Notes for completion

The form has been designed to give a common ‘look and feel’ to all club cars at a show. The key elements are:

  • A single A4 page for display in the windscreen at shows;
  • Club and Register logo at the top;
  • Vehicle and registration number in the centre at the top;
  • Technical details to the left below the main heading;
  • A current good quality photo of the car to the right (scaled to about 3” x 3”);
  • History, changes and any other interesting facts about the car at the bottom of the page.

The details should be easily readable from a few feet away. The template uses 36 point font for the vehicle details and 18 point font for the rest of the text. Try not to reduce these.

The form has been produced using Microsoft Word (2003). You should be able to use it in later version of Word. If you want to use a different piece of software try to follow the key points above. The template uses text boxes and picture boxes to define the layout. If you need any help contact Paul Sealey via the Webadmin address on the website.

Vehicle Details -

  • the Marque (e.g. Triumph TR6) on the first line; the registration number on the second line

Technical Details

  • Describe the main technical features – engine, gearbox, etc;
  • Include any ‘original specification’ that may have changed;
  • The text box is about 3” deep. If you put too much text in it will disappear off the bottom. Reduce the amount of text or extend the box to keep all text visible.

Photo -

  • Use a recent, good quality photo and crop it so that it is square, and ideally printable at 6” x 6” or greater.
  • Click on the text “Square photo of car reduced to 3”x3”. This will highlight a picture box. Use the ‘insert/picture/from file’ menu item to add your photo. It may initially appear too large – use the ‘handles’ at the corner of the picture to reduce it in size to fit the picture box. (don’t worry if the history box disappears momentarily – it will reappear when the picture is resized correctly!)

History, Changes and other interesting information -

  • Use this section to include other information you know about the car. For example any previous history, restoration work, or modifications that have been made.
  • Make sure the details don’t overflow onto a new page – the template has about 16 lines for this section(but will be less if the technical details column above has been extended).

When you have completed the form send it to and we will get it printed and laminated. You can collect it at one of the club meetings or events you attend. If you want the finished sheet posted back to you, please include the address in the e-mail.