Transport Accident Commission
Assessment Task 2: Part Two – Make a Film. Make a Difference (MAFMAD)
This assessment piece integrates ICT, English, Communication and Health and Physical Education.
- Based on the issues studies from MAFMAD, students are required to undertake an electronic debate, exploring one or more of the issues explored through MAFMAD short films. Student work will be reviewed and assessed individually based on their analytical responses. They will also be assessed on the basis of a brief report given to the class group at the end of the process.
- The idea of this assessment piece is to have the students write and communicate their opinions and arguments freely via a form of virtual communication that many of them are comfortable with using. This online forum draws similarities with Internet based social utilities such as Facebookthat is a part of their social world.
- You will need to gather all emails of the students from your class and save these into your Gmail account.
- Once you have done this, setting up the discussion forum is straight forward and user friendly (instructions are listed under ‘Set Up’).
- Post three to five different topics/questions to spark debate regarding various issues studied with the MAFMAD films in class. You can invite students at any stage in the forum (simply by entering in their email address to verify them as a member)!
- Each student will then be required to present a two to three-minute oral report to the class in which they explain the main feedback that was gleaned from participation in the discussion forum.
- This task leads to Part Three, which is the creation of your own Welcome Page.
- This task should be safe from online bullying and/or other inappropriate behaviour as the teacher can monitor everything that is being written. This should be explained to the members of the online chat forum (your students) prior to the commencement of the discussion, and consequences of inappropriate behaviour need to be emphasised.
- If time permits, brainstorm and discuss what the students see to be ethical and socially appropriate and inappropriate behaviour of online communication (this is one of the criteria points).
- The chatshould belimited to the members in your group (which you will need each member’s emails) and made inaccessible to other Internet users.
It will take the teacher about 30 minutes to set up an online discussion (about two minutes if you already have a Gmail account and saved email addresses of your class).
- Create an email account by clicking on ‘Gmail
- Then click on ‘sign up for Gmail, in the bottom right hand corner of the page
- This will lead you to a page that is self-explanatory and will guide you through in a step-by-step process to creating a Gmail account. To log in as a Gmail user simply put in your username and password into the delegated boxes. Group members do not have to have Gmail to participate in the online forum.
- In the URL box type in The click on ‘my groups’ (top middle of page) drop down arrow and ‘create group’ (you can select settings whereby only your groups members have access to it). Once again Google will guide you through the forum start up process step by step.
- You will receive an email that looks like this. This will confirm the establishment of your online forum.
Congratulations: you've successfully created your Google Group, Year 10
Health Class TAC.
Here are the essentials:
* Group name: Year 10 Health Class TAC
* Group home page:
* Group email address
And here are links to a few more Google Group-related goodies:
* Change group settings:* Invite more users: ...
- To access the discussion simply key in you ‘group homepage’ address listed in your confirmation email (
- Create a few topics of discussion by clicking onto ‘discussion’ then on the sub link called ‘new post’. Type away!
1. 2.
- Begin with some open questions where students can discuss and post their thoughts on the topic as a class. You may choose to do this over a few lessons. Students use their debating and analytical skills to explore relevant topics through an online forum.
- You can even create a welcome message, add links (i.e. to MAFMAD short films), as well as adding pictures (i.e. MAFMAD or Transport Accident Commission logo) and files (the assessment criteria sheet). These can all be notified to the students through the welcome message or an instruction sheet.
Oral report
Each student is to present an oral report to the class, which lasts for between two to three minutes. The report is to cover the following:
- the main areas selected by the student to be the basis for their contribution to the discussion forum;
- feedback on the comments that were received via the discussion forum;
- evaluation of the usefulness of this process as a means of expanding the student’s understanding of the issues relevant to road safety and individual responsibility.