Bill of Materials Report- (Where Used Report)

This report will run two different reports based on how you sort your data:

Sort By – Parent Item #This will give a bill of material report for a

specific parent item or range of parent items.

Sort By – Component #This will give a where used report for a specific

component item or a range of component items.

There are a number of data fields within this report. You can use the data fields to broaden or narrow your report.


For this field you can only use the detail option.

Sort By

There are two ways to sort your data in this field by clicking the “Sort By” drop down menu. The options are Component # and Parent #. Each will give you a different report.

Component #Will give you a where used report.

Parent #Will give you a bill of material report.


This option will only work for Parent # search.

Report Header

By clicking the checked boxes you can remove the Include Time and Printed By headings at the top of the report.

Component # Report – Where Used


When sorting by Component # the screen below will appear.

In the “Criteria” box you will need to enter the component part number or numbers you wish to run the where used report. Enter the component part # in the “From” box and then enter the same part number in the “To” box. This will give you an individual search. If you wish to search for a group of component #’s all you need to do is put the numbers in the “From” and the “To” box. If you do not know the exact component #, enter a partial number in the “From” box then click the green pin to search for the component # needed. In the “To” box repeat the same procedure.

You may also customize your search by clicking the check marks off the Create Date or click the word “Range” or the downward arrow. This will give you four date range choices for your report.

There is also one additional information area underneath the Criteria box. These will allow you to tailor your report even further. You may only choose one selection at a time.

For our Component # search we will start our search by selecting the following criteria:

TypeDetail (This is not an option)

Sort ByComponent #

IndividualThis field is not an option

Component #We will use A3-4NH-7 in both the “From” and “To” boxes

Create DateWill not change

RangeWill not change

After all the selection criteria is entered in the fields, click the preview button which is in the green heading bar to get the report which is shown on the screen below.

To print a copy of this screen click on the printer icon in the upper left of the screen.

To close the screen click the “Close” button or click the red “X” in the upper right of the screen.


This report can be sorted, previewed and printed by the many different reporting criteria options that you are allowed. You will need to experiment with the many different options to find the report that will work best for your business concerns.

Parent # Report –Bill of Material


When sorting by Parent # the screen below will appear.

You may search by individual parent # by clicking the “Individual Parent #” and enter the parent # or enter a partial number then click the green pin to search for the parent # needed. You may also search for a range of parent #’s by going to the “Criteria” box. Enter the parent part number or numbers you wish to run the bill of material report for in the “From & “To” boxes. If you do not know the exact parent #, enter a partial number in the “From” box then click the green pin to search for the parent # needed. In the “To” box repeat the same procedure.

Component #, please do not use this field when performing a Parent # report.

You may also customize your search by clicking the check marks off the Create Date or click the word “Range” or the downward arrow. This will give you four date range choices for your report.

There is also one additional sorting filter you may wish to choose from. This will allow you to tailor your report even further.

For our Parent # search we will start our search by selecting the following criteria:

TypeDetail (This is not an option)

Sort ByParent #

IndividualThis is an option but we will not make a selection

Parent #“From” F1102-28-5-3-5-6 and “To” F1102-30-5-1

This will give a group search.

Component #Do not use this field when performing a Parent # report.

Create DateWill not change

RangeWill not change

After all the selection criteria is entered in the fields, click the preview button which is in the green heading bar to get the report which is shown on the screen below.

To print a copy of this screen click on the printer icon in the upper left of the screen.

To close the screen click the “Close” button or click the red “X” in the upper right of the screen.


This report can be sorted, previewed and printed by the many different reporting criteria options that you are allowed. You will need to experiment with the many different options to find the report that will work best for your business concerns.