8:30 a.m. Service

Book of Common Prayer (BCP)

Page 67


1st Reading: 2 Samuel 7.1-11, 16

Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26

Refrain: “I will keep my love for him for ever”

The Holy Gospel: Luke 1:26-38


10:30 a.m. Service

Book of Alternative Services (BAS)


1st Reading: 2 Samuel 7.1-11, 16

Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26

Refrain: “I will keep my love for him for ever”

The Epistle: Romans 16:25-27

The Holy Gospel: Luke 1:26-38


Heavenly Father, who chose the Virgin Mary, full of grace, to be the mother of our Lord and Saviour, now fill us with your grace, that we in all things may embrace your will and with her rejoice in your salvation; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Gracious God, by the power of the Spirit who sanctified the mother of your Son, make holy all we offer you this day. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Prayer after Communion

Faithful God, in this sacrament we receive the promise of salvation. May we, like the Virgin Mary, be obedient to your will. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.


We have this Advent wreath to remind us of the coming of Jesus, the Light of the world.

(The fourth candle is lit)

We light this candle to remind us of Mother Mary who told God she would obey. People of God: prepare! God, above all, maker of all, is one with us in Christ.
Come, Lord Jesus!

We light the Advent candles against the winter night
to welcome our Lord Jesus who is the world’s true light.

Four candles burning brightly announce that Christ has come.
Prepare my heart, believe it, and give the Christ child room.

Parish of St. John the Evangelist

Rector: Rev. Wayne Parsons

Deacon: Rev. Jean Janes

Service times: 8:30 a.m. BCP

& 10:30 a.m. BAS

Phone: 834-2336 Fax: 834-0236

Office Email:

Rector’s Email:


Welcome to the Parish of

St. John the Evangelist

Conception Bay South, Newfoundland

21 December 2014

The Bulletin is given to the Glory of God

and Loving Memory of:

Calvin Smith

On the first anniversary of his death


Wife, Clemmie & Family

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

PRAY for: Anglican Church of Canada

Tri-Diocesan Intercessions
Tri-Diocesan Intercessions

Diocese of Central NL

Synod Office StaffDiocesan Wellness Officer

Joint Committee OfficerRetired & Other Diocesan Clergy

Diocese of Western NL

Synod Office StaffRetired Clergy

Vocational DeaconOn Leave Clergy

Executive Director, Killdevil Camp & Conference Centre

The Sick

Fred Denise Stacey John Jessie Perry Elsie Bob RegVioletMarilyn Margaret

If you know someone that is sick and would like to be placed on the sick list, contact the Parish Office. Please ensure that you have their permission for their name to be printed in the bulletin before calling the office. Also, you need to phone the office to have them removed from the sick list when it is no longer needed. Thank you.

Sunday Duties for Sunday, December 28th

persons / Sound / Counting / Readers
Team 4
Kevin C. / Ron S. / Jim S. / Team 8
Valerie Brown

Faithful Departed

Dawson ClarkeJoseph Smith

This year's 'Christmas Holly Tea' on December 13th. was a tremendous success! Thank you to all who helped in any way and especially the "Holly Ladies" for their help and support and to everyone who came along and enjoyed the afternoon.

Committee Reports

All committees are asked to have their reports submitted by January 16th for inclusion to the Annual Report.

2015 Church Envelopes/Advent Envelope….

…are available in the foyer of the church. If you can deliver your neighbors as well, we would appreciate your help. If you require envelopes, please contact the parish office @ 834-2336


Anyone interested in Reader’s or Sidesperson’s duties in 2015 please contact Dave Glynn @ 368-9504 or the Parish Office @ 834-2336 as soon as possible. Thank you!

Year End

You are reminded that our financial records for 2014 will close on December 31st. ALL contributions must be in by that date to be used for your 2014 Income Tax purposes. Any monies received after December 31st will be credited to your account in 2015.

Diocesan Resource Centre Sale

Discover the joy of the Christmas Season at the Diocesan Resource Centre. Be inspired by the nativities, angels and ornaments. There are Christmas books and cards that share the message of Christ's birth. And from now until closing on Tuesday, December 23nd all Christmas giftware, books and cards are 50 to 70% off. That’s right, 50 to 70 % off at the Diocesan Resource Centre, 19 King’s Bridge Road. Shop early for the best savings and selection.