10th April 2014


Jackie O'Connor, Aine Hanlon Lynch, Kathleen Ryan, Pat O'Brien, Matt O'Shea, refer to register for list of parents.

Apologies: Geraldine Caulfield, Orla Traynor and Paula Hart

Pending Items:

Horse show/pending

The TY students will continue the Bake Sale (ran last year as a fund raiser for the Maldonado Mission). They will nominate the charity for this year’s event. The PSA will meet with TY students on April 30th to run through the event with them. The PSA will also provide support on the day. It was agreed that PSA would send a text to parents/guardians asking for support for the fundraiser through providing baked goods and support on the day. Emails have already been sent asking for support of the Horse Show.

The raffle tickets will be distributed on return to school after the Easter holidays (April 28th).

School Uniform/pending

Following on previous discussions regarding the school jacket Karen Grant brought samples of the water resistant and water proof soft shell jacket currently available in uniform shops. It was agreed that she would talk to the main suppliers of the Newbridge College uniform asking them to stock a version with the crest.

previous agreed actions

Social area furniture

The two 6 seater picnic benches have arrived and been installed in the courtyard area. The benches; which are made from recycled plastic and are weather proof; look well and are being used by the students. A bin has been placed near the benches and the issue of litter will be monitored.


As noted above the picnic benches have been purchased for courtyard social area at a cost of €1,600.

The annual donation of €750 has been made to the library.

The main expenditure of the year is the Debs Ball with cufflinks and rings being presented to the graduating students.

The move from text to email should save the PSA approximately €600 per annum. It was agreed that the school will send out a final notice to all parents saying as of September all communication will be email.


Sports Development Fund/on-going

The next of a series of talks funded by the Sports Development Fund takes place later. Newbridge College SDF Committee is present a lecture/discussion covering total preparation for sporting excellence, by Mr Enda McNulty “2XL”. The topics covered will include all the aspects & approaches required to achieve “Peak Performance”; technical, tactical, mental and environmental, and will offer advice and techniques applicable to all sports and indeed to many other aspects of life. This is a great opportunity to hear the most up to date research on what is involved in preparing for success.


The move to e-books and the use of iPads was discussed. It is hoped that the incoming students in 2015/2016 school year will be using iPads and a digital library compatible with system will be introduced during the 2015/2016 school year.



Catherine O'Connor, Cracking the Code, 3rd level has been rearrangedfor May 15th.

It is proposed to arrange for a talk on Emotional Wellbeing for Teenagers by Dr Fergus Heffernan (Child Psychologist) for early in the next school year (Sept/Oct 2014).



The issue of potholes on the roadway to the back gate was raised. This will be addressed during the summer break. The roadway may need to be re-tarred and will need to go to tender.

Debs Ball

Caroline Finansent her apologies and will update the next meeting

Mock Interviews

The Mock Interviews will be conducted on the evening of May 6th. Parents were again asked to volunteer.

Agreed Actions

Meet TY students re Bake Sale GC/KR

Quarterly Communications from Refectory GC/KR

Arrange Dr Heffernan talk PH

Follow up on jacketsKR