There are many different resources used when writing essays or researching a topic. When you use information, ideas and quotes gathered from these resources, you must acknowledge where the information came from in the form of a bibliography.
A bibliography is a detailed list of the resources used in an essay or research topic. The reasons for listing or 'citing' all references are to:
· acknowledge your sources
· allow the reader to verify the information provided
· provide information so the reader can check your sources
All students are expected to use the Harvard Method for creating bibliographies
· A bibliography is placed at the very end of you work on a separate sheet. It must be arranged in alphabetical order letter by letter, according to the first and, where necessary, subsequent words (ignoring a, an or the in title entries).
· Do not separate the resources by their format (It is simply one long list).
· If you have interviewed people as part of your research, they should be acknowledged in your bibliography.
ed. - editor or edition.
et al. - and others. (more than 3 authors/editors)
n.d. - no date of publication.
n.p. - no place of publication and is repeated where there is no publisher.
s.v. - sub verbo, sub voce. This is used in references from encyclopedias and dictionaries.
BOOKS: Author’s surname + initial. Copyright date. Title. Publisher, Place of publication
Single Author or Editor
Burns, L. 2010. Fighting Spirit. Claremont, Camberwell, Vic.
Sabine, J. (ed.) 2009. A Century of Australian cinema. Heinemann, Port Melbourne. .
Two Authors or Editors
Rees, D. and Townson.D. 2011. France in Revolution. 2nd. ed.,Hodder & Stoughton, London.
Three Author or Editors
Graham, C, Meyenn, A. and Thatcher, K.. 2008. Information processing and management. 3rd ed., John Wiley, Milton, Qld.
More Than Three Authors or Editors (add ‘et al’ after the first author)
Stambulic, S. et al. 2012. Maths Quest for Victoria. Jacaranda, Milton, Qld.
Neither an Author or Editor Given (start with the title)
Jacaranda Atlas. 2010. 7th ed. John Wiley & Son, Milton, Qld.
Hill, G. and Holman, J. 2011. Chemistry in context. 8th.ed., Nelson, Great Britain.
INTERNET: Author. Copyright date. Title. write the word [Online]. URL. (Date accessed)
Greenpeace. n.d. Global warming? [Online]. (Accessed 6 Nov. 2013).
Wikipedia. 2013. Ned Kelly. [Online] (Accessed 23 October 2013).
No author/organisation (start with the title)
What is genetic engineering? 2012. [Online]. (Accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
Online Images (Creator. Year Title of image followed by [Online Image]. URL: Date accessed)
Australia 2010, Country map, MapQuest, [Online image] (Accessed 11 March 2013).
E-mail Sender’s name. Date of posting, Title of correspondence, followed by ‘email’, Email address
Barry. 6 Oct.2012.Newsbankqueries.[Online].’email’
Surname & initial of author of article, Year of Newspaper, Title of article & Date of Article.
Schauble, J. 2012. Once No.1 with a bullet, China turns to lethal injections. The Age,
3 October, 2013.
Gambling with the future. 2013. Editorial. The Age, 6 Dec., 11.
Electronic form (add the word [Online] after the newspaper name & date, then URL)
Cook, M. 2012. World of experience. The Age, 4 August, n.p. [Online] (Accessed 12 September 2013).
Metlikovec, J. 2013. Bullying is in girls’ minds. Herald Sun, 15 August, 24. [Online] (Accessed 12 September 2013).
Title of article, Copyright date, in Title of Encyclopaedia, publisher, place of publication, volume, pages.
Lawrence, D. H. 2008, In ‘The New Encyclopaedia Britannica’, Encyclopaedia Britannica. Macropaedia, Chicago, v 10, pp 722-725
Electronic Encyclopaedias (Title of article, Copyright date, write the word in Title of Encyclopaedia, URL, Date Accessed).
Earthquake. 2013, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, (Accessed 11 February 2013).
Magazines/Journals/Periodicals (including EBSCO):
Author of article, date, title, title of Journal/magazine (underline), Volume number of magazine (if applicable), specific month, pages.
Preston, D. 2010. The Temples of Angkor. National Geographic ,198, no. 2: 82 - 101.
Zusak, M. 2012. Know the author. Interview by Jo Goodman. Magpies 19, no. 2: 16-18.
Articles from EBSCO (after page number, include the reference centre, the database ‘EBSCO host’ & date accessed)
Lattimore, O. 2012. "Communism, Mongolian Brand." Atlantic (01606506) 210, no. 3: 79. Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre, EBSCOhost (Accessed February 9, 2009).
Author, Copyright Year, Title followed by [Sound recording], Publisher, Place of publication.
Bougard, M, Miller, A. and Roselman, L.1989. Arc-en-ciel 2. [Sound recording]. Mary Glasgow Productions. Glasglow.
Unpublished Interviews
Moran, L. 2009. Interview by Jones, D. 18 May. [Sound recording]. Essendon, Vic.: n.p.
DVD RECORDINGS: Title, followed by [DVD], Year, Time, Production Company.
The Lion King. [DVD] n.d. 85mins. Disney.
WORKS OF ART: Artist’s full name, Year artwork was created, type of art, Name of museum, place.
Picasso, Pablo. 1937. Weeping Woman. Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
Kahlo, Frida. 1993. "Self portrait with Necklace of Thorns". Oil on canvas. As reproduced in Andrea Kettenmann, Frida Kahlo 1907-1954 : Pain and Passion. Koln: Benedikt Taschen. Plate 29.
Australia 2010, Country map, MapQuest, [Online image] (Accessed 11 March 2013).
Bougard, M, Miller, A and Roselman, L. 1989. Arc-en-ciel 2. [Soundrecording].
Mary Glasgow Productions, Glasglow.
Earthquake 2013, in Encyclopaedia Britannica,
(Accessed 11 February 2013).
Greenpeace. n.d. Global warming? [Online] (Accessed 6 Nov. 2013).
Jacaranda Atlas. 2010. 7th ed. John Wiley & Son, Milton, Qld.
Kahlo, Frida. 1993. "Self portrait with Necklace of Thorns". Oil on canvas. As reproduced in Andrea Kettenmann, Frida Kahlo 1907-1954 : Pain and Passion. Benedikt Taschen.Koln. Plate 29.
Lawrence, D. H. 2008, In The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica. Macropaedia, Chicago, v 10, pp 722-725.
Picasso, Pablo. 1937. Weeping Woman. Oil on canvas. National Gallery of Victoria,
Riddell, R. 1991. Adolescence and families. Longman Cheshire, Melbourne.
Schauble, J. 2012. Once No.1 with a bullet, China turns to lethal injections. The Age,
3 October, 2013.
Vietnam Australia's War. [DVD]. 2007. Produced by Mark Phillips. 27 min. Video
Education Australasia.
What is genetic engineering? 2012. [Online]. (Accessed 7 Nov. 2013).
Wikipedia. 2013. Ned Kelly. [Online] (Accessed 23 October 2013)
INTEXT references, whether direct quotes or paraphrases (ie. indirect quotes), are:
Written within the text of your work and included in your Bibliography.
Surnames only are used, and initials are added only to distinguish between authors with the same surname, or where the reference is to a personal communication which is not included in the Bibliography (although it is still important to maintain a written record for verification).
Basic format : Author's surname copyright date, page number(s)
Where there is no author or editor, use :
First word of the title (ignoring a, an or the), copyright date, page number(s)
Where there are several articles by the same author published in the same year they are
distinguished by the use of a or b after the copyright date. Alphabetical order of the titles
decides the use of a or b. See example 7.
n.p.- no pagination available (used for Internet, video recordings, sound recordings, etc.)
1. Direct Quote
"I had feared the consequences of breaking the silence for so long” (Ruff-O’Hearne 1994: 152).
Indirect Quote
Ruff-O’Hearne (1994: 152) challenged her own and society’s fears in speaking out.
2. Two authors/editors
"People's understanding of the central ideas of their tradition tend to change over time" (Rule and Engebretson 1990: 121).
3. Three authors/editors:
"Here is the head of a traitor who broke the most holy law that forbids entry to
foreigners" (Rajendra, Rajendra and Lower 1992: 187)
4. More than three authors/editors use the surname of the first mentioned author followed by 'et al.',which is Latin for 'and others':
"Many lives could be saved if more people trained in first aid" (Wilson et al. 1995:
5. Citing indirect sources (citing an author from another author’s work book or Intranet):
Quote as follows:
"Many hungry and poor students are fed by school principals in disadvantaged
schools, often using education funding" (Slattery in Riddell 1991: 111)
If you use a source that was cited in another source, name the original source in your signal phrase. List the secondary source in your reference list and include the secondary source in the parentheses.
7. Personal communication (not included in Bibliography). Unpublished information like
conversations, letters, can be cited as follows :
Linda never saw herself as gifted (J. Pearson, child's father 5.11.1996, personal communication)
According to Linda's father, J. Pearson (personal communication 5.11.1996), she
hasn't acknowledged her giftedness.
8. Acknowledging author of several periodical or newspaper articles in one year. Refer also to sample bibliography.
(Thompson Chris 2001b, 24)
(Thompson Chris 2001a, 22)