Name ______Period _____ Date____

Romeo and Juliet-Study Guide Freshman English

(54 points) Roach

Act One

Scene One

1.  Between what two families does the feud exist?

______vs. ______

2.  What decree does the Prince make after the street brawl?

3.  What advice does Benvolio give Romeo about Rosaline?

Scene Two

1.  How does Capulet respond to Paris’ proposal to marry Juliet?

2.  How do Romeo and Benvolio learn about the Capulet’s Ball? What do they decide to do?

Scene Three

1.  What does Juliet tell her mother when asked, “Can you like of Paris’ love?”?

Scene Four

1.  Explain what Mercutio thinks of dreams after Romeo tells him “Thou talk’st of nothing”.

Scene Five

1.  Where does this scene take place?

2.  Who is Romeo talking about in lines 42-50? Explain the irony in these lines.

3.  Why does Tybalt become so enraged?

4.  How does Capulet respond and why?

Act Two

Scene Two

1.  Where does this scene take place?

2.  To what does Romeo compare Juliet?

3.  Explain why Juliet does not want Romeo to swear his love by the moon?

4.  Explain why Juliet plans to send a messenger to Romeo tomorrow.

Scene Three

1.  Why does Romeo go to see Friar Laurence?

2.  Explain how Friar Laurence responds to Romeo’s request?

3.  Why does Friar Laurence consent to Romeo’s request?

Scene Four

This scene serves as a contrast to the preceding scene in Friar Laurence’s cell. Mercutio and Benvolio are in a merry mood as they walk along talking and laughing about Romeo whom they think is still pining away over Rosaline. Benvolio mentions that Tybalt has sent a challenge to Romeo. Mercutio then gives a long description to Tybalt’s eagerness to fight. Romeo comes along in a good mood after his talk with Friar Laurence. They engage in a series of puns to matching their wits against each other. Along comes Juliet’s nurse and Peter (her servant).

1.  What warning does the nurse give Romeo?

2.  Explain Romeo’s arrangements for marrying Juliet.

Scene Five

Juliet is waiting very impatiently for the nurse’s return. She finally returns and tells Juliet the message.

Scene Six

Romeo and Juliet are married in Friar Laurence’s cell.

Act Three

Scene One

(This scene marks the climax of the drama.)

1.  Tybalt, still enraged at Romeo’s intrusion at the Capulet’s Ball, is determined to fight, but Romeo refuses. Why?

2.  How does Mercutio get involved, and what happens to him?

3.  How does Romeo react to this?

4.  What decree does the Prince make?

Scene Two

1.  Who does Juliet believe is dead when she first hears the news of a death?

2.  How does the nurse console her?

Scene Three

1.  Explain Romeo’s response to being banished.

2.  Explain Friar Laurence’s response.

The nurse arrives with Juliet’s ring and news for Romeo. Friar Laurence tells Romeo to “get thee to thy love,” comfort her, and then flee to Mantua. Later, news of the marriage can be made public and you will be welcomed back “with twenty hundred thousand times more joy than thou went’st forth in lamentation…”

Scene Four

1.  Why do Capulet and Lady Capulet think Juliet is crying alone in her room?

2.  What plans does Capulet make with Paris regarding Juliet?

Scene Five

Day breaks and Romeo must leave. Juliet is very reluctant to have Romeo leave her and does not want to admit it is morning. Finally Romeo leaves and Juliet’s mother comes to her chamber. Lady Capulet tells her the ‘good news’ and Juliet cries, “I won’t marry yet…and when I do it will be Romeo.”

1.  How does Lady Capulet respond when Capulet enters the room and asks, “How now wife. Have you delivered to her our decree?”

2.  What does Capulet tell Juliet she can do if she refuses to marry Paris?

3.  What advice does the nurse give Juliet?

4.  What does Juliet decide to do?

Act Four

Scene One

Juliet is no longer the obedient child. The events of the past few days have caused her to mature. With no hope of help from her mother or the nurse she is now taking matters into her own hands. She gives the excuse that since she has displeased her father, she is going to Friar Laurence to confess her sin and be absolved. (Notice how she deals with Paris at the opening of this scene.)

1.  Once Paris is gone Juliet pleads with Friar Laurence to help her out of her predicament. Explain in detail the plan they arrange.

Scene Two

Juliet returns from confession and claims to understand that disobeying your father is a sin. She is so convincing in her deception that her father decides to move the wedding day up from Thursday to Wednesday. Nurse and Juliet leave to choose a wardrobe and jewelry for her wedding day.

Scene Three

1.  List four things that Juliet fears as she is about to drink the potion.





Scene Four

The Capulets are busy preparing for Juliet’s wedding. The Nurse is told to wake Juliet up and get her ready.

Scene Five

The nurse discovers Juliet’s apparently lifeless body, and the happy day for the Capulet’s becomes a day of sorrow.

Act Five

Scene One

1.  Who brings Romeo the sad news from Verona?

2.  How does Romeo convince the apothecary to sell him poison?

3.  Where does he plan to go to take the poison?

Scene Two

1.  Why was Romeo not warned of Friar Laurence’s plan?

2.  What does Friar Laurence now plan to do?

Scene Three

1.  Why does Paris come to Juliet’s burial place?

2.  What happens when Romeo and Paris meet?

3.  What becomes of Paris?

Romeo enters the tomb and sees Juliet. He takes the poison, and no sooner does Romeo die, than Friar Laurence comes along. Juliet awakens.

4. What does Friar Laurence want Juliet to do?

5. Explain Juliet’s actions after Friar Laurence leaves the tomb.

Paris, Romeo and Juliet’s bodies are discovered. Capulet, Lady Capulet and the Prince soon enter the tomb. Montague arrives and delivers news that his wife has died of grief over Romeo’s banishment. Friar Laurence explains the events that have transpired.

6. What do the Montague’s and Capulet’s agree to do in honor of their children?

The entire course of action in this drama took place within five days.