brewer for providing the report.
John Baggs (Honorary Secretary, The Friends of Upton Country Park) noted that a report had been submitted on the new arrangements for supporting Friends Groups in the Borough to the Environment Overview Group on 6th September 2007, with the recommendations ratified by the Cabinet on 2nd October 2007.
It was noted that the report was submitted to the Friends of Upton Country Park two days prior to submission to EOG. Despite the issues raised by the Friends with the report, who recommended withdrawal until proper consultation, it was still submitted to EOG and thence Cabinet.
Councillor Adams apologised for this and undertook to resubmit the report to both EOG and the Cabinet if the result of the issues raised warranted this.
Councillor Butt suggested that if the issues could not be resolved then the report should be ‘called in’ to scrutiny.
The Committee noted that the suggested framework for Borough Parks Friends Groups would include the following:
-It was proposed that all Borough Park Friends Groups were registered Charities;
-It was proposed that all Borough Park Friends Groups had a formal Constitution which should be accepted by the Council (the Head of Leisure Services in consultation with the Head of Legal & Democratic Services and the Head of Financial Services);
-It was proposed that all Borough Park Friends Groups had an annual subscription for membership;
-It was proposed that all Borough Park Friends Groups had a Committee selected from its membership;
-It was proposed that no Officers or Members of the Borough of Poole should be on the Committee or Borough Park Friends Groups;
-It was proposed that all Borough Park Friends Groups submit annual accounts to the Council;
-It was proposed to standardise communication channels with all Borough Park Friends Groups;
-It was proposed to standardise liaison meetings with all Borough Park Friends Groups.
The Cabinet had ratified the following recommendations proposed by the Environment Overview Group:
(i)To adopt the name of “Borough Parks” in place of “District Parks” in the Open Spaces Strategy;
(ii)Adopt the framework proposals for Friends Groups as laid out in the report by the Head of Leisure Services;
(iii)Support Park Liaison Forum for any Borough Parks with a Friends Group.
A discussion took place with regard to the above during which members made the following comments:
- The new guidelines for supporting Friends’ Groups would help to ensure consistent support was available to the existing Friends’ Groups and those that might be formed in the future;
- The guidelines had been formulated to enhance and strengthen the relationship between the Council and Friends’ Groups;
- The Friends of Upton Country Park was a registered charity and was required to submit annual accounts to the Charity Commission;
- The annual accounts should also be presented to the Council if public funds were used to support Friends’ Groups;
- The Friends of Upton Country Park’s Constitution was approved by the Charity Commission and the new guidelines above would have a significant impact on the Friends’ Constitution;
- The Friends of Upton Country Park would have welcomed the opportunity to comment on the proposals.
Members proposed that a Sub-Group meeting be held to discuss the issues raised by The Friends of Upton Country Park and how the new guidelines would be implemented by the Friends of Upton Country Park. It was –
(i)That a Sub-Group meeting takes place with Leisure Services, Councillor Adams and the Friends of Upton Country Park to consider the issues raised and how the new guidelines would be implemented;
(ii)That Councillor Adams would resubmit the Paper to EOG and Cabinet, if necessary, once the Sub-Group recommendations were known; and
(iii)The Paper be ‘called in’ to scrutiny if the issues could not be resolved.
Justine Hawkes presented the latest Upton Country Park Management Winter Works Programme (2007/08) for members’ information, a copy of which has been attached to the minutes.
The report detailed the works undertaken in addition to the usual seasonal duties (eg, mulching, clearing of beds etc) and the Committee proposed that further consideration be given to involving individuals undertaking community service in such works.
AGREED that:
(i)The Upton Country Park Management Winter Works Programme (2007/8) be noted;
(ii)Leisure Services liaises with Probation Services with regard to involving individuals undertaking Community Service, with projects at Upton Country Park and other open spaces.
Clare Freeman advised that quotations obtained for the Walled Garden Project had exceeded expectations and Nick Woods (Ranger Team Leader, Leisure Services) and Richard Nicholson (Technical Development Team Leader, Leisure Services) had contacted the Heritage Lottery Fund with regard to submitting a bid for funding. It was anticipated that the project would be delivered during Spring/Summer 2008 to allow time for additional funding to be sought.
The Committee discussed whether Planning Obligations Funding could be sought for the project and members noted that the funding was currently allocated from ward budgets. The present scheme for allocating planning obligations funding would be considered by the Council as part of its review of the Core Strategy.
AGREED that an update be provided to the next meeting.
Roger Brewer reported that he had met with John Kerley (Property Services) and the Contractor who had completed the first phase of the works was willing to undertake the second phase. The second phase would involved replacing the Perspex and reinstating the roof to its former position, with consideration given to chandelier load-testing and cleaning. The repairs would commence during the week beginning 22nd October and could be completed within two weeks.
Members were pleased to note the progress with this project and thanked Roger Brewer for all of his assistance -
AGREED that an update be provided to the next meeting.
John Whippey advised that a response was currently awaited from English Heritage with regard to the potential scheme of modifications to the Greenhouses. There was a requirement to consult with English Heritage in respect of any modifications as the Greenhouses were within the curtilage of a listed building.
Members were advised that the Friends of Upton Country Park were no longer prepared to work from the larger Greenhouse due to health and safety concerns (for example, arising from a slippery floor caused by roof leakages). The Committee noted that whilst a risk assessment had been completed by Property Services previously, clarification was required over whether the buildings were still fit for use.
AGREED That Clare Freeman liaises with the Friends of Upton Country Park and Property Services with regard to
(i)undertaking a further risk assessment; and
(ii) to explore the delayed response from English Heritage.
Lift – Peacock Tea Rooms
The Chairman confirmed that the button in the lift had been replaced by a joy-stick for ease of use by elderly people with disabilities and the Friends of Upton Country Park was willing to fund this work.
AGREED that Leisure Services investigates whether a certificate of completion had been received from the contractors and advises the Friends of Upton Country Park accordingly.
Lift / Courtyard – Upton House
The Chairman observed that English Heritage had expressed support in principle for the installation of a glass lift in the courtyard of Upton House and enquired whether this could be progressed given that the other courtyard works had been completed.
Members noted that consideration needed to be given to how installation of the lift could be justified financially before the project could be taken forward.
Recycling in Upton Country Park
The Chairman asked whether consideration could be given to the provision of recycling bins in Upton Country Park.
Members were advised that this had not been pursued so far on the basis that the bins on the Estate were emptied by a separate contractor to that hired by Environmental & Consumer Protection Services. As the Estate had staff on-site, the view was taken that separate arrangements could be made for litter collection as required.
Clive Smith undertook to explore the option of providing recycling bins at Upton Country Park further with Environmental & Consumer Protection Services -
AGREED that Leisure Services explore the provision of recycling bins at Upton Country Park and provide an update to the next meeting.